Visualization of water flow around different bluff bodies at different Reynolds number ranging (1505 - 2492) was realized by designing and building a test rig which contains an open channel capable to ensure water velocity range (4-8cm/s) in this channel. Hydrogen bubbles generated from the ionized water using DC power supply are visualized by a light source and photographed by a digital camera. Flow pattern around a circular disk of (3.6cm) diameter and (3mm) thickness, a sphere of (3.8cm) diameter and a cylinder of
(3.2cm) diameter and (10cm) length are studied qualitatively. Parameters of the vortex ring generated in the wake region of the disk and the separation angle of water stream lines from the surface of the sphere are plotted versus Reynolds number. Proper empirical formulas are investigated to describe the behavior of vortex ring parameters and separation angle versus Reynolds number. Vortex growth history in the wake region of the cylinder is identified by analyzing the photographs extracted from the digital camera used for
photography purposes. Water velocity measurement in the upstream region and near the edge of the disk is conducted at different Reynolds number by measuring the length of Hydrogen bubble pulse streaks generated in the upstream region of the disk using electronic pulse generator circuit. Special electronic circuit is designed and fabricated to cut off the applied DC voltage. The calibration of the designed pulse generator is conducted using the proper oscilloscope device. The pictures extracted from the digital camera are used for analyzing the generated Hydrogen pulses.
The effects of solar radiation pressure at several satellite (near Earth orbit satellite, low Earth orbit satellite, medium Earth orbit satellite and high Earth orbit satellite ) have been investigated. Computer simulation of the equation of motion with perturbations using step-by-step integration (Cowell's method) designed by matlab a 7.4 where using Jacobian matrix method to increase the accuracy of result.
في هذا البحث , استعملنا طرائق مختلفة لتقدير معلمة القياس للتوزيع الاسي كمقدر الإمكان الأعظم ومقدر العزوم ومقدر بيز في ستة أنواع مختلفة عندما يكون التوزيع الأولي لمعلمة القياس : توزيع لافي (Levy) وتوزيع كامبل من النوع الثاني وتوزيع معكوس مربع كاي وتوزيع معكوس كاما وتوزيع غير الملائم (Improper) وتوزيع
... Show MoreIn this paper, we are mainly concerned with estimating cascade reliability model (2+1) based on inverted exponential distribution and comparing among the estimation methods that are used . The maximum likelihood estimator and uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimators are used to get of the strengths and the stress ;k=1,2,3 respectively then, by using the unbiased estimators, we propose Preliminary test single stage shrinkage (PTSSS) estimator when a prior knowledge is available for the scale parameter as initial value due past experiences . The Mean Squared Error [MSE] for the proposed estimator is derived to compare among the methods. Numerical results about conduct of the considered
... Show MoreIn this research, the methods of Kernel estimator (nonparametric density estimator) were relied upon in estimating the two-response logistic regression, where the comparison was used between the method of Nadaraya-Watson and the method of Local Scoring algorithm, and optimal Smoothing parameter λ was estimated by the methods of Cross-validation and generalized Cross-validation, bandwidth optimal λ has a clear effect in the estimation process. It also has a key role in smoothing the curve as it approaches the real curve, and the goal of using the Kernel estimator is to modify the observations so that we can obtain estimators with characteristics close to the properties of real parameters, and based on medical data for patients with chro
... Show MoreIn this paper, we consider a new approach to solve type of partial differential equation by using coupled Laplace transformation with decomposition method to find the exact solution for non–linear non–homogenous equation with initial conditions. The reliability for suggested approach illustrated by solving model equations such as second order linear and nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation. The application results show the efficiency and ability for suggested approach.
An Alternating Directions Implicit method is presented to solve the homogeneous heat diffusion equation when the governing equation is a bi-harmonic equation (X) based on Alternative Direction Implicit (ADI). Numerical results are compared with other results obtained by other numerical (explicit and implicit) methods. We apply these methods it two examples (X): the first one, we apply explicit when the temperature .
Coaxial (wire-cylinder) electrodes arrangements are widely used for electrostatic deposition of dust particles in flue gases, when a high voltage is applied to electrodes immersed in air and provide a strongly non-uniform electric field. The efficiency of electrostatic filters mainly depends on the value of the applied voltage and the distribution of the electric field. In this work, a two-dimensional computer simulation was constructed to study the effect of different applied voltages (20, 22, 25, 26, 28, 30 kV) on the inner electrode and their effect on the efficiency of the electrostatic precipitator. Finite Element Method (FEM) and COMSOL Multiphysics software were used to simulate the cross section of a wire cylinder. The results sh
... Show MoreIn this paper, we find the two solutions of two dimensional stochastic Fredholm integral equations contain two gamma processes differ by the parameters in two cases and equal in the third are solved by the Adomain decomposition method. As a result of the solutions probability density functions and their variances at the time t are derived by depending upon the maximum variances of each probability density function with respect to the three cases. The auto covariance and the power spectral density functions are also derived. To indicate which of the three cases is the best, the auto correlation coefficients are calculated.
Mutans streptococci (MS) are a group of oral bacteria considered as the main cariogenic organisms. MS consists of several species of genus Streptococcus which are sharing similar phenotypes and genotypes. The aim of this study is to determine the genetic diversity of the core species of clinical strains of Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus and Streptococcus downei by using repitative extragenic palindromic (REP) primer. The DNA of the clinical strains of S. mutans (n=10), S. sobrinus (n=05) and S. downei (n=04) have been employed in the present study, which have been previously isolated from caries active subjects. The DNA of the clinical and reference strains was
... Show MoreThe Karolinka earth-fill dam was constructed between 1977 and 1984 on the Stanovnice river above the town of Karolinka in the region of Vsetínsko in Czech Republic. Because of leakage on the downstream dam face due to technological indiscipline when filling dam layers during the dam construction stage, there were some steps to improve state dam safety. The final rehabilitation is to construct the diaphragm walls from self-hardening cement-bentonite suspension along the length of the dam. In addition to connecting the gallery and abutment (2 × 25 m long) by using jet piles. The article presents numerical modeling of safety factor evaluation associated with the state of the dam body and foundation; before, and after seal
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