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Genetic Algorithm Optimization Model for Central Marches Restoration Flows with Different Water Quality Scenarios
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A Genetic Algorithm optimization model is used in this study to find the optimum flow values of the Tigris river branches near Ammara city, which their water is to be used for central marshes restoration after mixing in Maissan River. These tributaries are Al-Areed, AlBittera and Al-Majar Al-Kabeer Rivers. The aim of this model is to enhance the water quality in Maissan River, hence provide acceptable water quality for marsh restoration. The model is applied for different water quality change scenarios ,i.e. , 10%,20% increase in EC,TDS and BOD. The model output are the optimum flow values for the three rivers while, the input data are monthly flows(1994-2011),monthly water requirements and water quality parameters (EC, TDS, BOD, DO and pH).The objective function adopted in the optimization model is in a form the sum of difference in each of the 5 water quality parameters, resulting from the
mixing equation of the waters of the rivers, from the accepted limits of these parameters , weighted by a penalty factor assigned for each water quality parameter according to its importance. The adopted acceptable limits are 1500,1000, 6,4 and 7, while the penalty factors are 1,0.8,0.8,0.8,and 0.2 for EC,TDS,BOD,DO,and pH respectively. The constraints adopted on the decision variables which the monthly flows of the three rivers are those that provide the monthly demands downstream each river, and not exceed a maximum monthly flow
limits. The maximum flow limits adopted are for three flow cases, wet, average and dry years. For each flow case three scenarios for the monthly water quality parameters were adopted , the average values(scenario 1),the 10% increase in EC,TDS, and BOD (Scenario
2),and the 20% increase in these three water quality parameters (Scenario 3). Hence nine cases are adopted and for each an optimum monthly flows are found for each river. The genetic optimization model adopt a variable number of population of 100 to 1000 in a step of
100,0.8 and 0.2 cross over and mutation rates, and three iterations to reach the stable optimum solutions. The results indicates that the flow analysis shows a significant decrease in the flow values of the three rives after year 2000,hence, the flow values for the period of (1994-1999), are excluded and the only used values are those for (2000-2011). The estimated monthly demands exhibits low variation. The observed optimum monthly flow values decrease in general as the case flow changed from wet to normal and dry cases. The change in Scenarios from S1 to S2 and S3 , do not necessarily increase all the required optimum monthly flow values. The obtained minimum objective functions do not exhibits a certain trend with the change in the flow cases and/or the change in the scenarios.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Study of Solar Still Under Influence of Various Conditions
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In the present work, experimental tests was done to explain the effect of insulation and water level on the yield output. Linear basin, single slope solar still used to do this purpose. The test was done from May to August 2017 in Mosul City-Iraq (Latitude: Longitude: Elevation: 200 m, and  South-East face). Experimental results showed that the yield output of the still increased by 20.785% and 19.864% in case of using thermal insulation at 4cm and 5cm respectively, also the yield output decrease by 15.134% as the water level increase from 4 to 5cm, with the presence of insulation and 14.147% without it. It has been conclude that the insulation and water level play important role in the process of passive

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Re-evaluation of Petro physical Properties in Yammama Formation at Nasiriya Field
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Nasiriya field is located about 38 Km to the north – west of Nasiriya city. Yammama, a giant lower cretaceous reservoir in Nasiriya field which is lithologically formed from limestone. Yammama mainly was divided into three main reservoir units YA, YB1, YB2 and YB3 and it is separated by impermeable layers of variable thickness. An accurate petro physical evolution of the reservoir is of great importance perform an excellent geological model so that four petro physical properties which are shale volume, porosity, water saturation and permeability was re-evaluated. The volume of shale was calculated using the density and neutron logs (VSH-DN) rather than using gamma ray log because of presence a uranium content in the formation that make

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Investigation of the Natural Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) in the cyprinus carpio fishes breeding in artificial lakes of Baghdad governorate
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The steady consumption of fish led many researchers to study it preferences over other foods, especially for radioactivity content. The specific activity concentration (S.A) of natural occurring radioactive materials (NORM) have been measured for Cyprinus carpio fishes collected from several industrial fishes' lakes located in Baghdad governorate using gamma spectroscopy doped with high purity germanium coaxial detector (HPGe). Thirteen fishes' samples were collected from industrial lakes, three samples were collected from cages, and two samples were collected from Trigger River. The last two types of samples were collected in order to compare the results with it. The measured overall averages of S.A for Ra-226, Th-232, and K-40 were 58.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Preparation of the Epoxy / Chicken Eggshell Composites to use in Surfaces Coating
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    In this  work , impact strength and the water absorption  ratio of powders of white and brown local chicken eggshell reinforced epoxy with different volume fractions ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and  5 % ) were studied .       The experimental results show that composite filled by ( 1 % Vol . )of white eggshell powder exhibited  maximum  impact  strength and high resistance to tape water , so we choose this volume fraction to use the epoxy composite in coating . Optical microscopic observations are taken to develop a better  understanding of the phenomena taking place in the material system at microscopic level .

