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Effect of Heat Treatments and Carbon Content on the Damping Properties of Structural Steel
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Low- and medium-carbon structural steel components face random vibration and dynamic loads (like earthquakes) in many applications. Thus a modification to improve their mechanical properties, essentially damping properties, is required. The present study focuses on improving and developing these properties, significantly dampening properties, without losing the other mechanical properties. The specimens used in the present study are structural steel ribbed bar ISO 6935 subjected to heating temperatures of (850, 950, and 1050) ˚C, and cooling schemes of annealing, normalizing, sand, and quenching was selected. The damping properties of the specimens were measured experimentally with the area under the curve for the loading and unloading paths experienced from the tensile test. Considering the effect of different parameters on the damping properties, such as heat treatment temperatures, cooling rates, and carbon content, the results show that the damping properties in the annealing process at different temperatures have interesting damping properties, among other processes. Also, the highest damping energy for the annealing cooling scheme was attained at a heating temperature of 1050 ˚C, irrespective of the carbon content. Finally, better damping properties for the medium carbon content of (0.299%C) is achieved for all types of heat treatment process compared with a low carbon content of (0.188% C); and, in general, with increasing carbon content from medium to low, steel response to heat treatment increases and better damping properties are obtained.

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Publication Date
Sun May 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of ZnS Thin Films
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The structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnS films prepared by vacuum
evaporation technique on glass substrate at room temperature and treated at different
annealing temperatures (323, 373, 423)K of thickness (0.5)µm have been studied. The
structure of these films is determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The X-ray diffraction
studies show that the structure is polycrystalline with cubic structure, and there are strong
peaks at the direction (111).
The optical properties investigated which include the absorbance and transmittance
spectra, energy band gab, absorption coefficient, and other optical constants. The results
showed that films have direct optical transition. The optical band gab was

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Ovonic Research
Effect of dopant of aluminum on the structural and optical properties of NiTsPc thin films
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 09 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Ovonic Research
Effect of dopant of aluminum on the structural and optical properties of NiTsPc thin films
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The (NiTsPc) thin films operating by vacuum evaporation technique are high recital and good desirable for number of applications, were dumped on glass substrates at room temperature with (200±20nm) thickness and doped with Al at different percentage (0.01,0.03) besides annealing the sample with 200˚C for 1 hours . The stimuluses of aluminum dopant percentage on characterization of the dropped (Ni Ts Pc) thin films were studied through X-ray diffraction in addition from the attained results, were all the films have polycrystalline in nature, as well the fallouts of XRD aimed at film illustrations polycrystalline, depending on the Al ratio doping, the results, SEM exposed the surface is regularly homogeneous. Utilizing first-ideolog

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Fabrication of PbxS1-x Detector and Studying the Effect of x Content on its some Physical Properties
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A polycrystalline PbxS1-x alloys with various Pb content ( 0.54 and 0.55) has been prepared successfully. The structure and composition of alloys are determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) respectively. The X-ray diffraction results shows that the structure is polycrystalline with cubic structure, and there are strong peaks at the direction (200) and (111), the grain size varies between 20 and 82 nm. From AAS and XRF result, the concentrations of Pb content for these alloys were determined. The results show high accuracy and very close to the theoretical values. A photoconductive detector as a bulk has been fabricated by taking pieces of prepared alloys and polished chemic

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Partial Substitution of Lanthanum (La) on the Structural and Electric Properties of Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3xLaxO10+δ
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In the current study, we investigate the effect of  (La) substitution  instead of (Cu) on the properties of the superconductor compound  (Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3-xLaxO10+δ)  with (x=0,0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2). The samples were  prepared  by solid state reaction method(SSR). Xray diffraction technique (XRD) was used to estimate the structural  properties of the specimens which show an orthorhombic crystalline structure for all the specimens.       The results show that the change in ( La) concentration  leads to decrease the concentration of (Bi-2223), increment in (Bi-2212 ) and(Bi-2201) with appearance of some impurities. Also decrease the critical temperature(Tc) with the increase

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Crossref (9)
Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Radiation Effect on the Optical& Structural Properties of CdTe: Zn thin Films
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The Films of CdTe:Zn were prepared on a glass by using vacuum vapor deposition technique .The x-ray diffraction pattern revealed that the films have polycrystalline with FCC structure and the preferred orientation was along (111) plane.  The films were exposed to a low dose of gamma ray.(5µCi for 30 days) Transmission and absorptance spectra were recorded in the range of (400-1100) nm before and after irradiation. It was found that irradiation has a clear effect on the optical and structural properties which include the transmition and absorption spectra, extinction coefficient, refractive index, and the energy gap.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Shot Peening on Fatigue Properties for Corroded and Uncorroded (CK35) Steel
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The traction property is one of the important mechanical properties, especially the rotary parts which are subjected to constant and variable loads There are many methods used to improve this property, and the shoot peening by metal balls is considered the most critical one. the study focuses on this characteristic of steel CK35 used in many engineering applications as the rotating shafts and railway This study shows that the fatigue strength is improved by14% after shoot peening with metal balls. The study includs the rehabilitation of damaged samples as a result of fatigue corrosion. The standard solution adopted was 36% MgCl­2 with a 30 days immersion period. These samples has been improved by 6% after it decreased by18% d

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of thickness on structural properties of BixSb2-xTe3 thin films
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BixSb2-xTe3 alloys with different ratios of Bi (x=0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 2) have been prepared, Thin films of these alloys were prepared using thermal evaporation method under vacuum of 10-5 Torr on glass substrates at room temperature with different deposition rate (0.16, 0.5, 0.83) nm/sec for thickness (100, 300, 500) respectively. The X–ray diffraction measurements for BixSb2-xTe3 bulk and thin films indicate the polycrystalline structure with a strong intensity of peak of plane (015) preferred orientation with additional peaks, (0015) and (1010 ) reflections planes, which is meaning that all films present a very good texture along the (015) plane axis at different intensities for each thin film for different thickness. AFM measureme

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering And Technology
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The structural, optical properties of copper oxide thin films ( CuO) thin films which have been prepared by thermal oxidation with exist air once and oxygen another have been studied. Structural analysis results of Cu thin films demonstrate that the single phase of Cu with high a crystalline structure with a preferred orientation (111). X-ray diffraction results confirm the formation of pure (CuO) phase in both methods of preparation. The optical constant are investigated and calculated such as absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient and the dielectric constants for the wavelengths in the range (300-1100) nm.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The effect of sulfide content(x) on the electrical properties of (ZnSx Se1-x) thin films
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Thin films of ZnSxSe1-x with different sulfide content(x)
(0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.8, and 0.1), thickness (t) (0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 μm) and annealing temperature (Ta) (R.T 373 and 423K) were fabricated by thermal evaporating under vacuum of 10-5 Toor on glass substrate. The results show that the increasing of sulfide content (x)and annealing temperature lead to decrease the d.c conductivity σDC of and concentration of charge carriers (nH) but increases the activation energy (Ea1,Ea2), while the increasing of t increases σDC and nH but decrease (Ea1,Ea2). The results were explained in different terms

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