An investigation was conducted for the study of extraction of metal ions using aqueous biphasic systems. The extraction of iron, zinc and copper from aqueous sulphate media at different kinds of extractants SCN− , Cl- and I- , different values of pH of the feed solution, phase ratio, concentration of metals, concentration of extractant, concentration of polymer, and concentration of salt was investigated. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to measure the concentration of iron, zinc and copper in the aqueous phase throughout the experiments. The results of the extraction experiments showed the use of SCN− as extractant, pH=2.5, phase ratio=1.5, concentration of metals 1g/l, concentration of extractant 0.06 %, concentration of polymer =50 %, and concentration of salt=20% gave the highest value of percent removed. Also increase of extractant concentration increases the percent removed. The results clarified that increasing the metal ions concentration in the aqueous phase causes to decease the percent removed. The addition of an inorganic salt (sodium sulphate) up to (20%) increased the dehydration of polymer chains and then increases the percent removed.
يهدف البحث الحالي إلى الاستفادة من القهوة المستهلكة , كمادة وسيطة حيث تعد القهوة المستهلكة من المخلفات المضرة للبيئة الاستخراج الكافيين الطبيعي والذي يعد مادة ذات نشاط حيوي واهمية, وتحديد العوامل الفعالة في كفاءة عملية الاستخلاص من حيث تركيز الكافيين. تضمنت المتغيرات الرئيسية المدروسة وقت الاستخلاص 0-150 دقيقة ، ودرجة الحرارة 25-55 درجة مئوية ، وسرعة الخلط 180-450 دورة في الدقيقة ، ودرجة الحموضة العالق
... Show MoreIn the present study, the removal of zinc from synthetic waste water using emulsion liquid membrane extraction technique was investigated. Synthetic surfactant solution is used as the emulsifying agent. Diphenylthiocarbazon (ditizone) was used as the extracting agent dissolved in carbon tetrachloride as the organic solvent and sulfuric acid is used as the stripping agent. The parameters that influence the extraction percentage of Zn+2 were studied. These are the ratio of volume of organic solvent to volume of aqueous feed (0.5-4), ratio of volume of surfactant solution to volume of aqueous feed (0.2-1.6), pH of the aqueous feed solution (5-10), mixing intensity (100-1000) rpm, concentration of extracting agent (20-400) ppm, surfactant co
... Show MoreEnvironmental pollution is experiencing an alarming surge within the global ecosystem, warranting urgent attention. Among the significant challenges that demand immediate resolution, effective treatment of industrial pollutants stands out prominently, which for decades has been the focus of most researchers for sustainable industrial development aiming to remove those pollutants and recover some of them. The liquid membrane (LM) method, specifically electromembrane extraction (EME), offers promise. EME deploys an electric field, reducing extraction time and energy use while staying eco-friendly. However, there's a crucial knowledge gap. Despite strides in understanding and applying EME, optimizing it for diverse industrial pollutant
... Show MoreThe current study investigated the stability and the extraction efficiency of emulsion liquid membrane (ELM) for Abamectin pesticide removal from aqueous solution. The stability was investigated in terms of droplet emulsion size distribution and emulsion breakage percent. The proposed ELM included a mixture of corn oil and kerosene (1:1) as a diluent, Span 80 (sorbitan monooleate) as a surfactant and hydrochloric acid (HCl) as a stripping agent without utilizing a carrier agent. Parameters such as homogenizer speed, surfactant concentration, emulsification time and internal to organic volume ratio (I/O) were evaluated. Results show that the lower droplet size of 0.9 µm and higher stable emulsion in terms of breakage percent of 1.12 % were
... Show MoreThe current study investigated the stability and the extraction efficiency of emulsion liquid membrane (ELM) for Abamectin pesticide removal from aqueous solution. The stability was investigated in terms of droplet emulsion size distribution and emulsion breakage percent. The proposed ELM included a mixture of corn oil and kerosene (1:1) as a diluent, Span 80 (sorbitan monooleate) as a surfactant and hydrochloric acid (HCl) as a stripping agent without utilizing a carrier agent. Parameters such as homogenizer speed, surfactant concentration, emulsification time and internal to organic volume ratio (I/O) were evaluated. Results show that the lower droplet size of 0.9 µm and higher stable emulsion in terms of breakage percent of 1.12 % we
... Show MoreIn the present work studies were carried out to extract a cationic dye (Methylene Blue MB) from an aqueous solution using emulsion liquid membrane process (ELM). The organic phase (membrane phase) consists of Span 80 as emulsifier, sulfuric acid solution as stripping agent and hexane as diluent.
In this study, important factors influencing the extraction of methylene blue dye were studied. These factors include H2SO4 concentration in the stripping phase, agitation speed in the dye permeation stage, Initial dye concentration and diluent type.
More than (98%) of Methylene blue dye was extracted at the following conditions: H2SO4 concentration (1.25) M, agitation
... Show MoreIn this study, a mathematical model for the kinetics of solute transport in liquid membrane systems (LMSs) has been formulated. This model merged the mechanisms of consecutive and reversible processes with a “semi-derived” diffusion expression, resulting in equations that describe solute concentrations in the three sections (donor, acceptor and membrane). These equations have been refined into linear forms, which are satisfying in the special conditions for simplification obtaining the important kinetic constants of the process experimentally.