This research attempts to trace the most significant development caused by the information revolution, namely "the Communication Technology" which reduced the distances between different urban communities, or within a single one, eliminated the geographical boundaries and the transformed the world into a global village. This led to the emergence of new forms and bodies to those urban communities; perhaps the most important is the fragmentation of the major cities and the emergence of (Satellite Cities) with global links, rather than hinterlands to the local capital cities as in the past. But in spite of the technological tide of communications and its inevitable impacts, it stays, with all its possibilities, a reaction that occurs only in one direction and within the limits of no more than sending and receiving nothing more. This is what Arab cities had seen in the recent stages of their change.
Here arises the problem of the emergence of the communication act as a "Dogmatic" because the whole world revolved around the communications network ... Which in turn became the heart of the system of this era. In light of this problem, this research has sought to find the act parallel if not alternative that will fold the " Communication " between its wings, making it, the stage of the process of response and interaction surpassing the limits of sending and receiving. In other words the transition from
importing technology to the process of contributing to its production. This only takes place through the investment of the Communications Technology to achieve that which is the highest and noblest, posed in this research by the "Communicativeness" between communities. To achieve this goal it took the building of the theoretical framework, in the light of which we put forward the hypothesis of the research that reads (Communication in its technological dimension and Communicativeness in its social dimension, both, play a role in the formulation of Satellite Cities of the twenty-first century through their essential impact on the physical, social and economic infrastructure development of those cities). The research, then, sought to test the validity of this hypothesis and draw conclusions and recommendations.
یعد تغیر المناخ تحدیاً صعباً للعدالة الاجتماعیة, فالأشخاص لیسو متساوین في التأثر بتغیر المناخ سيما الفئات الأكثر ضعفاً في الدول النامیة لأنها الأقل جاهزیة لمواجهة آثار تغیر المناخ, ویستخدم مصطلح العدالة المناخیة للنظر في حقوق الإنسان والمساواة والمسؤولیة التاریخیة فیما یتعلق بتغیر المناخ, ویمكن لمفاهیم العدالة البیئیة بشكل خاص والعدالة الاجتماعیة عموماً أن تحقق العدالة المناخیة من خلال تنفیذ
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... Show Moreالتطهير العرقي هو إزالة قسرية منهجية للجماعات العرقية والدينية من منطقة معينة، بقصد جعل المنطقة متجانسة عرقياً وترافق الترحيل المباشر عمليات إبادة جماعية واغتصاب وتدمير الممتلكات، فبالتالي ممكن أن تعد جريمة التطهير العرقي جريمة ضد الإنسانية ويمكن أن تندرج ضمن اتفاقية الإبادة الجماعية. والتطير العرقي مفهوم مرتبط باستعمال العنف والسلاح من قبل جهة تتسم بالقوة ضد جهة أضعف، غالباً ما يكون التطرف والتع
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The increase in economic institutions, commercial companies and international trade operations among them across countries and in most countries of the world and the inadequacy of their national laws and national judiciary to settle the disputes arising from them between the parties led to the tendency of legal thought to search for specialized, appropriate and quick tools to decide on them, so international commercial arbitration came In the first place for the settlement of those disputes, especially those that arose within the framework of international trade relations.
As a result, the demand for arbitration, especially international commercial, has increased, while other problems have emerged with it, namely, deceit of oppon
... Show Moreيهدف هذا البحث الموسوم بـ (المنهج النقدي في كتاب الرجال للنجاشي(ت 450هـ )إلى تسليط الضوء على حياة النجاشي ومكانته العلمية والكشف عن منهجه النقدي في كتابه المذكور.
هذا البحث محاولة لإيجاد حلولاً لما يُقال من تعارض بين النحو العربي واللسانيات ؛ إذ ممكن أن تُسهم اللسانيات في تطوير قضايا النحو وتحديثها ،ومن ثمة لا تعارض بينهما إذ يكتنف هذا القول الغموض والتسرع ؛ لأنّه يغفل عن أهمية تحديد المفاهيم وضبطها ،فلكل مفهوم خصوصياته الإبستمولوجية أبعاده الخاصة به ،وإنّ هذا المفهوم نلمسه من خلال وجود فروق جوهرية بين النحو واللسانيات ، إلا أنّ هذا الاختلاف لا ينفي التعاون وال
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هذا البحث مستل من رسالة ماجستير اشرفت عليها وهو (المستوى الدلالي في شعر معن بن اوس المزني ومحتواه :
اولا: اللفظ والمعنى : علما ان اللفظ والمعنى من المسائل التي بحثها البلاغيون واللغويون القدامى والمحدثون حيث كثرت الاراء بين اتحاد اللفظ والمعنى وبين فصلهما .
ثانيا: التضاد : وهو مايقع على الشيء وضده في المعنى .
ثالثا: الترا
... Show MoreThe research intended to take into consideration the phenomena of employing the temporary employees through the business organization increasingly, which has become one of the most apparent features of the contemporary strategy of the human resources management. It depends on the analytical descrptive Approach to meet the research problem which has been focalized around the dispute praising regarding the phenomena of the temporary employment and its dimensions and challenges which can be faced by the management of human resources as a result .The importance of the research is represented as one of rare research which confronts to the phenomena of the temporary employment in the Iraqi business environment. The most prominent objec
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