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Optimum Reinforcement Depth Ratio for Sandy Soil Enhancement to Support Ring Footing Subjected to a Combination of Inclined-Eccentric Load
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This work investigates the impacts of eccentric-inclined load on ring footing performance resting on treated and untreated weak sandy soil, and due to the reduction in the footing carrying capacity due to the combinations of eccentrically-inclined load, the geogrid was used as reinforcement material. Ring radius ratio and reinforcement depth ratio parameters were investigated. Test outcomes showed that the carrying capacity of the footing decreases with the increment in the eccentric-inclined load and footing radius ratio. Furthermore, footing tilt and horizontal displacement increase with increasing the eccentricity and inclination angle, respectively. At the same time, the increment in the horizontal displacement due to the inclined load reduces with increasing the eccentricity ratio.

The results also revealed that the optimum radius ratio under eccentrically-inclined load is n=0.30, the optimum depth ratio is U/B=0.50, and at the optimum depth ratio and with eccentricity ratio of 0.16 and for the inclination angles of 5, 10, 15 the improvement in the carrying capacity was by (115.1%, 126.5%, and 131.5%) for the inclination angles of respectively.


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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Sustainable Development And Planning
Prediction of Formal Transformations in City Structure (Kufa as a Model) Based on the Cellular Automation Model and Markov Chains
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The research utilizes data produced by the Local Urban Management Directorate in Najaf and the imagery data from the Landsat 9 satellite, after being processed by the GIS tool. The research follows a descriptive and analytical approach; we integrated the Markov chain analysis and the cellular automation approach to predict transformations in city structure as a result of changes in land utilization. The research also aims to identify approaches to detect post-classification transformations in order to determine changes in land utilization. To predict the future land utilization in the city of Kufa, and to evaluate data accuracy, we used the Kappa Indicator to determine the potential applicability of the probability matrix that resulted from

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
African Journal Of Hospitality, Tourism And Leisure
Effect of Employees' Abilities on Successful ICT Application and Sustainable Development Goals: a Descriptive Study in hospitality Organizations in Iraq
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The aim of this study is to evaluate the implementation of ICT applications in public service organizations, which is responsible for the implementation of public policy. The study examined the success of ICT in achieving its goals by meeting the main needs of the community members which is the first requirement in the success of sustainable development plans before determine the capabilities of ICT. The main pillar of success in the implementation of ICT systems is the key to improving the efficiency of the organization's performance. This is a reflection of the effectiveness and quality of the services provided to its beneficiaries. The study concluded that the current level of capabilities of individuals working in public organizations i

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 10 2014
Journal Name
Advances In Language And Literary Studies
The Functions of Onomatopoeia in Modern English and Arabic Poetry: A Study in Selected Poems by Lawrence and al-Sayyab
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Onomatopoeia has always been a functional poetic device which enjoys a high sound significance in the poetry of many languages. In modern English and Arabic poetry alike, it proves to be vital and useful at different levels: musical, thematic and at the level of meaning. Still, the cultural difference looms large over the ways it is employed by the poets of each. The present paper investigates the employment of onomatopoeia in the poetry of D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930) and Badr Shakir al-Sayyab (1926-1964) who are chosen due to the importance they enjoy in modern English and Arabic poetry and the richness of their poems in onomatopoeias. The conclusions reached at are in a sense related to cultural differences which govern the use of onomato

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 02 2012
Journal Name
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding breast cancer and breast self-examination among a sample of the educated population in Iraq
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This cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study evaluated the knowledge, attitude and practice towards breast cancer and breast self-examination [‎BSE]‎ among 387 [‎302 females and 85 males]‎ educated Iraqis affiliated to 2 Iraqi universities. The participants were categorized into 3 occupations: student [‎71.3%]‎, teaching staff [‎10.3%]‎ and administrative staff [‎18.3%]‎. About half of the participants had a low knowledge score [‎< 50%]‎; only 14.3% were graded as [‎Good]‎ and above. Almost 75% of the participants believed that the best way to control breast cancer was through early detection and other possible preventive measures. Most participants [‎90.9%]‎ had heard of BSE, the main source of informatio

