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Independent Thermal Network Through Thermal Synergy Between Four Architectural Units
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The manifestations of climate change are increasing with the days: sudden rains and floods, lakes that evaporate, rivers that experience unprecedentedly low water levels, and successive droughts such as the Tigris, Euphrates, Rhine, and Lape rivers. At the same time, energy consumption is increasing, and there is no way to stop the warming of the Earth's atmosphere despite the many conferences and growing interest in environmental problems. An aspect that has not received sufficient attention is the tremendous heat produced by human activities. This work links four elements in the built environment that are known for their high energy consumption (houses, supermarkets, greenhouses, and asphalt roads) according to what is known as the energy synergy to share them within a thermal network independent of the national network. This research concluded that an asphalt road with a length of 6 km is sufficient to heat more than 800 homes, in addition to valuable benefits accrued by hot countries, such as maintaining the quality of the asphalt layer, prolonging its life, and reducing traffic accidents. The supermarket, which needs cooling every day of the year, can meet its energy needs for cooling in the winter by heating the Greenhouse, while the heat flux is stored for each of the greenhouses and the supermarkets for the rest of the year in the thermal tank (TESS).

لتدفق الحراري لكل من الدفيئة والسوبر ماركت لبقية العام في الحرارية. خزان (TESS).

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The study of thermal description for non-thermal plasma needle system
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Cold plasma is a relatively low temperature gas, so this feature enables us to use cold plasma to treat thermally sensitive materials including polymers and biologic tissues. In this research, the non-thermal plasma system is designed with diameter (3 mm, 10 mm) Argon at atmospheric pressure as well as to be suitable for use in medical and biotechnological applications.
The thermal description of this system was studied and we observed the effect of the diameter of the plasma needle on the plasma, when the plasma needle slot is increased the plasma temperature decrease, as well as the effect of the voltages applied to the temperature of the plasma, where the temperature increasing with increasing the applied voltage . Results showed t

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Using Nanoparticles for Enhance Thermal Conductivity of Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage
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Phase change materials (PCMs) such as paraffin wax can be used to store or release large amount of energy at certain temperature at which their solid-liquid phase changes occurs. Paraffin wax that used in latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) has low thermal conductivity. In this study, the thermal conductivity of paraffin wax has been enhanced by adding different mass concentration (1wt.%, 3wt.%, 5wt.%) of (TiO2) nano-particles with about (10nm) diameter. It is found that the phase change temperature varies with adding (TiO2) nanoparticles in to the paraffin wax. The thermal conductivity of the composites is found to decrease with increasing temperature. The increase in thermal conductivity ha

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New Solar Thermal Materials
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A number of ehemical ion materials were used as an absorber against solar energy. These materials were selected according to their absorption spectra in the wavelength range 300-800nm where the solar spectrum is coventrated. A solar olleetorw^esigd and The ability of each material inside the collector for absorbing the solar radiation was examined by a converter parameter “R”.According to the “R” parameter, the cohaltous and copperic ions material seems to be of higher capability for absorbing solar energy than the other materials.All the results were analyzed by means of a least-squared fitting program.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Study of Thermal Conductivity Effect on The Performance of Thermal Energy Storage
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In this study, the effect of the thermal conductivity of phase change material (PCM) on the performance of thermal energy storage has been analyzed numerically. A horizontal concentric shell-and-tube latent heat thermal energy storage system (LHTESS) has been performed during the solidification process. Two types of paraffin wax with different melting temperatures and thermal conductivity were used as a PCM on the shell side, case1=0.265W/m.K and case2=0.311 W/m.K. Water has been used as heat transfer fluid (HTF) flow through in tube side. Ansys fluent has been used to analyze the model by taking into account phase change by the enthalpy method used to deal with phase transition. The numerical simulatio

