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Directive and Steerable Radiation Pattern using SASPA Array
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This work examines the ability of a special type of smart antenna array known as Switched Active Switched Parasitic Antenna (SASPA) to produce a directive and electronically steerable radiation pattern. The SASPA array consists of antenna elements that are switchable between active and parasitic states by using P-Intrinsic-N (PIN) diodes. The active element is the element that is supplied by the radio frequency while short-circuiting the terminals of an element in the array results in a parasitic element. Due to the strong mutual coupling between the elements, a directional radiation pattern with high gain and a small beamwidth can be produced with only one active element operating at a time. By changing the parasitic state to the active state sequentially for all elements, the directed radiation pattern can be easily rotated. The antenna array structure used in this work is the uniform circular array (UCA) to achieve symmetrical radiation patterns and full coverage of the entire azimuth plane. Also, a novel method for reducing the mutual coupling effect in SASPA arrays is proposed in this work. By using this method, some parameters of the generated SASPA’s radiation pattern can be controlled. The simulated results obtained from this work depict that an N-element SASPA-UCA produces N-symmetrical, switchable, and steerable radiation patterns with high gain, small beamwidth, and a high Front-to-Back (F/B) ratio. Also, the results show that further improvements in these parameters can be achieved by increasing the number of elements in the array. Additional simulations demonstrate that by including decaying function weight in each element's circuitry, the mutual coupling between the components of the SASPA-UCA array can be minimized. The aforementioned parameters can then be efficiently modified using this mutual coupling reduction.




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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
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Glassy polymers like Poly Mathyel Metha Acrylate are usually classified as non-porous materials; they are almost considered as fully transparent. Thin samples of these materials reflect color changing followed by porous formation and consequently cracking when exposed to certain level of ?-irradiation. The more the dose is the higher the effect have been observed. The optical microscope and UV-VIS spectroscopy have clearly approved these consequences especially for doped polymers.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Fusion Power Density and Radiation Losses Characteristics for Tritium Fusion Reactions
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A new data for Fusion power density has been obtained for T-3He and T-T fusion reactions, power density is a substantial term in the researches related to the fusion energy generation and ignition calculations of magnetic confined systems. In the current work, thermal nuclear reactivities, power densities of a fusion reactors and the ignition condition inquiry are achieved by using a new and accurate formula of cross section, the maximum values of fusion power density for T-3He and TT reaction are 1.1×107 W/m3 at T=700 KeV and 4.7×106 W/m3 at T=500 KeV respectively, While Zeff suggested to be 1.44 for the two reactions. Bremsstrahlung radiation has also been determined to reaching self- sustaining reactors, Bremsstrahlung values are 4.5×

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Prescribing Pattern and Rational use of Drugs in Maysan Governorate, Iraq
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This study was designed to investing the drug prescribing pattern which is the important point in the rational or irrational use of drugs among patients dispensing their prescriptions from the private pharmacies in Maysan governorate, Iraq for a period of 1 month. The data collected from prescriptions were calculated and analyzed according to the WHO prescribing guidelines. The data showed that the mean of drugs included in single prescription was 3.4, and 12% of prescribed drugs were written as generic names; moreover, the percentage of antibiotics, corticosteroids and anxiolytics were 33.3%, 11.4% and 23.8% respectively. Those results indicate the irrational use of drugs when compared with the world health organization standard values

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 05 2013
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Modeling, stability and walking pattern generators of biped robots: a review
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SUMMARY<p>Biped robots have gained much attention for decades. A variety of researches have been conducted to make them able to assist or even substitute for humans in performing special tasks. In addition, studying biped robots is important in order to understand human locomotion and to develop and improve control strategies for prosthetic and orthotic limbs. This paper discusses the main challenges encountered in the design of biped robots, such as modeling, stability and their walking patterns. The subject is difficult to deal with because the biped mechanism intervenes with mechanics, control, electronics and artificial intelligence. In this paper, we collect and introduce a systematic discussion of modelin</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Characteristics and pattern of organizational structure for general inspectors offices :Testing Research
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Concentrated research topic in addressing variable vital to the work of offices of inspectors general, construction and scale effectiveness and efficiency is the organizational structure, which are important as is obvious to any researcher in the management and organization and this variable would affect the exercise task supervision and inspection of financial and administrative corruption and combat efficiently, Thus this effect will be placed in the fold ability to achieve goals. That the creation of the organizational structure and requirements to achieve harmony between its properties is creating step towards success. This research aims to analyze the characteristics and style o

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch.
Venation pattern and leaf architectures of cordia myxa L. from boraginaceae family
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Expert Systems With Applications
Combined influence of forearm orientation and muscular contraction on EMG pattern recognition
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Human Face Recognition Based on Local Ternary Pattern and Singular Value Decomposition
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There is various human biometrics used nowadays, one of the most important of these biometrics is the face. Many techniques have been suggested for face recognition, but they still face a variety of challenges for recognizing faces in images captured in the uncontrolled environment, and for real-life applications. Some of these challenges are pose variation, occlusion, facial expression, illumination, bad lighting, and image quality. New techniques are updating continuously. In this paper, the singular value decomposition is used to extract the features matrix for face recognition and classification. The input color image is converted into a grayscale image and then transformed into a local ternary pattern before splitting the image into

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 26 2024
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Effect of Radiation on Blood Component and Hormones on Male Patient and Breast Cancer
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Background: The study's objective was to estimate the effects of radiation on testosterone-related hormones and blood components in prostate cancer patients. N Materials and Method: This study aims to investigate the effects of radiation on 20 male prostate cancer patients at the Middle Euphrates Oncology Centre. Blood samples were collected before and after radiation treatment, with a total dose of 60- 70 Gy, The blood parameters were analyzed. The hospital laboratory conducted the blood analysis using an analyzer (Diagon D-cell5D) to test blood components before and after radiation. Hormonal examinations included testosterone levels, using the VIDASR 30 for Multiparametric immunoassay system Results: The study assessed the socio-demogra

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Model of Intelligent Traffic Light System with Saving Power
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In this paper, a FPGA model of intelligent traffic light system with power saving was built. The intelligent traffic light system consists of sensors placed on the side's ends of the intersection to sense the presence or absence of vehicles. This system reduces the waiting time when the traffic light is red, through the transition from traffic light state to the other state, when the first state spends a lot of time, because there are no more vehicles. The proposed system is built using VHDL, simulated using Xilinx ISE 9.2i package, and implemented using Spartan-3A XC3S700A FPGA kit. Implementation and Simulation behavioral model results show that the proposed intelligent traffic light system model satisfies the specified operational req

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