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Detection and interpretation of clouds types using visible and infrared satellite images
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One of the most Interesting natural phenomena is clouds that have a very strong effect on the climate, weather and the earth's energy balance. Also clouds consider the key regulator for the average temperature of the plant. In this research monitoring and studying the cloud cover to know the clouds types and whether they are rainy or not rainy using visible and infrared satellite images. In order to interpret and know the types of the clouds visually without using any techniques, by comparing between the brightness and the shape of clouds in the same area for both the visible and infrared satellite images, where the differences in the contrasts of visible image are the albedo differences, while in the infrared images is the temperature d

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 31 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Energy Saving of Heat Gain by Using Buried Pipe Inside a Roof
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    This work deals with a numerical investigation to evaluate the utilization of a water pipe buried inside a roof to reduce the heat gain and minimize the transmission of heat energy inside the conditioning space in summer season.     The numerical results of this paper showed that the reduction in heat gain and energy saving could be occurred with specific values of parameters, like the number of pipes per square meter, the ratio of pipe diameter to the roof thickness, and the pipe inlet water temperature. Comparing with a normal roof (without pipes), the results indicated a significant reduction in energy heat gain which is about 37.8% when the number of pipes per m

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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The settlement rate and pore water pressure dissipation rate are mainly controlled by the permeability of soil. Both laboratory and field tests show that the permeability is varied during the loading and consolidation process. It is known that consolidation process is accompanied by decrease in void ratio which leads to decrease in the coefficient of permeability. The importance of the decrease of the coefficient of permeability on the time rate of settlement and pore water pressure needs to be investigated.
This paper takes into account the change in coefficient of permeability during consolidation and studies its effect on consolidation characteristics of a clay layer. The finite element method is used in the analysis and the packag

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Commercial fish catch in the Iraqi marine waters from December 2018 to December 2019 was investigated. The study is based on three stations: the first station is located at the Shatt Al-Arab estuary, the second represents the area between the Shatt Al-Arab Estuary and open marine waters, and the third is associated with the Iraqi territorial marine waters. The total weight of the catch was 1881 kg, represented by 500, 654, and 727 kg in the first, second and third stations respectively. The third station was the highest with a majority of the family Sciaenidae by 464 kg, while the lowest was the family Scombridae by 0.5 kg. The total number of species included 37 species, belonging to 27 genera, 19 families, and 6 orders, the largest ord

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 16 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Earthquake Engineering
Dynamic Response of Saturated Soil - Foundation System Acted upon by Vibration
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In this study, the response and behavior of machine foundations resting on dry and saturated sand was investigated experimentally. In order to investigate the response of soil and footing to steady state dynamic loading, a physical model was manufactured to simulate steady state harmonic load at different operating frequencies. Total of 84 physical models were performed. The footing parameters are related to the size of the rectangular footing and depth of embedment. Two sizes of rectangular steel model footing were tested at the surface and at 50 mm depth below model surface. Meanwhile the investigated parameters of the soil condition include dry and saturated sand for two relative densities 30% and 80%. The response of the footing was ela

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 04 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Effect of Cutting Parameters on Temperature Distribution and Tool Life During Turning Stainless Steel 316L
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This paper is focused on studying the effect of cutting parameters (spindle speed, feed and depth of cut) on the response (temperature and tool life) during turning process. The inserts used in this study are carbide inserts coated with TiAlN (Titanum, Aluminium and Nitride) for machining a shaft of stainless steel 316L. Finite difference method was used to find the temperature distribution. The experimental results were done using infrared camera while the simulation process was performed using Matlab software package. The results showed that the  maximum difference between the experimental and simulation results was equal to 19.3 , so, a good agreement between the experimental and simulation results  was achieved. Tool life w

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