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This search has introduced the techniques of multi-wavelet transform and neural network for recognition 3-D object from 2-D image using patches. The proposed techniques were tested on database of different patches features and the high energy subband of discrete multi-wavelet transform DMWT (gp) of the patches. The test set has two groups, group (1) which contains images, their (gp) patches and patches features of the same images as a part of that in the data set beside other images, (gp) patches and features, and group (2) which contains the (gp) patches and patches features the same as a part of that in the database but after modification such as rotation, scaling and translation. Recognition by back propagation (BP) neural network as compared with matching by minimum distance, gave (94%) and (83%) score by using group (1), (gp) and features respectively, which is much better than the minimum distance. Recognition using (gp) neural network (NN) gave a (94%) and (72%) score by using group (2), (gp) and features respectively, while the minimum distance gave (11%) and (33%) scores. Time consumption
through the recognition process using (NN) with (gp) is less than that minimum distance.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Speech Signal Compression Using Wavelet And Linear Predictive Coding
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A new algorithm is proposed to compress speech signals using wavelet transform and linear predictive coding. Signal compression based on the concept of selecting a small number of approximation coefficients after they are compressed by the wavelet decomposition (Haar and db4) at a suitable chosen level and ignored details coefficients, and then approximation coefficients are windowed by a rectangular window and fed to the linear predictor. Levinson Durbin algorithm is used to compute LP coefficients, reflection coefficients and predictor error. The compress files contain LP coefficients and previous sample. These files are very small in size compared to the size of the original signals. Compression ratio is calculated from the size of th

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Modified Elman Spike Neural Network for Identification and Control of Dynamic System
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Arabic Speech Classification Method Based on Padding and Deep Learning Neural Network
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Deep learning convolution neural network has been widely used to recognize or classify voice. Various techniques have been used together with convolution neural network to prepare voice data before the training process in developing the classification model. However, not all model can produce good classification accuracy as there are many types of voice or speech. Classification of Arabic alphabet pronunciation is a one of the types of voice and accurate pronunciation is required in the learning of the Qur’an reading. Thus, the technique to process the pronunciation and training of the processed data requires specific approach. To overcome this issue, a method based on padding and deep learning convolution neural network is proposed to

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 18 2022
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Moderately Multispike Return Neural Network for SDN Accurate Traffic Awareness in Effective 5G Network Slicing
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Due to the huge variety of 5G services, Network slicing is promising mechanism for dividing the physical network resources in to multiple logical network slices according to the requirements of each user. Highly accurate and fast traffic classification algorithm is required to ensure better Quality of Service (QoS) and effective network slicing. Fine-grained resource allocation can be realized by Software Defined Networking (SDN) with centralized controlling of network resources. However, the relevant research activities have concentrated on the deep learning systems which consume enormous computation and storage requirements of SDN controller that results in limitations of speed and accuracy of traffic classification mechanism. To fill thi

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 19 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Online And Biomedical Engineering (ijoe)
Object Tracking Using Adaptive Diffusion Flow Active Model
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Object tracking is one of the most important topics in the fields of image processing and computer vision. Object tracking is the process of finding interesting moving objects and following them from frame to frame. In this research, Active models–based object tracking algorithm is introduced. Active models are curves placed in an image domain and can evolve to segment the object of interest. Adaptive Diffusion Flow Active Model (ADFAM) is one the most famous types of Active Models. It overcomes the drawbacks of all previous versions of the Active Models specially the leakage problem, noise sensitivity, and long narrow hols or concavities. The ADFAM is well known for its very good capabilities in the segmentation process. In this

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Finite Element Neural Network And Its Applications To Forward And Inverse Problems
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In this paper, first we   refom1Ulated   the finite   element  model

(FEM)   into   a   neural   network   structure   using   a   simple   two   - dimensional problem. The structure of this neural network is described

, followed  by its   application   to   solving  the forward    and  inverse problems. This model is then extended to the general case and the advantages and  di sadvantages  of  this  approach  are  descri bed  along with an analysis  of  the sensi tivity   of

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Early Diagnose Alzheimer's Disease by Convolution Neural Network-based Histogram Features Extracting and Canny Edge
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Alzheimer's disease (AD) increasingly affects the elderly and is a major killer of those 65 and over. Different deep-learning methods are used for automatic diagnosis, yet they have some limitations. Deep Learning is one of the modern methods that were used to detect and classify a medical image because of the ability of deep Learning to extract the features of images automatically. However, there are still limitations to using deep learning to accurately classify medical images because extracting the fine edges of medical images is sometimes considered difficult, and some distortion in the images. Therefore, this research aims to develop A Computer-Aided Brain Diagnosis (CABD) system that can tell if a brain scan exhibits indications of

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
The Effect of Wavelet Coefficient Reduction on Image Compression Using DWT and Daubechies Wavelet Transform
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FG Mohammed, HM Al-Dabbas, Science International, 2018 - Cited by 2

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 06 1996
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemistry
Synthesis of new Schiff bases derived from [3-amino-3-C-cyano-3-deoxy-1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-α-D-allofuranose
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Aromatic Schiff-bases are known to have antibacterial activity, but most of these compounds are sparingly soluble in water. The present work describes the synthesis of new Schiff-bases derived from branched aminosugars. Treatment of 3-Amino-3-Cyano-3-Deoxy-1,2:5,6-Di-O-Isopropylene-α-D-Allofuranose (1) with the aldehydes (2) under reflux in methanol afforded the Schiff-bases (3) in good yields. The new Schiff-bases were in accord with their NMR, IR spectral data and elemental analysis.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Ecology
Classification of al-hammar marshes satellite images in Iraq using artificial neural network based on coding representation
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