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Simulation of the Entrance to the Escape of the Flood Branching from the Diyala River
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The Diyala River is considered the third most important river in Iraq. However, in the recent period, Diyala Governorate has been subject to several floods. This study aims to simulate an efficient labyrinth weir at the flood escape entrance branching from the Diyala River to reach the best entrance through which the flood waves can pass safely. The discharge coefficient was calculated laboratory for five types of trapezoidal side labyrinth weirs with different sidewall angles. Results showed that the coefficient discharge for the trapezoidal labyrinth side weir with an angle of the sidewall is 75ᵒ and has a discharge coefficient greater than the rest of the labyrinth side weirs. The second part of this study is validating the laboratory work using the CFD technique, where the same laboratory channel was simulated with the weirs of the side trapezoidal labyrinth using the Ansys-Fluent program. The numerical study gave very close results compared with the experimental results with MSE, where the error percentage error was from 3.3% to 10%. The last part of the work is numerically simulating the trapezoidal labyrinth side weir with an angle of the sidewall of 75ᵒ at the flood escape entrance branching from the Diyala River. The results showed that the side labyrinth weir has a larger discharge capacity of 4.8% than the rest of the traditional weirs and is more effective in flood treatment.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 30 2022
Journal Name
Dirasat: Human And Social Sciences
Eco-awareness as an Antithesis of Apocalyptic Eco-Phobia in Margaret Atwood’s (The Year of the Flood)
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This paper argues that eco-awareness is presented in Margaret Atwood’s The Year of the Flood as a remedy for apocalyptic eco-phobia. The study focuses on apocalypse and eco-phobia as a motivation of the characters’ eco-awareness. Accordingly, the novel depicts several scenes of natural apocalyptic regarding the decline of the environment. There is an obvious relationship between apocalyptic eco-phobia and eco-awareness because they are environmental elements. Therefore, the study examines Atwood’s perception of apocalypse that threatens the ideal nature; she offers alternatives to avoid it via elevating the characters’ eco-awareness. Consequently, eco-awareness exemplifies the ideal natural state needed by the characters bec

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Matec Web Of Conferences
Evaluation water quality of Diyala River in Iraq using Bhargava method
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Diyala River is a tributary of Tigris River, it is one of the important rivers in Iraq. It covers a total distance of 445 km (275 miles). 32600 km2is the area that drains by Diyala River between Iraqi-Iranian borders. This research aims to evaluate the water quality index WQI of Diyala River, where three stations were chosen along the river. These stations are D12 at Jalawlaa City at the beginning of Diyala River, the second station is D15 at Baaquba City at the mid distance of the river, and the third station is D17 which is the last station before the confluence of Diyala River with Tigris River at Baghdad city. Bhargava method was used in order to evaluate the water quality index for both irrigation and drink

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 17 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The First Record of Three Species of Dogielius (Monogenea) From Three Cyprinid Fishes From the Greater Zab River, North of Iraq*
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A total of 352 freshwater fishes, belonging to three species of the family Cyprinidae were collected from the Greater Zab river in north of Iraq during the period from November 2000 to the end of November 2001. The inspection of their gills revealed the infection of these fishes with three species of monogenetic trematodes belonging to the genus Dogielius. These species included D. mokhayeri from Aspius vorax with a percentage incidence of 37.5%; D. molnari from Cyprinion macrostomum (33.3%) and D. persicus from Barbus luteus (41.2%). The record of this genus and its three above-named species of the present study are considered as the first record on fishes of Iraq.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Re-distribution of income in favor of the poor - theoretical entrance of stagnation treatment
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Research deals the crises of the global recession of the facets of different and calls for the need to think out of the ordinary theory and find the arguments of the theory to accommodate the evolution of life, globalization and technological change and the standard of living of individuals and the size of the disparity in income distribution is not on the national level, but also at the global level as well, without paying attention to the potential resistance for thought the usual classical, Where the greater the returns of factors of production, the consumption will increase, and that the marginal propensity to consume may rise and the rise at rates greater with slices of low-income (the mouths of the poor) wi

