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Genetic Algorithm Optimization Model for Central Marches Restoration Flows with Different Water Quality Scenarios
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A Genetic Algorithm optimization model is used in this study to find the optimum flow values of the Tigris river branches near Ammara city, which their water is to be used for central marshes restoration after mixing in Maissan River. These tributaries are Al-Areed, AlBittera and Al-Majar Al-Kabeer Rivers. The aim of this model is to enhance the water quality in Maissan River, hence provide acceptable water quality for marsh restoration. The model is applied for different water quality change scenarios ,i.e. , 10%,20% increase in EC,TDS and BOD. The model output are the optimum flow values for the three rivers while, the input data are monthly flows(1994-2011),monthly water requirements and water quality parameters (EC, TDS, BOD, DO and pH).The objective function adopted in the optimization model is in a form the sum of difference in each of the 5 water quality parameters, resulting from the
mixing equation of the waters of the rivers, from the accepted limits of these parameters , weighted by a penalty factor assigned for each water quality parameter according to its importance. The adopted acceptable limits are 1500,1000, 6,4 and 7, while the penalty factors are 1,0.8,0.8,0.8,and 0.2 for EC,TDS,BOD,DO,and pH respectively. The constraints adopted on the decision variables which the monthly flows of the three rivers are those that provide the monthly demands downstream each river, and not exceed a maximum monthly flow
limits. The maximum flow limits adopted are for three flow cases, wet, average and dry years. For each flow case three scenarios for the monthly water quality parameters were adopted , the average values(scenario 1),the 10% increase in EC,TDS, and BOD (Scenario
2),and the 20% increase in these three water quality parameters (Scenario 3). Hence nine cases are adopted and for each an optimum monthly flows are found for each river. The genetic optimization model adopt a variable number of population of 100 to 1000 in a step of
100,0.8 and 0.2 cross over and mutation rates, and three iterations to reach the stable optimum solutions. The results indicates that the flow analysis shows a significant decrease in the flow values of the three rives after year 2000,hence, the flow values for the period of (1994-1999), are excluded and the only used values are those for (2000-2011). The estimated monthly demands exhibits low variation. The observed optimum monthly flow values decrease in general as the case flow changed from wet to normal and dry cases. The change in Scenarios from S1 to S2 and S3 , do not necessarily increase all the required optimum monthly flow values. The obtained minimum objective functions do not exhibits a certain trend with the change in the flow cases and/or the change in the scenarios.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and Analysis of Demand Function on Oil derivatives of A Selected countries the Period 1985- 2008
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The subject of demand on oil derivative has occupied an important position at present time in the daily life context. The fuel of benzene and gas oil and kerosene is one of basic elements of that concern, and on local , regional and international levels. The oil derivatives have played a leading role in determining the course and nature of development since early 1970 to the present time whether in the productive Arab countries or the importing. The researcher set out from the hypothesis that the increase of the local consumer demand on some of the oil derivatives is because of the internal and external factors accompanied by the inability of the productive capability and local production to confront this increase, and the resort

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 20 2024
Journal Name
مجلة جامعة ذي قار لعلوم التربية البدنية
Effort and pressures of competition and their impact on some biochemical variables of handball players
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The development taking place in various sports in performance, which was and still takes a large part by focusing on the specialized level of the players, whether in training or competition in all sports, including handball. In the competition (the match) by measuring the hormone beta-endorphin as well as. To identify the changes that occur in some biochemical variables as a result of the high effort in the competition (the match) by measuring lactic acid and the hormone aldosterone). The researcher used the descriptive method, the pre and post test of one group Due to the nature of the research, the research community was represented by Al-Shorta Sports players and Al-Jaish club players in handball, as they numbered (24) players from the t

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 26 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Groundwater Simulation and Wells Distribution at Qazaniyah City in Diyala Governorate
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In recent years, there is more interest in water sources availability, including groundwater due to an increase in demand for water because of the increasing population in the world, and the water recedes due to climate change also. Therefore, the study of groundwater has required more attention. The aim of the present study is to establish a MODFLOW model in the groundwater modeling system software to simulate the movement of groundwater in the Turssaq alluvial fan which is located in the Qazaniyah city, east of Diyala Governorate. The solid model was used to define the aquifer in the study area. Using the GIS software, mapping and preparing the data needed to create a conceptual model were carried out. The data of the

