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Estimation and Improvement of Routing Protocol Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Using Fuzzy Neural Network

Ad-Hoc Networks are a generation of networks that are truly wireless, and can be easily constructed without any operator. There are protocols for management of these networks, in which the effectiveness and the important elements in these networks are the Quality of Service (QoS). In this work the evaluation of QoS performance of MANETs is done by comparing the results of using AODV, DSR, OLSR and TORA routing protocols using the Op-Net Modeler, then conduct an extensive set of performance experiments for these protocols with a wide variety of settings. The results show that the best protocol depends on QoS using two types of applications (+ve and –ve QoS in the FIS evaluation). QoS of the protocol varies from one protocol to another depending on the applications used in the network. The network design is done using the program (Op-Net V14.5 modular) with core i7 computer for multiple nodes deployed randomly in several area (100 * 100, 200 * 200, 400 * 400, 800 * 800, 1000 * 1000)m2 accomplished by changing the number of nodes in the network (10, 20, 40 and 80). There are three programs designed using (MATLAB 2012A programming language). The first one evaluates the (QoS) using the organizational structure of the mysterious system (HFS), which relied on the standard applications that should be provided by the protocols to make the applications accepted by the nodes requirements. After the evaluation the QoS for all cases, we design Neural Network to assist in estimation of the best protocol for any network through QoS for all protocols (AODV, DSR, OLSR and TORA). Neural network has four entrances (area, number of nodes, real time application ratio and non-real time application ratio). The results show that the QoS estimated is (0.5401) of (OLSR) which has been improved to (0.6421) by reducing to mobility speed and making some nodes fixed and using more than one protocol in  the network to provide the best QoS .


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Publication Date
Sat Mar 10 2012
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Cryptography Using Artificial Neural Network

Neural cryptography deals with the problem of “key exchange” between two neural networks by using the mutual learning concept. The two networks exchange their outputs (in bits) and the key between two communicating parties ar eventually represented in the final learned weights, when the two networks are said to be synchronized. Security of neural synchronization is put at risk if an attacker is capable of synchronizing with any of the two parties during the training process.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 16 2016
Journal Name
Eurasip Journal On Wireless Communications And Networking
Evaluation of efficient vehicular ad hoc networks based on a maximum distance routing algorithm

Traffic management at road intersections is a complex requirement that has been an important topic of research and discussion. Solutions have been primarily focused on using vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Key issues in VANETs are high mobility, restriction of road setup, frequent topology variations, failed network links, and timely communication of data, which make the routing of packets to a particular destination problematic. To address these issues, a new dependable routing algorithm is proposed, which utilizes a wireless communication system between vehicles in urban vehicular networks. This routing is position-based, known as the maximum distance on-demand routing algorithm (MDORA). It aims to find an optimal route on a hop-by-ho

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Development an Anomaly Network Intrusion Detection System Using Neural Network

Most intrusion detection systems are signature based that work similar to anti-virus but they are unable to detect the zero-day attacks. The importance of the anomaly based IDS has raised because of its ability to deal with the unknown attacks. However smart attacks are appeared to compromise the detection ability of the anomaly based IDS. By considering these weak points the proposed
system is developed to overcome them. The proposed system is a development to the well-known payload anomaly detector (PAYL). By
combining two stages with the PAYL detector, it gives good detection ability and acceptable ratio of false positive. The proposed system improve the models recognition ability in the PAYL detector, for a filtered unencrypt

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Evaluation of routing protocol with multi-mobile sinks in WSNs using QoS and energy consumption parameters

An efficient networks’ energy consumption and Quality of Services (QoS) are considered the most important issues, to evaluate the route quality of the designed routing protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). This study is presented an evaluation performance technique to evaluate two routing protocols: Secure for Mobile Sink Node location using Dynamic Routing Protocol (SMSNDRP) and routing protocol that used K-means algorithm to form Data Gathered Path (KM-DGP), on small and large network with Group of Mobile Sinks (GMSs). The propose technique is based on QoS and sensor nodes’ energy consumption parameters to assess route quality and networks’ energy usage. The evaluation technique is conducted on two routing protocols i

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat May 09 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovations In Scientific Engineering

The aim of this paper is to design artificial neural network as an alternative accurate tool to estimate concentration of Cadmium in contaminated soils for any depth and time. First, fifty soil samples were harvested from a phytoremediated contaminated site located in Qanat Aljaeesh in Baghdad city in Iraq. Second, a series of measurements were performed on the soil samples. The inputs are the soil depth, the time, and the soil parameters but the output is the concentration of Cu in the soil for depth x and time t. Third, design an ANN and its performance was evaluated using a test data set and then applied to estimate the concentration of Cadmium. The performance of the ANN technique was compared with the traditional laboratory inspecting

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Neural Network with Speaker Applications

In Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) the non-linear data projection provided by a one hidden layer Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), trained to recognize phonemes, and has previous experiments to provide feature enhancement substantially increased ASR performance, especially in noise. Previous attempts to apply an analogous approach to speaker identification have not succeeded in improving performance, except by combining MLP processed features with other features. We present test results for the TIMIT database which show that the advantage of MLP preprocessing for open set speaker identification increases with the number of speakers used to train the MLP and that improved identification is obtained as this number increases beyond sixty.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hybrid Cipher System using Neural Network

The objective of this work is to design and implement a cryptography system that enables the sender to send message through any channel (even if this channel is insecure) and the receiver to decrypt the received message without allowing any intruder to break the system and extracting the secret information. In this work, we implement an interaction between the feedforward neural network and the stream cipher, so the secret message will be encrypted by unsupervised neural network method in addition to the first encryption process which is performed by the stream cipher method. The security of any cipher system depends on the security of the related keys (that are used by the encryption and the decryption processes) and their corresponding le

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Data Classification using Quantum Neural Network

In this paper, integrated quantum neural network (QNN), which is a class of feedforward

neural networks (FFNN’s), is performed through emerging quantum computing (QC) with artificial neural network(ANN) classifier. It is used in data classification technique, and here iris flower data is used as a classification signals. For this purpose independent component analysis (ICA) is used as a feature extraction technique after normalization of these signals, the architecture of (QNN’s) has inherently built in fuzzy, hidden units of these networks (QNN’s) to develop quantized representations of sample information provided by the training data set in various graded levels of certainty. Experimental results presented here show that

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Publication Date
Thu May 10 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
An Improvement of MRI Brain Images Classification Using Dragonfly Algorithm as Trainer of Artificial Neural Network

  Computer software is frequently used for medical decision support systems in different areas. Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) are widely used images for brain classification issue. This paper presents an improved method for brain classification of MRI images. The proposed method contains three phases, which are, feature extraction, dimensionality reduction, and an improved classification technique. In the first phase, the features of MRI images are obtained by discrete wavelet transform (DWT). In the second phase, the features of MRI images have been reduced, using principal component analysis (PCA). In the last (third) stage, an improved classifier is developed. In the proposed classifier, Dragonfly algorithm is used instead

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Crossref (14)
Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Performance Improvement of Neural Network Based RLS Channel Estimators in MIMO-OFDM Systems

The objective of this study was tointroduce a recursive least squares (RLS) parameter estimatorenhanced by using a neural network (NN) to facilitate the computing of a bit error rate (BER) (error reduction) during channels estimation of a multiple input-multiple output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system over a Rayleigh multipath fading channel.Recursive least square is an efficient approach to neural network training:first, the neural network estimator learns to adapt to the channel variations then it estimates the channel frequency response. Simulation results show that the proposed method has better performance compared to the conventional methods least square (LS) and the original RLS and it is more robust a

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