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Information security contributes directly to increase the level of trust between the government’s departments by providing an assurance of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive governmental information. Many threats that are caused mainly by malicious acts can shutdown the egovernment services. Therefore the governments are urged to implement security in e-government projects.
Some modifications were proposed to the security assessment multi-layer model (Sabri model) to be more comprehensive model and more convenient for the Iraqi government. The proposed model can be used as a tool to assess the level of security readiness of government departments, a checklist for the required security measures and as a common security reference in the government organizations of Iraq. In order to make this model more practical, applicable and to represent the security readiness with a numerical value, evaluation modeling has been done for this model by using fuzzy logic tool of MATLAB R2010a program.
Since the risk assessment is considered as a major part in the information security management system, an effective and practical method to assess security risk is proposed by combining FEMRA (fuzzy expert model risk assessment) and Wavelet Neural Network (WNN). The fuzzy system is used to generate the training data  set in order to make the required training for WNN. The proposed method is applied when a risk assessment case study is made at the computer center of Baghdad University. It is found from the numerical results that the risk levels obtained by WNN are (with maximum of 58.23) too close to these calculated from FEMRA (with maximum of 60), with an average error of 5.51%. According to these results, the proposed method is effective and reasonable and can provide the support toward establishing the e-government.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Evaluating the part of historical center in Baghdad City
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Evaluating the part of historical center in Baghdad City

Scopus (5)
Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
THE EXTENT OF EXPOSURE OF BAGHDAD UNIVERSITY : (Students To Cultural And Television Programs)
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Communication is one of the main elements of culture, it is the source of its formation and a factor of its development and spread. Communication is a 'dynamic' cultural process and is an integral part of the political, social, economic and cultural aspects of people. Therefore, mass communication means help in the course and movement of individuals and cultural communities. The relationship between media and culture according to this perspective is one of many key factors and influential forces that make it coherent and sometimes intertwined. It is a problematic relationship that leads to research and study in order to lay the right foundations in the orientation towards the audience.

Mass communication has many basic functions.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of knowledge management in achieving outstanding university performance (Applied study in the Faculty of Management and Economics / University of Kufa)
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The research aims to determine the role of knowledge management to measure performance on a sample of faculties of Administration and Economics the University of Kufa, and to achieve this goal through a researcher from the theoretical literature and research and studies related to the construction of the scheme shows the hypothetical relationship between the variables, which was adopted by the independent variable knowledge management, distributed four variables are: (knowledge generation, knowledge storage, knowledge dissemination, the application of knowledge), as well as four variables representing the variables adopted for the performance of the university are:
(to reduce costs and increase profits, improve quality, scie

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of waste sorting and recycling laboratory in Mahmudiya (case study)
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The daily practices of humans produce various types of waste, which are a threat to the health and environment surrounding it, especially after the increase in quantities as a result of population growth and technological development, and here came the need for recycling solid waste as one of the modern concepts that achieve environmental benefits, The aim of the research is to evaluate the project of sorting and recycling of solid waste in the district of Mahmoudiya and whether its work is sustainable ,Conforming to modern standards, using standard checklists to determine the gap between the current laboratory reality and the requirements of those standards , Using the case study methodology as the most appropriate approach

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Mar 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of applying the electronic services system in the work of electronic banking: Applied research in a sample of Iraqi banks
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    The research aims to shed light on the impact of the application of the electronic services system on electronic banking activities in a sample of Iraqi banks, as investment in technology is the most important factor for the success and future growth of administrative companies in general, and banking in particular, as global economic developments in the field of Technology has led the majority of banking sectors in the world to undergo deep reforms and radical changes in the entity of their systems and mechanisms to confront competition and keep pace with economic changes, as the concept of banking services and its diversity changed with it, especially since persistence in the traditional approach no longer gi

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
National security and human security concepts in the study
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Security reflects a permanent and complex movement that complies with international and societal needs and developments in all its dimensions, interactions and levels. To constitute a universal demand for all States, communities and individuals. The question of security is one of the most important motivations and motivations that govern the behavior, and even the objectives of those societies and States. These groups or individuals have always sought to avoid fear and harm, and to provide stability, safety and security. In the light of this, security studies have been among the important fields of study in the field of international and strategic relations. The field witnessed many theoretical efforts, from the traditional perspective,

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A computer experiment to study the charging process of dust grains in negative ion plasma
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This work presents a computer studying to simulate the charging process of a dust grain immersed in plasma with negative ions. The study based on the discrete charging model. The model was developed to take into account the effect of negative ions on charging process of dust grain.
The model was translated to a numerical calculation by using computer programs. The program of model has been written with FORTRAN programming language to calculate the charging process for a dust particle in plasma with negative ion, the time distribution of a dust charge, number charge equilibrium and charging time for different value of ηe (ratio of number density of electron to number density of positive ion).

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 28 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Is it Time to Develop Government Communication Functions?
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Embracing digital technological advancements in media and communication has led government entities to adopt communication practices fully aligned with the digital and networked system in government communication. Traditional media practices within the government environment increasingly rely on the ability to utilize digital tools and systems for content creation, communication, evaluation, and the management of the entire communication process within an electronic and intelligent framework for government services. Naturally, this transformation has caught the attention of communication and public relations researchers worldwide, as the digital and networked aspects of government communication now form an intelle

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 14 2021
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Estimation of domestic urban electricity consumption: A case study of Baghdad, Iraq
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Electricity consumption for household purposes in urban areas widely affects the general urban consumption compared to other commercial and industrial uses, as household electricity consumption is affected by many factors related to the physical aspects of the residential area such as temperature, housing unit area, and coverage ratio, as well as social and economic factors such as family size and income, to reach the extent of the influence of each of the above factors on the amount of electricity consumed for residential uses, a selected sample of a residential area in the city of Baghdad was studied and a field survey conducted of the characteristics of that sample and the results analyzed and modeled statistically in relation to the amo

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Scopus (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Internal Contrl in Electronic Accounting Information System: Applied Study in Spacimen from Kurdistan Regin Iraq
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Internal control is system,defined and implemented under its responsibility , which aims to ensure that; laws and regulations are complied with; the instructions and directional guidelines fixed by Executive Management or the Management Borad are applied; the company internal processes are functioning correctlly , particularly those implicating the security of its assets; Financial Information is reliable; and generally contributes to the control over its activities , to the efficiency of its operation and to the efficient utilisation of its Resources. By helping to anticipate and control the risks involved in not meeting the objectives the company has set for itself, the internal control system plays akey role in conducting & monito

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