This research attempts to trace the most significant development caused by the information revolution, namely "the Communication Technology" which reduced the distances between different urban communities, or within a single one, eliminated the geographical boundaries and the transformed the world into a global village. This led to the emergence of new forms and bodies to those urban communities; perhaps the most important is the fragmentation of the major cities and the emergence of (Satellite Cities) with global links, rather than hinterlands to the local capital cities as in the past. But in spite of the technological tide of communications and its inevitable impacts, it stays, with all its possibilities, a reaction that occurs only in one direction and within the limits of no more than sending and receiving nothing more. This is what Arab cities had seen in the recent stages of their change.
Here arises the problem of the emergence of the communication act as a "Dogmatic" because the whole world revolved around the communications network ... Which in turn became the heart of the system of this era. In light of this problem, this research has sought to find the act parallel if not alternative that will fold the " Communication " between its wings, making it, the stage of the process of response and interaction surpassing the limits of sending and receiving. In other words the transition from
importing technology to the process of contributing to its production. This only takes place through the investment of the Communications Technology to achieve that which is the highest and noblest, posed in this research by the "Communicativeness" between communities. To achieve this goal it took the building of the theoretical framework, in the light of which we put forward the hypothesis of the research that reads (Communication in its technological dimension and Communicativeness in its social dimension, both, play a role in the formulation of Satellite Cities of the twenty-first century through their essential impact on the physical, social and economic infrastructure development of those cities). The research, then, sought to test the validity of this hypothesis and draw conclusions and recommendations.
The study tackles the market orientation and the organizational learning as independent variables each included three sub-dimensions, and the variable of business performance as affiliated variable. These three variables have interacted to form the framework around which the study revolves. Since the banking sector has become an important part of which service sector is made, as well as it represents the basic pivot for the process of building and the development of the economies of countries, the Iraqi banking sector have been taken to be the sample of this study. A nonrandom sample of nine Iraqi banks was chosen, including four state banks (Al-Rafdain, Al-RaSheed, Industrial Bank, and Agricultural), and five private banks (Bagh
... Show Moreأن عملية التعلم لازالت تسير بنفس الاسلوب المتبع الذي لا يعتبر المتعلمة محور اساسي في عملية التعلم مما سبب ظهور الملل وانخفاض الرغبة لدى المتعلمات للتعلم لغياب الحافز, ولكون المهارات الاساسية بكرة السلة كالمناولة الصدرية والطبطبة بتغير الاتجاه والتصويب السلمي تعد من المهارات المهمة في اللعبة تم اجراء هذه الدراسة الذي يهدف الى اعداد منهج تعليمي قائم على انموذج التعلم البنائي والتعرف على تأثيره في بعض ا
... Show MoreThe banking credit has a significant role in supporting the economic development process as it is considered a financial medium between the depositors and investors through turning the money received by the bank in from of banking deposits from a person who has a monetary surplus into another person in need of this surplus . this credit contributes also in directing the economic activities toward investing project generally and strategic investing projects in special that the country lacks which is in need of optimum exploitation to the available resources. In addition , the banking credit represents the most important source of revenues that the banks gain and contribute in increasing their profitability.
في هذا البحث تم دراسة تأثير متغير الدوران والمتغيرات الأخرى على التدفق التمعجي لسائل سوتربي في قناة غير متماثلة مائلة تحتوي على وسط مسامي مع انتقال الحرارة. في وجود الدوران، تم تطوير النمذجة الرياضية باستخدام المعادلات الاساسية القائمة على نموذج سائل سوتربي. في تحليل التدفق، يتم استخدام افتراضات مثل تقريب طول الموجة الطويلة وانخفاض عدد رينولدز. تم حل المعادلة التفاضلية الاعتيادية غير الخطية الناتجة تح
... Show MoreBasketball is one of the games that requires high physical effort because it is characterized by changing the level of playing rhythm and being an enjoyable competitive game because it includes many diverse offensive and defensive skills. The importance of research is related to developing these two skills because of their major role in influencing the performance of the game skill. The problem with the research lies in the fact that the skills performed by students are performed in a slow manner that is not consistent with the reality of the performance that should be during playing, which should be given in a competitive manner similar to the real skill performance in matches. The research aims to prepare competitive exercises, then fi
... Show MoreShooting skill in basketball is one of the most important offensive skills and the final stage of the team's attack and the culmination of all skills in which points are scored, including the skill of peaceful shooting. The research aims to prepare competitive exercises and understand the impact of competitive exercises on developing coordination and balance for basketball players under 18 years old. The researcher used the experimental method with the single experimental group approach, including the research community of female athletes in the public directorates of education in Baghdad, totaling (6) directorates and (72) players. The research sample was selected intentionally, consisting of female athletes in the sports activity of the D
... Show Moreتم تصنيف ترسة الفرات ملساء الصدفة Rafetus euphraticus على أنها مهددة بخطر الانقراض ضمن القائمة الحمراء للاتحاد الدولي لحفظ الطبيعة، ويُعتقد أنها تعرضت لانخفاض كبير في أعدادها مؤخرًا. تقتصر معلومات الأنواع في العراق على عدد قليل من المسوحات السريعة مع القليل من المعلومات التفصيلية عن التربية والتوزيع. هدفت الدراسة الى تقدير اعداد سلاحف الفرات ملساء الصدفة في الأهوار الوسطى باستخدام استقراء بسيط للعدد. تم استخ
... Show Moreان التشكيلة الحركية تكاد تكون تقليدية او نسخة طبق الأصل من تشكيلات حركية سابقة والتي من المفترض ان تكون مبتكرة والسبب يعود الى احد المتغيرات المرتبطة بالأداء والمتمثل بعدم تمتع الطالبة باليقظة الذهنية والتي من شأنها منح الطالبة القدرة على التجديد والتركيز والمرونة في التفكير خلال الأداء ،وهدفت هذه الدراسة الى التعرف على القيم الإحصائية لليقظة الذهنية وأداء التشكيلة الحركية الاختيارية بالجمناستك الاي
... Show Moreالحمد لله الحق المبين ، ذي العطاء والقوة المتين ، والصلاة والسلام على خير المرسلين ، نبينا محمد " صلى الله عليه وسلم" في الأولين والآخرين ، فقد أكرم الله هذه الأمة وفضلها بالإسناد عن نبيها الكريم، فراحوا يشددون في طلب الإسناد والتوثق منه، وبعدها أخذ العلماء يؤلفون في مصطلح الحديث، بغية الوقوف على أقسامه، وسبر الروايات والطرق، لتمييز ما صح عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، ومن هنا، فإنَّ نشر ما خلَّفه العل
... Show MoreThe present work determination astronomical ephemeris for satellites (determination position and velocity of satellite and orbital elements) in elliptical orbit where orbital elements in perigee point were known, therefore kepler's equation for elliptical orbit was solved by using Newton-Rephson method for numerical approximation.For the hyperbola orbit which represent orbit of shuttle (discovery join) far rang where solve kepler equation for hyperbola by use the same method pervious and then determination the coordinates of position and velocity for satellite or shuttle and the required programs are designing