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A An Authentication and Access Control Model for Healthcare based Cloud Services
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Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems are used as an efficient and effective method of exchanging patients’ health information with doctors and other key stakeholders in the health sector to obtain improved patient treatment decisions and diagnoses. As a result, questions regarding the security of sensitive user data are highlighted. To encourage people to move their sensitive health records to cloud networks, a secure authentication and access control mechanism that protects users’ data should be established. Furthermore, authentication and access control schemes are essential in the protection of health data, as numerous responsibilities exist to ensure security and privacy in a network. So, the main goal of our suggested solution is to maintain a secure authentication and access control mechanism for health cloud data. Thus, in this work, Security Secret Key Provider (SSKP) phase is proposed for the E-healthcare-based cloud that consists of two parts. The first is an authentication scheme that is Security Secret Key (SSK) and the second is a modular access control mechanism. We explain the methodology of the proposed approach through appropriate evaluation results, which improves system security and performance by minimizing the time spent to get authentication and access the data. Simulation results indicate that our approach is significantly more effective than existing research.


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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An Adaptive Digital Neural Network-Like-PID Control Law Design for Fuel Cell System Based on FPGA Technique
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This paper proposes an on-line adaptive digital Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control algorithm based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Model. This research aims to design and implement Neural Network like a digital PID using FPGA in order to generate the best value of the hydrogen partial pressure action (PH2) to control the stack terminal output voltage of the (PEMFC) model during a variable load current applied. The on-line Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is used for finding and tuning the optimal value of the digital PID-NN controller (kp, ki, and kd) parameters that improve the dynamic behavior of the closed-loop digital control fue

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Statistical Applications In Genetics And Molecular Biology
Mixture model-based association analysis with case-control data in genome wide association studies
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Abstract<p>Multilocus haplotype analysis of candidate variants with genome wide association studies (GWAS) data may provide evidence of association with disease, even when the individual loci themselves do not. Unfortunately, when a large number of candidate variants are investigated, identifying risk haplotypes can be very difficult. To meet the challenge, a number of approaches have been put forward in recent years. However, most of them are not directly linked to the disease-penetrances of haplotypes and thus may not be efficient. To fill this gap, we propose a mixture model-based approach for detecting risk haplotypes. Under the mixture model, haplotypes are clustered directly according to their estimated d</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Suggested Model for auditing the performance of municipal institutions to verify the services provided
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The services provided by the municipal institutions of the basic things needed by the man in his daily life and the evolution of cities basically depends on these services and therefore has paid most of the world's attention to this vital facility and give him the biggest concern for the welfare of the citizens, as is the research problem that there is no program scrutiny to evaluate the performance of municipal institutions contribute to measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the services provided and was based on research on the premise that the preparation of the existence of audit program to evaluate the performance of municipal institutions contribute to measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of services provided has reac

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 13 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Robotics
Hierarchical Stabilization and Tracking Control of a Flexible-Joint Bipedal Robot Based on Anti-Windup and Adaptive Approximation Control
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Bipedal robotic mechanisms are unstable due to the unilateral contact passive joint between the sole and the ground. Hierarchical control layers are crucial for creating walking patterns, stabilizing locomotion, and ensuring correct angular trajectories for bipedal joints due to the system’s various degrees of freedom. This work provides a hierarchical control scheme for a bipedal robot that focuses on balance (stabilization) and low-level tracking control while considering flexible joints. The stabilization control method uses the Newton–Euler formulation to establish a mathematical relationship between the zero-moment point (ZMP) and the center of mass (COM), resulting in highly nonlinear and coupled dynamic equations. Adaptiv

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Spatial analysis of rural services in the district of Fallujah, Zgharit village, as a model
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          The study of services in villages is one of the imperative matters that must   be focused on, because it leads to increased attention, which reduces the differences between the countryside and the urban. The extent of its.

  It is well known that community services need to be reached by a person, unlike the anchor services that reach people, here the population distribution plays an important and prominent role in signing these services, so the dispersed distribution pattern and the gathering pattern appeared in the distribution, thus an effect on the time and distance that the person walked to obtain The services are community-based. Therefore

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Telematics And Informatics
Corrigendum to “Modelling the utilization of cloud health information systems in the Iraqi public healthcare sector” [Telematics and Informatics, 36 (2019) 132–146]
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A New Model Design for Combating COVID -19 Pandemic Based on SVM and CNN Approaches
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       In the current worldwide health crisis produced by coronavirus disease (COVID-19), researchers and medical specialists began looking for new ways to tackle the epidemic. According to recent studies, Machine Learning (ML) has been effectively deployed in the health sector. Medical imaging sources (radiography and computed tomography) have aided in the development of artificial intelligence(AI) strategies to tackle the coronavirus outbreak. As a result, a classical machine learning approach for coronavirus detection from      Computerized Tomography (CT) images was developed. In this study, the convolutional neural network (CNN) model for feature extraction and support vector machine (SVM) for the classification of axial

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 04 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Computing
User Authentication Approach using a Combination of Unigraph and Digraph Keystroke Features
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In Computer-based applications, there is a need for simple, low-cost devices for user authentication. Biometric authentication methods namely keystroke dynamics are being increasingly used to strengthen the commonly knowledge based method (example a password) effectively and cheaply for many types of applications. Due to the semi-independent nature of the typing behavior it is difficult to masquerade, making it useful as a biometric. In this paper, C4.5 approach is used to classify user as authenticated user or impostor by combining unigraph features (namely Dwell time (DT) and flight time (FT)) and digraph features (namely Up-Up Time (UUT) and Down-Down Time (DDT)). The results show that DT enhances the performance of digraph features by i

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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In this paper, a discussion of the principles of stereoscopy is presented, and the phases
of 3D image production of which is based on the Waterfall model. Also, the results are based
on one of the 3D technology which is Anaglyph and it's known to be of two colors (red and
A 3D anaglyph image and visualization technologies will appear as a threedimensional
by using a classes (red/cyan) as considered part of other technologies used and
implemented for production of 3D videos (movies). And by using model to produce a
software to process anaglyph video, comes very important; for that, our proposed work is
implemented an anaglyph in Waterfall model to produced a 3D image which extracted from a

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of strategic planning for electronic services to developing cash bank deposits: An Applied research for a sample of Iraqi private banks
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               The bank deposits is fuel banking activity and raw material products for the commercial bank and the basis of its activity and its lifetime So the bank, which seeks to continue the successful development of the volume of cash deposits has translated the work of the bank to meet the needs of different sectors by providing the necessary funding, and from this point of view was the research problem a lack of interest departments of banking services to commercial banks as a means for the development of electronic cash deposits have, and which represents the basis for the supplier commercial bank fund.


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