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Data Base for Dynamic Soil Properties of Seismic Active Zones in Iraq
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Iraq is located near the northern tip of the Arabian plate, which is advancing northwards relative to the Eurasian plate, and is predictably, a tectonically active country. Seismic activity in Iraq increased significantly during the last decade. So structural and geotechnical engineers have been giving increasing attention to the design of buildings for earthquake resistance. Dynamic properties play a vital role in the design of structures subjected to seismic load. The main objective of this study is to prepare a data base for the dynamic properties of different soils in seismic active zones in Iraq using the results of cross hole and down hole tests. From the data base collected it has been observed that the average vertical compressional wave velocities were ranged from (1125-2500) m/s in the North, (306-1544) m/s in the Middle, (805-1812) m/s in the western south, (377-1326) m/s in the eastern south and (334-1404) m/s in the South of Iraq. And the average vertical shear wave velocities were ranged from (225-476) m/s in the North, (111-408) m/s in the Middle, (268-659) m/s in the western south, (131-380)m/s in the eastern south and (102-365) m/s in the South of Iraq.



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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Logical Pragmatics of Arguments in Argumentation
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Logic is understood so far as a product perspective, either formal or informal. The topic is still, though interesting, imprecise, sketchy and problematic. Besides, the relevance of logic to linguistics has not been explained. This research focuses on dealing with logic as a product and a process. It introduces how logic is relevant to understanding language. Logic is surely not irrelevant to real human language. In this research, we coin 'logical pragmatics' to refer to "the structure of an argumentation and its parts used by the speaker for the purpose of persuasion to have an effect in the addressee and passive audience”. As such, the research mainly aims at providing a definition of "logical pragmatics" as well as developing an ide

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Treatment of polycyclic armoatic hydrocarbone in agriculture
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Despite the multiple sources of polycyclic compounds in the agricultural environment, this study suggests that it is possible to adopt the events of plants and their associated microorganisms in the soil, such as mushrooms and bacteria in the decomposition of these compounds can also use harvested plants such as barley and alfalfa grown for animal feed

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Application of Fuzzy Logic in Servo Motor
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 In this work the design and application of a fuzzy logic controller to DC-servomotor is investigated. The proposed strategy is intended to improve the performance of the original control system by use of a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) as the motor load changes. Computer simulation demonstrates that FLC is effective in position control of a DC-servomotor comparing with conventional one.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 12 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Acute Toxicity of Rutin in Mice
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Acute toxicity is a step to evaluate the toxicity of a substance. Rutin is one of the flavonoid compounds with a variety of pharmacological effects. The aim of the study is to calculate the lethal dose that affect fifty percent of the mice used in the experiment (LD50). Thirty Swiss albino male and 30 non-pregnant female mice have been divided equally and randomly into 5 treated groups and one control group (n=5)  Rutin has been administered with  concentrations 5,,0.625 and 0.312 g/kg administered as a single dose intraperitoneally (IP) while the control group received 1% DMSO (IP).  Animals were observed for any morbidity and mortality for 14 days. After 14 days the animal blood collected for biochemical and hem

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Survey Study of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Baghdad
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The research included an epidemiological study of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Baghdad for two years (2019 and 2020). Data were collected from the Iraqi Ministry of Health in Baghdad public health departments for Al-Karkh and Al-Rusafa districts. The results of the positive examinations for cutaneous leishmaniasis for the two years mentioned came with 54 infections in Al-Rusafa district and 80 infections in Al-Karkh district for the year 2019, while in 2020, the infections in Al-Rusafa district were 201 infections and 152 infections in Al-Karkh district. The data were divided in terms of gender into males and females, so the percentage for the year (2019) was 15% for males and 12% for females, and in (2020) 44% for males and 29% for female

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 26 2021
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Phytotoxicity of Salvinia molesta in Diesel Exposure
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Phytoremediation is one of the methods to remove various types of pollutants from water and soil using plants. Salvinia molesta, an aquatic plant, is chosen in this study to determine its ability to degrade diesel as the pollutant in synthetic wastewater with different diesel concentrations (0, 8,700, 17,400, and 26,100 mg/L) for 14 days. Total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) has been used as an indicator to represent diesel concentration variation in wastewater. Degradation of TPH was 85.1% for diesel concentration of 8,700 mg/L, compared with only 53.9% in the corresponding control without plant. While, acute toxicity on S. molesta exposed in diesel concentrations of 17,400 and 26,100 mg/L was observed and eventually had

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The contributions of Arab scientists In (algebra)
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Research summary

Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad, his family and companions until the Day of Judgment.

As for after:

It is the right of every nation to take care of its scientific heritage, and to reveal its human civilizational impact, and the Arabs are the richest nations in heritage, as they had in every period of time a sign and pride, the Arabs fulfilled their duty towards humanity, and they carried out a large part of their scientific activity towards humanity.

Therefore, highlighting some of the scientific aspects of the civilized activity of the Arabs, and removing some of the illusions spread by some malicious people, is a human duty before it is a national duty.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The principle of citizenship in Shari'a policy
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Jurists were unable to comprehend modern terminology and concepts to provide mature answers
On the questions and issues of the age, and what I want to research and raise it; an important and urgent subject, to crystallize the opinion jurisprudence
Islamic, which is the subject of citizenship. The globalization of the concept of citizenship, and the spread of special cultural differences,
The blurring of the identities and specificities of nations due to conflict, or political differences, often results in responses
This trend is inversely rooted and rooted, and as a result, the threat to one's religion or predecessors becomes threatened by one's culture,
Thus destroying the essence of his identity. Man has the highest rank

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
The Philosophy of time in contemporary arts
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Fine art represents part of society's culture. The development of art was accompanied by the penetration of new worlds known as the fourth dimension. After art entered the boundaries of geometry and reduction; He began to break into the absurd, and the form and philosophy of art changed, moving from modernity to what came after it to contemporary. Transforming from a formal form into a symbolic form with philosophical implications linked to the light, audio and kinetic effects as they embody time, the concept became the master of the idea. The research aims to identify the concept of time and its types, then the philosophical concept of time and its reflection on contemporary art, through the analytical study of a selection of contempora

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Molecular Diagnosis of Brucella species in Baghdad
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Brucellosis is possess a significant public health problem in Baghdad. In this study, we investigated the potential role of the PCR assay in detection of Brucella species, from patients suspect to have brucellosis, using blood samples in both human and animal. To establish a PCR technique for diagnosis of active brucellosis in our samples, DNA extraction was carried out using a commercial kit, and a laboratory extraction procedure. PCR amplification was done using 1 set of primers: B4/B5 for Brucella species. Extraction of Brucella DNA using the commercial kit was successful. The laboratory extraction was successful and more economic. A total of 178 peripheral blood

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