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The Effect of Laminated Layers on the Flutter Speed of Composite Wing

The paper presents an investigation to the flutter speed of composite wing for different ply orientation. Structurally the composite wing was idealized as a composite beam load carrying structure. Theodorsen’s expression was used to get the 2- dimension unsteady lifting force and pitching moment in the limit of incompressible flow and subsonic speed which were integrated over the wing span. A free vibration analysis was first carried out to get the natural frequencies and mode shapes .The velocity-damping (V-g) method was used to calculate the flutter speed and the flutter frequency. A wing of unmanned aerial vehicle was manufactured from woven glass and polyester resin where the flutter speed was calculated experimentally by the wind tunnel test .The flutter speed was calculated analytically for different ply orientation, it is found that the increasing in torsion rigidity leads to increase in the flutter speed, the fiber combination with high torsion rigidity and relatively low coupling rigidity give higher flutter speed.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of economic factors on the appearance of unequal costs and rationalization of operational decision: An applied research in Wasit State Company for Textile Industries

There is a set of economic factors that affect the rationalization of decisions on unexploited resources within the economic unit and here determines the problem of the search for the question of what economic factors cause the emergence of asymmetric costs, and aims to identify these factors in the costs of adjustment to resources, change in The size of the activity of the economic unit, the general trend of sales change in the previous period, and the economic level of the country. Rh measure the impact of these factors on economic unity, and taking into consideration the impact when formulating decisions.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2024
Journal Name
Polish Journal Of Chemical Technology
Preparation of nano SnO<sub>2</sub>-Sb<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> composite electrode by cathodic deposition for the elimination of phenol by Sonoelectrochemical oxidation

The preparation of composite metal oxide to attain high efficiency in removing phenol from wastewater has a great concern. In the present study, the focus would be on adopting antimony-tin oxide coating onto graphite substrates instead of titanium; besides the effect of SbCl3 concentration on the SnO2-Sb2O3 composite would be examined. The performance of this composite electrode as the working electrode in the removal of phenol by sonoelectrochemical oxidation will be studied. The antimony-tin dioxide composite electrode was prepared by cathodic deposition with SnCl2 . 2H2O solution in a mixture of HNO3 and NaNO3, with different concentrations of SbCl3. The SnO2-Sb2O3 deposit layer’s structure and morphology were examined and the 4 g/l Sb

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 29 2018
Journal Name
Effect of Reminding Parents on Vaccination Dates Using Mobile Short Messages on the Routine Vaccination Coverage of Infants in Al Resafa-Baghdad, 2015-2016

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
The impact of the Corona pandemic on the financial performance of companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange

This research aims to demonstrate the nature and concept of the Corona pandemic, its implications for the global economy, and the management and performance of companies in particular. Additionally, the research intends to measure the impact of the Corona pandemic on companies' financial performance. Listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange, which has finished compiling its year-end financial statements for 2019-2020. The investigation arrived at several findings, the most significant of which was that most businesses were not prepared for such a crisis technologically or to develop human resources to deal with this pandemic. In addition, most companies experienced a decrease in their financial performance as a direct result of the Corona pandemi

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Scopus (4)
Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Biological Effect of Different Concentrations of Bacillus Thurngensis Isolated From The Soils of Sawa Lake, Al Muthanna Governorate on The of Hypera postica at Different Time Periods
Abstract<p>This study conduct in Al-Muthanna governorate to assess five concentrations of <italic>Bacillus</italic> thurngensisagonist <italic>Hyperapostica</italic>. The results showed the presence of <italic>Bacillus thurngensisin</italic> all the studied sites of Lake Sawa in Muthanna Governorate, and the rates of its presence were close to the same sites, and the rate of its presence in those sites was 35%, and its highest rate was recorded in the north and east of the lake, as it reached 40% and the lowest amounted to 30% in the two sites south and west site. The results of the study showed that five concentrations were taken from bacterial isolates of <it></it></p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Oct 26 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of Soluble Proteins(Spl and Sp2) Effect of extracted from Proteus mirabilis on the Activity of Superoxide Dismutase,SOD in the Sera of albino rabbit

The  a i m  of  the  present  study  is  to  shed  some  light  on  the

imm u nol ogica l     effect   of  so lub l e  protei ns  extracted   from  Proteu mirabilis  th rough  em ployi ng t he  level  of  the en zy mati c  activity  of Superoxide Dismutase,SOD.

The    olublc  proteins·Sp I       and  Sp2,were  extracted   by  usi ng th e lysosyme   enzyme  .The  rabbits  were divided  into three groups  ,the fir t one was injected w

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 12 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Linear attenuation coefficient measurement in polymer composite

Linear attenuation coefficient of polymer composite for beta particles and bremsstrahlung ray were investigated as a function of the absorber thickness and energy. The attenuation coefficient were obtained using NaI(Tl) energy selective scintillation counter with 90Sr/90Y beta source having an energy range from 0.1-1.1 MeV. The present results show the capability of this composite to absorber beta particles and bremsstrahlung ray that yield from it. That’s mean it is useful to choice this composite for radiation shielding of beta ray with low thickness.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of the Strategy of Cognitive Discrepancy in the Achievement of Literature and Texts among the Fourth-Stage Students

The present research aims at identifying the effect of the cognitive discrepancy strategy on the fourth-stage students’ achievement in literature and texts. The researcher adopted the null hypothesis: there is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average grades of the experimental group who study literature and texts following the discrepancies strategy, and those who follow the traditional method. A post-achievement test of (60) paragraphs was administered to (6) students as the study sample. The results showed that the experimental group who studied literature and texts with the strategy of cognitive achieved better than the control group who followed the traditional method in the post-achievement t

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Preparation and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles and Study Their effect on the Electrical Conductivity of ÙŠ the Polymer Blend(Poly vinyle acitet. Pectin ,poly Aniline)

 In research we prepared electrical conductive polymer mixture wich consisted of three polymers [pectin, poly vinyl acetate and poly Aniline] was prepared then doping silver nanoparticles. Meaning it was conducting research on the three stages the first is  Preparing triple polymer blend , Preparing silver nanoparticles and Tchoub mix triple Article nanoparticles in different proportions to get (Nanopolymer composites), and Preparing and making chips complexes in (casting method) for the purpose of measuring electrical conductivity her. Also we examined samples spectrum infrared (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction), SEM microscope and atomic force microscopy AFM. Electrical conductivity of the device chips have been measured (LCR) resul

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of insider trading in accounting information on the investors decisions: An Applied Study In a sample of corporation listed in Iraq Securities Exchange

This research aims to discuss an important issue because of its role in increasing the efficiency of financial markets and boost investor confidence by a insider trading, which arises as a result of leaking secret information to some investors and reliable in the process of trading shares in the Iraq Stock Exchange And thus obtain abnormal profits at the expense of other investors. Research was based on the assumption that " Where shortcomings in local regulations relating to disclosure and insider trading in accounting information leads to the activate the phenomenon of insider trading in accounting information in the Iraq Stock Exchange and including a negative impact on investors' decisions ". and Because of the difficulty the discove

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