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Publication Date
Thu May 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
“The role of parametric approach in design highest climatic performance buildings: local housing design patterns as a sample”
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In light of increasing demand for energy consumption due to life complexity and its requirements, which reflected on architecture in type and size, Environmental challenges have emerged in the need to reduce emissions and power consumption within the construction sector. Which urged designers to improve the environmental performance of buildings by adopting new design approaches, Invest digital technology to facilitate design decision-making, in short time, effort and cost. Which doesn’t stop at the limits of acceptable efficiency, but extends to the level of (the highest performance), which doesn’t provide by traditional approaches that adopted by researchers and local institutions in their studies and architectural practices, limit

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Central European Agriculture
Seed priming effect on field emergence and grain yield in sorghum
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Most cultivars of sorghum have low field emergence as common problem. Three experiments were carried out at Agriculture College, Baghdad University. First experiment was conducted in laboratory according to Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with four replicates. Second and third experiments were conducted at field according to Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) during the spring and the fall seasons of 2015, respectively, with four replicates for each one. Same two factors were studied at each experiment. First factor was seed priming by seed soaking for 10 hours in distilled water, solvents of GA3, KCl and thiamine (300, 40 and 30 mg*L-1, respectively) and non-primed seed. Second factor was three cultivars of sorghum (Inqath, Kafier an

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Scopus (22)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical Negative Results
Synthesis, Characterization and Study Electrical Conductivity of New Poly Thiadizole Derivatives, Silica Nanocomposites
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Heterocyclic polymers / silica nanocomposite one of important materials because of excellent properties such as thermal , electrical , and mechanical properties , so that hybrid nanomaterial are widely used in many fields, in this paper nanocomposite had prepared by modification of silica nanoparticals by using acrylic acid and functionalized the surface of nanoparticles, and using free Radical polymerization by AIBN as initiators and anhydrous toluene as solvent to polymerize functionalize silica nanoparticles with heterocyclic monomers to prepare heterocylic polymers / silica nanocomposite and study electrical conductivity , The nanocomposite which had prepared characterized by many analysis technique to study thermal properties such

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Preparation of Polyester/ Micro Eggshell Fillers Composite as Natural Surface Coating
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    To fabricate an inexpensive surface coating with excellent mechanical properties with good water resistance and thermal diffusion, white eggshell fibers with particle size (~1micrometer) has been added by different weight percentages (1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 %) to Unsaturated Polyester.

The weight ratio (4%) of eggshell powder is a good ratio to be added to polyester to improve its mechanical properties, such as hardness, impact strength, and wear resistance. The hardness was improved by (3.75%); impact strength has the same value as polyester, flexural strength by (8.43%) and high improvement in wear resistance (74.4%), as well as to get further improvements in mechanical properties of polyester, the eggshell powder was added

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 20 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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A chemical study was carried out to evaluate the efficiency of the liver enzyme concertation and uric acid level and its antagonists in the serum of the professors exposed to chemicals in the laboratories of the University of Samarra and their comparison with the healthy people. The research included 25 samples of the exposed professors and 20 samples as a group of officers.

              The results of the current study showed a significant increase in the level of   AST, ALT in the serum of professors exposed to chemicals compared to healthy people. The results showed no significant increase in

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Body mass index and shortened telomere length in middle-aged female and male RUNNING HEAD: Middle-aged and shortened telomere length
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Obesity is a risk factor associated with age-related disorders that accelerate aging, and it increases the risk of metabolic diseases. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the association of leukocyte telomere length (LTL) with the presence of higher body weight in middle-aged females and males. The study subjects comprised 160 (80 control and 80 higher body mass index BMI groups) with ranging ages of 30-50 years included and stratified for BMI. The physio-biochemical analysis was measured using enzymatic determination. Mean telomere length was determined by using the southern blotting technique. The association analysis revealed a significant variance (P < 0.01) in biochemical parameters between higher BMI grou

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Effect of Feed Concentration on the Production of Pregelatinized Starch in a Double Drum Dryer
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Double drum dryer is operated for producing pregelatinized maize starches using feed starch slurries of different
solids(7, 10 and13 g/100 g )content . Steam pressure (2,3,and 4 bar), the level of pool between the drums (4,7,and 10
cm) , and speed of drums rotation (3,4,and 6 rpm) are varied together with the feed solids content in a practical range of
values. The response of the dryer is registered by measuring several output variables, i.e. external drum temperature,
product moisture content, mass flow rate.

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