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Seismic Effects and Static Analysis for the Artificial Damped Outrigger Systems in Tall R.C Buildings
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This paper studies the combination fluid viscous dampers in the outrigger system to add supplementary damping into the structure, which purpose to remove the dependability of the structure to lower variable intrinsic damping. It works by connecting the central core, comprising either shear walls or braced frames, to the outer perimeter columns.

     The modal considered is a 36 storey square high rise reinforced concrete building. By constructing a discrete lumped mass model, and using frequency-based response function, two systems of dampers, parallel and series systems are studied. The maximum lateral load at the top of the building is calculated, and  this load  will be applied at every floor of the building, giving a conservative solution. For static study Equivalent Lateral Force (ELF) was conducted. MATLAB software, has been used in this study.

     From analysis data, it is observed that the parallel system of dampers result lower amplitude of vibration and achieved more efficiently compared to the series system, and the horizontal displacement for each configurations by using MATLAB software is less than the analytical solution using a uniformly distributed load of 36 nodal point forces that divided the total height.



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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Computer Sciences And Mathematics
Braille Character Recognition System: Review
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The Braille Recognition System is the process of capturing a Braille document image and turning its content into its equivalent natural language characters. The Braille Recognition System's cell transcription and Braille cell recognition are the two basic phases that follow one another. The Braille Recognition System is a technique for locating and recognizing a Braille document stored as an image, such as a jpeg, jpg, tiff, or gif image, and converting the text into a machine-readable format, such as a text file. BCR translates an image's pixel representation into its character representation. As workers at visually impaired schools and institutes, we profit from Braille recognition in a variety of ways. The Braille Recognition S

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 14 2014
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Copper biosorption using local Iraqi natural agents
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Industrial effluents loaded with heavy metals are a cause of hazards to the humans and other forms of life. Conventional approaches, such as electroplating, ion exchange, and membrane processes, are used for removal of copper, cadmium, and lead and are often cost prohibitive with low efficiency at low metal ion concentration. Biosorption can be considered as an option which has been proven as more efficient and economical for removing the mentioned metal ions. Biosorbents used are fungi, yeasts, oil palm shells, coir pith carbon, peanut husks, and olive pulp. Recently, low cost and natural products have also been researched as biosorbent. This paper presents an attempt of the potential use of Iraqi date pits and Al-Khriet (i.e. substances l

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Three-Dimensional Explicit Finite Element Simulation of Piled-Raft Foundation
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This paper aims to validate a proposed finite element model to be adopted in predicting displacement and soil stresses of a piled-raft foundation. The proposed model adopts the solid element to simulate the raft, piles, and soil mass. An explicit integration scheme has been used to simulate nonlinear static aspects of the piled-raft foundation and to avoid the computational difficulties associated with the implicit finite element analysis.

The validation process is based on comparing the results of the proposed finite element model with those of a scaled-down experimental work achieved by other researchers. Centrifuge apparatus has been used in the experimental work to generate the required stresses to simulate t

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Adsorption of Phenol from Aqueous Solution using Paper Waste
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The exploitation of obsolete recyclable resources including paper waste has the advantages of saving resources and environment protection. This study has been conducted to study utilizing paper waste to adsorb phenol which is one of the harmful organic compound byproducts deposited in the environment. The influence of different agitation methods, pH of the solution (3-11), initial phenol concentration (30-120ppm), adsorbent dose (0.5-2.5 g) and contact time (30-150 min) were studied. The highest phenol removal efficiency obtained was 86% with an adsorption capacity of 5.1 mg /g at optimization conditions (pH of 9, initial phenol concentration of 30 mg/L, an adsorbent dose of 2 g and contact time of 120min and at room temperature).

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Applying Nuclear Slidell Model To Calculate Energy Levels Ti42-44
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   In this work , we applied the nuclear shell model by using Modified Surface Delta Interaction ( MSDI ) to study the nuclear structure for Ti42-44 nuclei from the calculation of the energy level values and its total angular momentum .      After comperation with the experiment values which found to be rather in good agreement and determined the total angular momentum values of energy levels which are not assigned experimently , as soon as , we certify some values that were not certained experimently .  

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Electronic Structure of Copper Antimony Using Compton Scattering Technique
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In this paper we present the first ever measured experimental electron momentum density of Cu2Sb at an intermediate resolution (0.6 a.u.) using 59.54 keV 241Am Compton spectrometer. The measurements are compared with the theoretical Compton profiles using density function theory (DFT) within a linear combination of an atomic orbitals (LCAO) method. In DFT calculation, Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) scheme is employed to treat correlation whereas exchange is included by following the Becke scheme. It is seen that various approximations within LCAO-DFT show relatively better agreement with the experimental Compton data. Ionic model calculations for a number of configurations (Cu+x/2)2(Sb-x) (0.0≤x≤2.0) are also performed utilizing free a

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Calculating Production Rate of each Branch of a Multilateral Well Using Multi-Segment Well Model: Field Example
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Multilateral wells require a sophisticated type of well model to be applied in reservoir simulators to represent them. The model must be able to determine the flow rate of each fluid and the pressure throughout the well. The production rate calculations are very important because they give an indication about some main issues associated with multi-lateral wells such as one branch may produce water or gas before others, no production rate from one branch, and selecting the best location of a new branch for development process easily.                                &nbsp

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2022
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Mathematical Statistics - Second Edition
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This Book is the second edition that intended to be textbook studied for undergraduate/ postgraduate course in mathematical statistics. In order to achieve the goals of the book, it is divided into the following chapters. Chapter One introduces events and probability review. Chapter Two devotes to random variables in their two types: discrete and continuous with definitions of probability mass function, probability density function and cumulative distribution function as well. Chapter Three discusses mathematical expectation with its special types such as: moments, moment generating function and other related topics. Chapter Four deals with some special discrete distributions: (Discrete Uniform, Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson, Geometric, Neg

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Publication Date
Thu May 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Cities of Lebanon from "Planning to Congestion Towards a "flexible mobility culture
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This paper examines the change in planning pattern In Lebanon, which relies on vehicles as a semi-single mode of transport, and directing it towards re-shaping the city and introducing concepts of "smooth or flexible" mobility in its schemes; the concept of a "compact city" with an infrastructure based on a flexible mobility culture. Taking into consideration environmental, economical and health risks of the existing model, the paper focuses on the four foundations of the concepts of "city based on culture flexible mobility, "and provides a SWOT analysis to encourage for a shift in the planning methodology.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Thermal Behaviour of Paraffin Wax/Poly Vinyl Alcohol Composite Material
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Polymer additives binder system provides many properties useful in thermal energy storage (TES) then developed the efficient energy storage materials and green strength bodies system.

This paper studies the thermal energy storage property for polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) / paraffin wax (WPw) blends. To enhance paraffin wax thermal conductivity, PVOH as a material which high conductivity was employed. A fixed weight of Paraffin wax was dispersed with PVOH heterogeneously at different additive weights ratios of PVOH/Pw (50/50, 67/33, 75/25, and 80/20) wt. ratio respectively. The composite material was prepared using wetted pressing method.

Both base materials (polyvinyl alcohol and paraffin wax) were scanned using differential

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