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Water Flow Visualization And Velocity Measurement Using Hydrogen Bubble Generation Technique In Low Speed Open Channel
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Visualization of water flow around different bluff bodies at different Reynolds number ranging (1505 - 2492) was realized by designing and building a test rig which contains an open channel capable to ensure water velocity range (4-8cm/s) in this channel. Hydrogen bubbles generated from the ionized water using DC power supply are visualized by a light source and photographed by a digital camera. Flow pattern around a circular disk of (3.6cm) diameter and (3mm) thickness, a sphere of (3.8cm) diameter and a cylinder of
(3.2cm) diameter and (10cm) length are studied qualitatively. Parameters of the vortex ring generated in the wake region of the disk and the separation angle of water stream lines from the surface of the sphere are plotted versus Reynolds number. Proper empirical formulas are investigated to describe the behavior of vortex ring parameters and separation angle versus Reynolds number. Vortex growth history in the wake region of the cylinder is identified by analyzing the photographs extracted from the digital camera used for
photography purposes. Water velocity measurement in the upstream region and near the edge of the disk is conducted at different Reynolds number by measuring the length of Hydrogen bubble pulse streaks generated in the upstream region of the disk using electronic pulse generator circuit. Special electronic circuit is designed and fabricated to cut off the applied DC voltage. The calibration of the designed pulse generator is conducted using the proper oscilloscope device. The pictures extracted from the digital camera are used for analyzing the generated Hydrogen pulses.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Non-deterministic Approach for Reliability Evaluation of Steel Beam
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This paper aims to evaluate the reliability analysis for steel beam which represented by the probability of Failure and reliability index. Monte Carlo Simulation Method (MCSM) and First Order Reliability Method (FORM) will be used to achieve this issue. These methods need two samples for each behavior that want to study; the first sample for resistance (carrying capacity R), and second for load effect (Q) which are parameters for a limit state function. Monte Carlo method has been adopted to generate these samples dependent on the randomness and uncertainties in variables. The variables that consider are beam cross-section dimensions, material property, beam length, yield stress, and applied loads. Matlab software has be

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of Macton's Method for Developing Non-Linguistic Cognitive Sensory Skills for Autistic Spectrum Children
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The present study aimed at identifying the effectiveness of Macaton method in improving some sensory and cognitive skills in autistic children. In order to achieve the aims of the study, the researcher used the experimental method. The present study sample was (10) children whose ages ranged between (7-10) years and were diagnosed medically with autism disorder. The researcher randomly selected the sample and divided it into two groups: the first group consisted of (5) children representing the experimental group, and (5) children representing the control group after extracting the equivalence between the two groups in terms of age, intelligence, economic and social level and the degree of communication. The program was implemented for t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Hydrodynamic Pressure Gradient Correlation of Some Iraqi Oil Wells
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Empirical equation has been presented to predict the optimum hydrodynamic
pressure gradient with optimum mud flow rate (one equation) of five Iraqi oil wells
to obtain the optimum carrying capacity of the drilling fluid ( optimum transport
cuttings from the hole to the surface through the annulus).
This equation is a function of mud flow rate, mud density and penetration
rate without using any charts or graphs.
The correlation coefficient accuracy is more than 0.9999.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Catalytic Reforming of Iraqi Naphtha over Pt-Ti / HY Zeolite Catalyst
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In the present work, zeolite Y has been synthesized successfully by sol-gel method.Zeolite was synthesized by crystallization of the final gel which consist from seeding and feed stock gels at  85 oC. HY zeolite was prepared by an ion exchange process with ammonium chloride solution and then loaded with different percentages of  platinum and titanium by the wet - impregnation method.

X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray Florescence (XRF), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), BET surface area and, Crushing strength were used to characterize the synthesized and prepared catalysts . Results showed high crystallinity  90%  with silica to alumina ratio 5 for HY, high surface area of 600 m2/g and pore

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 18 2019
Journal Name
Proceedings Of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2019,
Study of sound absorption of micro perforated panel with visco-thermal effects
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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of RCMD Beams with Large Circular Opening Strengthened with CFRP Material
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This paper presents the non-linear finite element method to study the behavior of four reinforced rectangular concrete MD beams with web circular openings tested under two-point load. The numerical finite elements methods have been used in a much more practical way to achieve approximate solutions for more complex problems.  The ABAQUS /CAE is chosen to explore the behavior of MD beams. This paper also studies, the effect of both size and shape of the circular apertures of MD beams. The strengthening technique that used in this paper is externally strengthening using CFRP around the opening in the MD beams. The numerical results were compared to the experimental results in terms of ultimate load failure and displace

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Tue Apr 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Sumudu Iterative Method for solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
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       In this paper, we apply a new technique combined by a Sumudu transform and iterative method called the Sumudu iterative method for resolving non-linear partial differential equations to compute analytic solutions. The aim of this paper is to construct the efficacious frequent relation to resolve these problems. The suggested technique is tested on four problems. So the results of this study are debated to show how useful this method is in terms of being a powerful, accurate and fast tool with a little effort compared to other iterative methods.

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Extend Differential Transform Methods for Solving Differential Equations with Multiple Delay
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In this paper, we present an approximate analytical and numerical solutions for the differential equations with multiple delay using the extend differential transform method (DTM). This method is used to solve many linear and non linear problems.


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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Volterra Runge- Kutta Methods for Solving Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equations
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In this paper Volterra Runge-Kutta methods which include: method of order two and four will be applied to general nonlinear Volterra integral equations of the second kind. Moreover we study the convergent of the algorithms of Volterra Runge-Kutta methods. Finally, programs for each method are written in MATLAB language and a comparison between the two types has been made depending on the least square errors.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Applied Research Journal
Response of R.C. Barriers Subjected to TNT Explosion Blast Loading
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Reinforced concrete barriers have been commonly used in protecting the important building because the response of R.C. barriers subjected to blast loading is practically more acceptable than other materials used to build the barriers. In this study, the response of R.C. barriers was detected due to the blast effects caused by two charge weights (50 kg and 400 kg); ANSYS 14 was used to simulate the problem. A horizontal distance of 2 m between the explosive TNT charge and the front face of wall was taken. The pressure on the front face of the concrete barriers was measured at three levels. The R.C. barrier was entirely damaged when subjected to the blast effects caused by 400 kg TNT explosion bomb. However, the 50 kg TNT charge had

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