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Entropy Generation of Shell and Double Concentric Tubes Heat Exchanger

Entropy generation was studied for new type of heat exchanger (shell and double concentric tubes heat exchanger). Parameters of hot oil flow rate, temperature of inlet hot oil and pressure drop were investigated with the concept of entropy generation. The results showed that the value of entropy generation increased with increasing the flow rate of hot oil and when cold water flow rate was doubled from 20 to 40 l/min, these values were larger. On the other hand, entropy generation increased with increasing the hot oil inlet temperature at a certain flow rate of hot oil. Furthermore, at a certain hot oil inlet temperature, the entropy generation increased with the pressure drop at different hot oil inlet flow rates. Finally, in order to keep up with modern technology, infrared thermography camera was used in order to measure the temperatures. The entropy generation was determined with lower values when infrared thermography camera was used to measure the temperatures, compared with the values obtained by using thermocouples.



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Publication Date
Fri Nov 24 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Annealing temperature on the Structural, Optical and Sensitivity Properties of Nanostructure SnO2 Films to CO2 and NH3 Gas

In this research, we studied the structural properties of SnO2 films nanostructure which prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis method at room temperature on the rules of glass heated (400oC) with rate of spraying (2.5 ml/ min). The effect of annealing temperaturs (450,500,550,600 and 650oC) for two hours on those properties has been indicated. The results of x-ray diffraction showed that all of the prepared films were polycrystalline with tetragonal type and orientation was (110) for all models before and after annealing, and the annealing led to an increase in the grain size. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) values of the (110) peaks of the films decreased from 1.492o to 1.064o with increasing annealing temperature .The surface morp

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection

A new simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method is described for quantification of Nifedipine (NIF) and their pharmaceutical formulation. The selective method was performed by the reduction of NIF nitro group to yield primary amino group using zinc powder with hydrochloric acid. The produced aromatic amine was submitted to oxidative coupling reaction with pyrocatechol and ammonium ceric nitrate to form orange color product measured spectrophotometrically with maximum absorption at 467nm. The product was determined through flow injection analysis (FIA) system and all the chemical and physical parameters were optimized. The concentration range from 5.0 to 140.0 μg.mL-1 was obeyed Beer’s law with a limit of detection and quantitatio

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Influence of Magnetized Water and Nitrogen Bio-fertilizers on the Quantity and Quality Features of the Butternut Squash Cucurbita moschata

The present study was carried out at Baqubah Nursery, Directorate of Agriculture,  Diyala Province, Iraq, during the period of March to October 2017, to investigate the effects of magnetized water with bio and chemical fertilizers on the butternut squash. A factorial experiment with three replications was conducted and two factors were investigated; the state of water (magnetized water and non-magnetized water) and the fertilizer type (chemical fertilizer: urea 100 kg N/ hectare; bio-fertilizers: Azotobacterchroococcum and Azospirillumbrasilense + chemical fertilizer in 1:1 ratio).

     The results revealed that the magnetized water with bio + chemical fertilizers recorded the highest rate of fruit weight

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Age and occupation on the Type and the Number of workers injuries in construction sector in Iraq

World statistics proved that the most of work dangerous accidents, which causes death, are occurred in the construction works. These accidents related to many causes such as loss of workers experience and ignoring rules of safety requirements, especially young workers. Due to the risk of accidents that may occur in the site of work, the idea of this study crystallized to show the relationship between the age of worker and number of injuries and accidents, to identify the causes of these injuries, and to put the appropriate solutions to avoid or reduce the risk of work injuries. Also, the research shows the main principles of safety requirements to forming a clear picture about the subject of the study. A questioner form was prepared to c

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effects of Caper (Capparis Spinosa) and Acetic Acid on Lipid Profile and Protein Concentration in the Serum of Albino Mice

     This study aimed to determine the effects of alcoholic and aqueous extracts of caper (Capparis Spinosa) and acetic acid on serum lipid profile and proteins levels in mice.  Sixty adult mice with an average weight of 24±4 g grams were divided into four groups (15 mice for each). The first group (G1) was administrated daily with an oral dose of caper alcoholic extract (200 mg/kg) for 28 days. The second group (G2) was administrated daily with an oral dose of caper aqueous extract (200 mg/kg) for 28 days. The third group (G3) was administrated with a daily dose of 10 % acetic acid  (2 ml/kg) for 28 days. The fourth Group (G4) was administrated daily with distilled water for 28 days, as a control

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Role of Salsylic Acid, Fertilizer NPKzn and Sodium Chloride and Theris interactions in Some Morphological Parameters of Allium cepa L.