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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Anthropology and Representations of Magic in Arab Theatrical Text Harut and Marut's Play as a Model: وصال خلفة كاظم البكري
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The research (Anthropology and Representations of magic in Arab Theatrical Text, Harut and Marut's play as a Model) is concerned with studying magic and the forms of its presence in the theatrical text in different human cultures where it belongs. The research consists of four chapters.
The first chapter includes the research problem that revolves around the following questions: (what is the mechanism of employing magic anthropology and its representations in the Arab theatrical text Harut and Marut's play as a model?), and the research importance which is attributed to the necessity of studying (magic) in the Arab theatrical text as it is considered the inauguration of one of the social phenomena that many researchers in the field o

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Prevalence of Burnout Syndrome and its Association with Job Title and Violence among Physicians in Baghdad: A Triangulated Methodology Study
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Background: Economic Globalization affects work condition by increasing work stress. Chronic work stress ended with burnout syndrome. Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of burnout syndrome and the association of job title, and violence with it among physicians in Baghdad, and to assess the burnout syndrome at patient and work levels by structured interviews. Subjects and Methods: A cross section study was conducted on Physicians in Baghdad. Sampling was a multistage, stratified sampling to control the confounders in the design phase. A mixed qualitative and quantitative approach (triangulation) was used. Quantitative method used self-administered questionnaires of Maslach Burn out Inventory. Qualitative approach used an open-end

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Carbon Dioxide Availability in Inlands Rivers Is Driven by Dissolved Organic Carbon, Not Warming: A Case Study of Tigris River
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الانهار اصبحت مشبعة بثاني اوكسيد الكربون بشكل عالي وبذلك فهي تلعب دور مهم في كميات الكربون العالمية. لزيادة فهمنا حول مصادر الكربون المتوفرة في النظم البيئية النهرية، تم اجراء هذه الدراسة حول تأثير الكربون العضوي المذاب والحرارة (العوامل الرئيسية لتغير المناخ) كمحركات رئيسية لوفرة ثاني اوكسيد الكربون في الانهار. تم جمع العينات من خمسة واربعون موقع في ثلاثة اجزاء رئيسية لنهر دجلة داخل مدينة بغداد خلال فص

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Oncology And Radiotherapy
Comparting study of cytokeratin 18 fragment M65 with CA19-9 and CEA as a biomarker in Iraqi colon cancer patients
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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Surgical Neurology International
Unilateral absence of the internal carotid artery associated with anterior communicating artery aneurysms: Systematic review and a proposed management algorithm
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Absence or hypoplasia of the internal carotid artery (ICA) is a rare congenital anomaly that is mostly unilateral and highly associated with other intracranial vascular anomalies, of which saccular aneurysm is the most common. Blood flow to the circulation of the affected side is maintained by collateral pathways, some of which include the anterior communicating artery (Acom) as part of their anatomy. Therefore, temporary clipping during microsurgery on Acom aneurysms in patients with unilateral ICA anomalies could jeopardize these collaterals and place the patient at risk of ischemic damage. In this paper, we review the literature on cases with a unilaterally absent ICA associa

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Sperms Abnormalities and Testicular Damage Induced by cyclosporine A Drug and the Protective Effect of Garlic in Male Albino Rats
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     The objective of present study is to identify the adverse effects of cyclosporine A drug and the protective role of garlic in cytotoxicity test, including sperms deformation and histological changes in testes tissues of male albino rats. The study recorded significant increase p≥0.05 in sperms head and tail deformation rates in groups that were administrated cyclosporine and cyclosporine + garlic for two weeks compared with control groups which were administrated olive oil and garlic. The study reported significant decrease p≥0.05 in sperms head and tail deformation rates in the group that was administrated cyclosporine + garlic compared with group that was administrated cyclosporine only. In addition, the study also indicat

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