In this study the simple pullout concrete cylinder specimen reinforced by a single steel bar was analyzed for bond-slip behavior. Three-dimension nonlinear finite element model using ANSYS program was employed to study the behavior of bond between concrete and plain steel reinforcement. The ANSYS model includes eight-noded isoperimetric brick element (SOLID65) to model the concrete cylinder while the steel reinforcing bar was modeled as a truss member (LINK8). Interface element (CONTAC52) was used in this analysis to model the bond between concrete and steel bar. Material nonlinearity due to cracking and/or crushing of concrete, and yielding of the steel reinforcing bar were taken into consideration during the analysis. The accuracy of this model is investigated by comparing the finite element numerical behavior with that predicted from experimental results of three pullout
specimens. Good agreement between the finite element solution and experimental results was obtained.
The need to create the optimal water quality management process has motivated researchers to pursue prediction modeling development. One of the widely important forecasting models is the sessional autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) model. In the present study, a SARIMA model was developed in R software to fit a time series data of monthly fluoride content collected from six stations on Tigris River for the period from 2004 to 2014. The adequate SARIMA model that has the least Akaike's information criterion (AIC) and mean squared error (MSE) was found to be SARIMA (2,0,0) (0,1,1). The model parameters were identified and diagnosed to derive the forecasting equations at each selected location. The correlation coefficien
... Show MoreThe need to create the optimal water quality management process has motivated researchers to pursue prediction modeling development. One of the widely important forecasting models is the sessional autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) model. In the present study, a SARIMA model was developed in R software to fit a time series data of monthly fluoride content collected from six stations on Tigris River for the period from 2004 to 2014. The adequate SARIMA model that has the least Akaike's information criterion (AIC) and mean squared error (MSE) was found to be SARIMA (2, 0, 0) (0,1,1). The model parameters were identified and diagnosed to derive the forecasting equations at each selected location. The correlat
... Show MoreFriction stir spot welding (FSSW) is a relatively new welding process that may have significant advantages compared to the fusion processes as follows joining of conventionally non-fusion weldable alloys, reduced distortion and improved mechanical properties of weldable alloys joints due to the pure solidstate joining of metals. In this paper, a three-dimensional model based on finite element analysis is used to study the thermal history in the spot-welding of aluminum alloy 2024. The model take place the thermomechanical property on the process of the welded metals. The thermal history and the evolution results with numerical model at the measured point in the friction stirred spot weld have a good matching, then the prediction of the t
... Show MoreThe aim of our study is to solve a nonlinear epidemic model, which is the COVID-19 epidemic model in Iraq, through the application of initial value problems in the current study. The model has been presented as a system of ordinary differential equations that has parameters that change with time. Two numerical simulation methods are proposed to solve this model as suitable methods for solving systems whose coefficients change over time. These methods are the Mean Monte Carlo Runge-Kutta method (MMC_RK) and the Mean Latin Hypercube Runge-Kutta method (MLH_RK). The results of numerical simulation methods are compared with the results of the numerical Runge-Kutta 4th order method (RK4) from 2021 to 2025 using the absolute error, which prove
... Show MoreIn this study, the flow and heat transfer characteristics of Al2O3-water nanofluids for a range of the Reynolds number of 3000, 4500, 6000 and 7500 with a range of volume concentration of 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% are studied numerically. The test rig consists of cold liquid loop, hot liquid loop and the test section which is counter flow double pipe heat exchanger with 1m length. The inner tube is made of smooth copper with diameter of 15mm. The outer tube is made of smooth copper with diameter of 50mm. The hot liquid flows through the outer tube and the cold liquid (or nanofluid) flow through the inner tube. The boundary condition of this study is thermally insulated the outer wall with uniform velocity a
... Show MoreJournal of Physics: Conference Series PAPER • THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE ISOPEN ACCESS Estimate the Rate of Contamination in Baghdad Soils By Using Numerical Method Luma Naji Mohammed Tawfiq1, Nadia H Al-Noor2 and Taghreed H Al-Noor1 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1294, Issue 3 Citation Luma Naji Mohammed Tawfiq et al 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1294 032020 DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/1294/3/032020 DownloadArticle PDF References Download PDF 135 Total downloads 88 total citations on Dimensions. Turn on MathJax Share this article Share this content via email Share on Facebook (opens new window) Share on Twitter (opens new window) Share on Mendeley (opens new window) Hide article and author
... Show MoreThe aim of this paper is to evaluate the rate of contamination in soils by using accurate numerical method as a suitable tool to evaluate the concentration of heavy metals in soil. In particular, 2D –interpolation methods are applied in the models of the spread the metals in different direction.The paper illustrates the importance of the numerical method in different applications, especially nvironment contamination. Basically, there are many roles for approximating functions. Thus, the approximating of function namely the analytical expression may be expressed; the most common type being is polynomials, which are the easy implemented and simplest methods of approximation. In this paper the divided difference formula is used and extended
... Show MoreIn many oil fields only the BHC logs (borehole compensated sonic tool) are available to provide interval transit time (Δtp), the reciprocal of compressional wave velocity VP.
To calculate the rock elastic or inelastic properties, to detect gas-bearing formations, the shear wave velocity VS is needed. Also VS is useful in fluid identification and matrix mineral identification.
Because of the lack of wells with shear wave velocity data, so many empirical models have been developed to predict the shear wave velocity from compressional wave velocity. Some are mathematical models others used the multiple regression method and neural network technique.
In this study a number of em
... Show MoreThe reduction in the rivers capacity is one the most important issue to give the decision maker an idea during the flood season. The study area included the rivers of the Al Atshan, Al Sabeel and Euphrates, which are surveyed with a length of 21, 5 and 20 km respectively. The Euphrates , the Atshan and Al Sabeel rivers were simulated by using HEC-RAS 5.0.3 software to study the real condition within the city of Assamawa. As well as the simulation was implemented by modifying the cross sections of the Euphrates and Al Sabeel rivers to increase their capacity to 1300 and 1200 m3/s respectively which are a flood discharges100 year return periods. The results showed that the maximum discharge capacity under real conditions o
... Show MoreWhen the guard honey bees, Apis mellifera L., form a clump at the hive entrance or on the flight board, the oriental hornet, Vespa orientails L., either creeps toward the clump or hovers over it in order to take a bee. Once the hornet creeps, only few bees facing the hornet become alert, rock their heads and antennae, open their wings, and take a posture of defense. The rest of the clump stays listless without any signal of concern. However, the clump stays dense and the defending bees do not detach themselves neither from the rest of the clump nor from each other. For this reason, it is very difficult for the hornet to grab a bee unless the latter makes a “mistake” by detaching herself from other adjacent bees. If the hornet grabs s
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