 The experiment was condncted in greenhouse of Botanical Garden at Biology Garden Dept,College of Education for Pure Science (Ibn-Al-Haitham),University of Baghdad , during the growing season  2013-2014 to study the role of salcylic acid in three concentrations (0.12and24) ppm and two levels of NPKZn fertilizer ( 0. 160) kg.H‾1 and four concentrations of sodium chloride (0.50.100and150) Mmol and the intreaction between salcylic acid and NPKZn on some of morphological parameters of Allium cepa.                                 The experiment was performed with random compelete block design (RCBD)with three replications and the results showed the

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 26 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Field Description and Lithostratigraphic Study of Sargelu Formation in Rania and Sargelu sections, Northern Iraq: Lithostratigraphic Study of Sargelu Formation

     The Sargule Formation was deposited during the Middle Jurassic, representing one of the most important source rocks in Iraq and surrounding areas.

Jurassic successions are commonly exposed as an isolated patch at some eroded anticline’s cores and limbs in the High Folded Zone, Imbricate Zone, and Thrust Zones of northern Iraq. The Sargelu section is located in Sargelu village at Surdash anticline, while the Rania section is located in Rania city near Hanjira village at Shaweri anticline.  Fieldwork in Rania and Sargelu Sections allow to divide Sargelu Formation lithostratigraphically into many subdivisions as follow:

The Sargelu Formation in the Rania section is about 40 m and can be divide

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study of Matter Density Distributions, Elastic Electron Scattering form Factors and Reaction Cross Sections of 8He And 17B Exotic Nuclei

The ground state densities of unstable neutron-rich 8He and 17B exotic nuclei are studied via the framework of the two-frequency shell model (TFSM) and the binary cluster model (BCM). In TFSM, the single particle harmonic oscillator wave functions are used with two different oscillator size parameters βc and βv where the former is for the core (inner) orbits and the latter is for the valence (halo) orbits. In BCM, the internal densities of the clusters are described by single particle Gaussian wave functions. Shell model calculations for the two valence neutrons in 8He and 17B are performed via the computer code OXBASH. The long tail performance is clearly noticed in the calculated neutron and matter density distributions of these nucl

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Effect of Sintering Temperature and Soaking Time on the physical and Dielectric Properties of BaTiO3 for Different Ba/Ti Ratio

Recent research has examined the improvement of physical and dielectric properties of BaTiO3 ceramic material by small addition of excess TiO2 or BaCO3. The prepared samples sintered at different temperatures and varying soaking time. The results show that increasing the sintering temperature within 1350°C and soaking time of 10 hrs give better electrical and physical properties, which indicate the reaction is complete at higher temperature and period.

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Publication Date
Sun May 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Isolation and identification of phosphate solubilizing bacteria and evaluate its effect on of Mung bean (Vigna radita [L.] R.Wilczek) growth

Sixteen soil samples were collected from wheat, barley and yellow corn rhizosphere in Abu-Ghraib, Aqraqof, Latifieh,Tarmiah, Jadriya and  of Agriculture in Baghdad university/ Baghdad city. The results found nine phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) isolates (Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6, Y7, Y8, Y9), formed clear zones on National Botanical Research Institute's (NBRIP) agar. The solubility index (SI) of PSB isolates ranged from 2.00 to 3.66. Y4 have the highest SI (3.66) followed by Y3 and Y6 (3.33). Phosphate solubilization abilities varying from (20.10-39.00 μ, Y4 was the highest (39.00 μ followed by Y3 (37.00μ The results of hydrolytic enzymes production showed that almo

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