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Significant Safety Factors Affecting the Safety Performance in Iraqi Construction Projects
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Despite recent attempts to improve safety in the construction sector, this sector is considered dangerous and unsafe. Iraq is one of the emerging nations that suffers from a lack of construction safety management. In 2018, the construction sector in Iraq was responsible for 38% of all industrial accidents. Creating a safety program minimizes this problem by making safety an intrinsic part of construction projects. As a result, this article aims to identify the crucial safety factors that affect the safety performance in Iraqi construction projects. After conducting a critical literature review of the related literature, a list of 35 sub-factors classified into nine categories of main factors was chosen to rank each factor according to significance. A total of 100 sets of questionnaires were delivered to respondents in various construction projects. It was discovered that the "Management Practices" factor was considered the most key safety performance factor among all the main factors. The results also showed that among all the sub-factors, "Personal protective equipment," "First aid and medical care," and "Contractor's site safety program" were considered the most influential sub-factors. Furthermore, "drug and alcohol tests for workers" are the least important safety sub-factors. On the other hand, five sub-factors were excluded as being unimportant and not affecting safety performance.


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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The aesthetic of the Quranic voice and its relation to the meaning
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The Qur'an is an inexhaustible source for researchers, and all of them find a rich material for its research, and no wonder in it is the book of the greatest Arabic. Quranic research has been an attempt to extract the secret in the miracle of the Koran, and not the Quranic miracle is limited to the word and its meaning, but that the miracle extends to include every sound in motion or silent; the sound performance of the Quranic text increases the meaning of beauty and earns the word heartbeat, Souls; and this may be due to the beauty of voice in the performance and harmony between sounds and words, and harmony between the exits and descriptions, or the tides of the tides,
Based on the above and to show the miraculous aspects of the Qu

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2023
Journal Name
Gsc Biological And Pharmaceutical Sciences
Anatomical study of the 3rd metacarpal bone of some mammals
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The current study included the anatomical structure of the metatarsal bone in sheep in terms of the traditional structural description of the bone, as it was found that the metatarsal bone in the fore and hind limbs of adult sheep had no visible differences between it and animals, especially ruminants. The metacarpal \tarsal bone No. 3 was cylindrical in shape, with the presence of the metacarpal \tarsal bones 2 and 4 declines, articulated from the proximal end with the metacarpal and metatarsal bones whereas from the distal part with the fetlock joint and the first phalanx bone. The aim of the study is to determine whether the environment and its changes in Iraq have affected the animals and their bones in terms of length, thicknes

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Practice and Opinion of Doctors in Primary Health Care Centers Toward Referral System: Samples from Nine Governorates in Iraq
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Background: Most primary Health Care Centers (PHCCs) in Iraq have a referral system records; however, this mechanism does not function well because of the lack of other requirements for an efficient referral system.

Objective: To assess the practice & opinion of doctors in PHCs toward the referral system, and to determine the doctors in PHC's commitment to referral system instructions and guidelines.

Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional study with analytic elements was conducted in nine health directorates in Iraq, from the 1st October 2018 – 30th June 2019.One PHC was selected randomly form each sector in every governorate, A questionnaire was used to collect the required information.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The relation between the mesio-distal crown widths of the deciduous second molars and the permanent first molars
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Background: This study aimed to find whether there is a relation between the mesio-distal crown diameters of the deciduous second molars and the permanent first molars in an Iraqi sample from Baghdad city. Material and methods: The sample consisted of 54 Iraqi children aged 8-9 years at the mixed dentition stage. The measurements included the mesio-distal crown width of the deciduous second molars and the permanent first molars on the study casts using digital sliding vernier. Results: The results revealed absence of the side difference of the widths of teeth measured. High significant gender difference was detected for the permanent first molars and the deciduous second molars except mandibular permanent first molar. On the other hand, hig

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of the risks of foreign currency positions on the continuity of the economic unit : Applied research
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The research aims to know the extent of the impact of the risks of foreign exchange centers represented in commitment risks, liquidity risks, and exchange rate risks on the continuity of the economic unit. The research in the light of its presentation of the intellectual, cognitive and applied contributions about the risks of foreign currency centers and the continuity of the economic unit, and represented the research community in the banking sector, and the sample included nine private commercial banks listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange, and they relied on the research on a time series consisting of four years that extended from one year 2017 to 2020. The research problem was the impact of the risks associated with foreign currency cent

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
((The extent of the obligation of the Federal Board of supreme Audit to apply the INTOSAI 3000 standard))
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The research aims to demonstrate the commitment of the Federal Financial Supervisory Bureau to meet the requirements of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) 3000, the general and private supervision of performance as the highest supervisory authority in Iraq, which is the only authorized to carry out the process of monitoring the performance of government work and activities. To analyze and present the results of the survey questionnaire prepared for the compliance of the Bureau with the requirements of the general and specific criteria related to the performance control process. The researcher reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is the commitment of the

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Manufacturing the Functions and Responsibilities of the Press Photo: The Photo of the Child Elian as a Model
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The theory of the psychologist’s Piaget states that man passes through four stages; other says that mankind passes through five. At each stage, human learn new characteristics, values, skills, and cultures from different environment that differ from one society to another. Therefore, the cultures of societies vary according to the diversity of the environments. These environments also vary depending on the circumstances surrounding them, e.g., in war environment, the individual learns what he does not learn from living in safe environment. As the environment changes, the communicative message also changes. This message is subject to person, groups, organizations and parties and directed to a diverse audience in its orientations and bel

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    The present work provides a list of all amphibians and reptiles recorded from Iraq up to 2014. It includes 115 species (105 species of reptiles and 10 species of amphibians) dating back to 25 families (20 families of reptiles and 5 families of amphibians). Conservation status of each species was mentioned.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Detection of Genetic Relationship Between Eucalyptus Species in Iraq
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Abstract<p>Environmental factors that damage plant cells by dehydrating them, such cold, drought, and high salinity, are the most common environmental stresses that have an impact on plant growth, development, and productivity in cultivated regions around the world. Several types of plants have several drought, salinity, and cold inducible genes that make them tolerant to environmental challenges. The purpose of this study was to investigate several species in <italic>Eucalyptus</italic> plants and determined the evolutionary descent between different species of <italic>Eucalyptus</italic>. Samples from plants were used to extract genomic DNA. After sequence methods with phyl</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 10 2020
Journal Name
Open Access Macedonian Journal Of Medical Sciences
Maternal Anemia Prevalence and Subsequent Neonatal Complications in Iraq
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BACKGROUND: Anemia during pregnancy is still a challenge throughout the world, and it may cause severe health consequences in the maternal and fetal sides. AIM: This study aims to find out the prevalence of maternal anemia and potential adverse outcomes in Iraq. METHODS: In Medical City Tertiary Center in Baghdad, singleton pregnant ladies came for delivery were involved over 6 months’ period. Based on hemoglobin (Hb) readings; they were divided into no anemia group (Hb>11 g/l) and anemia group which were further subdivided into mild, moderate, and severe (Hb =10–10.9, =7.1–9.9, and <7 g/l, respectively). Full history and examination were performed by attending obstetrician and pediatrician for the upcoming b

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