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
The Role of the Passive Conditioning in Achieving Thermal Comfort in Temporary Hotel Units: سماح محمد طالب الدويك-سامي أبوطالب-محمد صابر
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This research is based on monitoring the local and environmental technologies in the design of the temporary hotel units (nomadic tents) in the desert in the south of Jordan in order to air condition them in summer and winter, maintaining the Jordanian identity, that they are presented with the form and technologies of the age in order to get to the universality.
The research adopted the descriptive analytical method and the researcher conducted the analysis of SWOT specified for the analysis of the positive and negative aspects in the design of the temporary hotel units and comparing them with the case studies available in the chosen research area "the Jordanian golden triangle", through the elements of the case under study. The res

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Postmodern Architecture between the pillars of philosophical discourse and architectural practice
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Postmodern arguments, formed a critic case of what modernity brought in several levels. Postmodern practice was considered as a proactive case having amorphous concepts and features to what entiled as an intellectual trends postmodern philosophically and intellectually. But, what postmodernism architecture broughts in it essence, was not isolation from the intellectual context and entrepreneurship case, and it was not disconnecting from the intellectual and philosophical era of that period. Lliteratures and philosophical argument precede what (Robert Venturi) and (Charles A Jencks) had brought, albeit it was closer to critics and correction the path of modernity from crystallizing a direction that exceeds modrinity to wh

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Energy Savings in Thermal Insulations for Sustainable Buildings
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Energy use is second to staffing in building operating costs. Sustainable technology in the energy sector is based on utilizing renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind, glazing systems, insulation. Other areas of focus include heating, ventilation and air conditioning; novel materials and construction methods; improved sensors and monitoring systems; and advanced simulation tools that can help building designers make more energy efficient choices. The objective of this research is studying the effect of insulations on energy consumption of buildings in Iraq and identifying the amount of energy savings from application th

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Thermal Performance of Plastic Receiver in Solar Collector
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A plastic tubes used as absorber of active flat plate solar collector (FPSC) for heating water were studied numerically and experimentally. The set-up is located in Babylon (republic of Iraq) 43.80 East longitude and 32.30 North latitude with titled of 450 toward the south direction.  The study involved three dimensions mathematical model for flat coil plastic absorber which solved by FLUENT-ANSYS-R.18 program. Experiments were conducted at outdoor conditions for clear days on January and February 2018 with various water volume flow rates namely (500, 750, 1000, 1250, and 1500 Liter per hour LPH) on each month for Reynolds number range of (1 x 104 to 5 x 104) th

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Acoustic and Thermal Insulation of Nanocomposites for Building Material: Improvement Of Sound And Thermal Insulation Properties Of Nanocomposite
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This work aims to enhance acoustic and thermal insulation properties for polymeric composite by adding nanoclay and rock wool as reinforcement materials with different rations. A polymer blend of (epoxy+ polyester) as matrix materials was used. The Hand lay-up technique was used to manufacture the castings. Epoxy and polyester were mixed at different weight ratios involving (50:50, 60:40, 70:30, 80:20, and 90:10) wt. % of (epoxy: polyester) wt. % respectively. Impact tests for optimum sample (OMR), caustic and thermal insulation tests were performed. Nano clay (Kaolinite) with ratios ( 5 and 7.5% ) wt.% , also hybrid reinforcement materials involving (Kaolite 5 & 7.5 % wt.% + 10% volume fraction of rockwool ) were added as reinforcem

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Scopus (5)
Crossref (4)
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Yearly Energy, Exergy, and Environmental (3E) Analyses of A Photovoltaic Thermal Module and Solar Thermal Collector in Series
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The annual performance of a hybrid system of a flat plate photovoltaic thermal system and a solar thermal collector (PVT/ST) is numerically analyzed from the energy, exergy, and environmental (CO2 reduction) viewpoints. This system can produce electricity and thermal power simultaneously, with higher thermal power and exergy compared to conventional photovoltaic thermal systems. For this purpose, a 3D transient numerical model is developed for investigating the system's performance in four main steps: (1) investigating the effects of the mass flow rate of the working fluid (20 to 50 kg/h) on the temperature behavior and thermodynamic performance of the system, (2) studying the impacts of using glass covers on the different parts of the s

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