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 23 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education Online
Idyllic Pastoral: Environmental Scenic Remedial Sublimes for Apocalyptic Ecophobia in Margaret Atwood's The Year of the Flood.
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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial Innovation as an Entrance to Sustainable Financing A Case Study of Islamic Banks in the State of Qatar (2014-2018)
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While the impact of the fourth Industrial Revolution on the economy keeps accelerating, the signs of the fifth industrial revolution, whose key is innovation and creativity started to evolve. However, the challenge of achieving sustainable development and its goals remains faced by the global organizations; In this situation, Islamic banks are exposed to many challenges among which is the challenge of keeping themselves abreast of the latest developments in the modern technology which in turn is a tool for continuity and competition. On the flip side, to avoid the negative impact that these changes can have such as an increased gap between financial innovations and the requirements of sustainable development. Islamic banks in the

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Impact of Hindiya Dam on the Limnological Features of Euphrates River to the North of Babil Governorate, Iraq
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          Five sites were chosen to the north of Babil Governorate in   order to identify the limnological features and the impact of the Hindiya Dam during 2019. Site2 was located near the dam to reflect the ecological features of this site, whereas other sites, S1 was located at the upstream of the dam as a control site. Moreover, the two other sites S3 and S4 were located down the dam. The results of  the  study  showed  a  close  correlation  between air and water temperature at all sites. Also there were significant differences in average of thirteen out of eighteen water parameters.Water temperature, total alkalinity, bicarbonate, DO, POS, TH and Mg+2  ions  decreased from 22.76˚C, 203.33 mg/L,

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the tax gap resulting from the application of the direct deduction method and its reflection on the financial objective of the tax: Applied research in the General Directorate of education in Diyala
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The research aims to shed light on the nature of the tax gap in the income tax by the method of direct deduction and its reflection on the financial objective of the tax, and to determine the reasons for this gap in the deduction between the tax due in accordance with the laws and instructions in force and the tax actually paid. The tax gap is a real problem that cannot be ignored for what it represents loss of financial revenues due to the state.

The research problem is represented in the existence of a gap between the tax due according to direct deduction instructions and the tax actually paid according to the financial statements, and to achieve the objectives of the research and test the hypotheses, t

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using the band ratio classification method to detect the regions that need to remove sedimentation in Tigris River
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LandSat Satellite ETM+ image have been analyzed to detect the different depths of regions inside the Tigris river in order to detect the regions that need to remove sedimentation in Baghdad in Iraq Country. The scene consisted of six bands (without the thermal band), It was captured in March ٢٠٠١. The variance in depth is determined by applying the rationing technique on the bands ٣ and ٥. GIS ٩. ١ program is used to apply the rationing technique and determined the results.

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Publication Date
Sun May 15 2022
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Isolation of different parasites from the freshwater of Euphrates River in Anbar Province, Iraq
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Intestinal parasites present in freshwater from the Al- Fallujah, Al- Habbaniyah and Al-Alwarar, of the Euphrates river in Iraq are Cryptosporidium spp (25.3%), Giardia sp (3.3%), Eimeria sp (3.3%), Pinworm eggs (3.3%), Naegleria sp (15.3%), Lecane niwati (1.3%), Trichomonas hominis (19.3%), Acanthamoeba spp (24.6%), Entamoeba coli (20.6%), Balantidium coli (12%), Ascaris sp (3.3%), Volvox sp (26%), Chilomastix mesnili (4%), Pelomyxa palustris (2.6%), Trinema enchelys (2.6%), Actinophrys Sol (7.3%), Amobea Vespertilio (9.3%), Rhabditea (5.3%), paramecium bursaria (9.3%), cyst of cestode (6%), Oocyst protozoa (16%), Euglena gracilis (10.6%).were isolated. The study's goal was to isolate some of the parasites that pollute the Euphrat

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