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A Comparison of Dispute Resolution Provisions between the Joint Contract Tribunal and the Iraqi Standard Bidding Document
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Due to a party's violation of his obligations or responsibilities indicated in the contract, many engineering projects confront extensive contractual disputes, which in turn need arbitration or other forms of dispute resolution, which negatively impact the project's outcome. Each contract has its terms for dispute resolution. Therefore, this paper aims to study the provisions for dispute resolution according to Iraqi (SBDW) and the JCT (SBC/Q2016) and also to show the extent of the difference between the two contracts in the application of these provisions. The methodology includes a detailed study of the dispute settlement provisions for both contracts with a comparative analysis to identify the differences in the application of these provisions between the two contracts. The research results revealed several differences, the most important of which is that the engineer has a dual role in Iraqi (SBDW). On the one hand, he is appointed by the employer to carry out specific duties under the contract. On the other hand, the engineer also has powers related to the settlement of claims and this first level of conflict avoidance between the two parties, Unlike the SBC/Q2016 contract, which appoints a neutral third party to mediate the problem. In addition, resolving disputes between the two parties, according to the ‎Iraqi (SBDW), needs a long time compared with JCT-SBC/Q2016.‎

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Peaceful coexistence between social components and its impact on political stability in the province of Nineveh
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The issue of peaceful coexistence between societies is the topic of the hour, as it is one of the important issues in this era, especially in days when conflicts and conflicts abound, and even wars in the name of religion, gender, race, language, and the like. The world, so that single-mindedness and adherence to one opinion and intolerance to it became the method of dialogue in our world today, as writing in the field of peaceful coexistence, peace-building, tolerance, pluralism, and acceptance of the other is one of the new fields of knowledge in Iraq in general and in Nineveh Governorate in particular, as peaceful coexistence is one of the basic needs And necessary for the presence of individuals in societies, and it requires the achi

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparative Study between Activated Carbon and Charcoal for the Development of Latent Fingerprints on Nonporous Surfaces
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For criminal investigations, fingerprints remain the most reliable form of personal identification despite developments in other fields like DNA profiling. The objective of this work is to compare the performance of both commercial charcoal and activated carbon powder derived from the Alhagi plant to reveal latent fingerprints from different non-porous surfaces (cardboard, plain glass, aluminum foil sheet, China Dish, Plastic, and Switch). The effect of three variables on activated carbon production was investigated. These variables were the impregnation ratio (the weight ratio of KOH: dried raw material), the activation temperature, and the activation time. The effect factors were investigated using Central Composite Design

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
relationship between explosive power and length accurately by the performance of weavy sending skill in volleyball
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journa
Comparative Study between Activated Carbon and Charcoal for the Development of Latent Fingerprints on Nonporous Surfaces
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For criminal investigations, fingerprints remain the most reliable form of personal identification despite developments in other fields like DNA profiling. The objective of this work is to compare the performance of both commercial charcoal and activated carbon powder derived from the Alhagi plant to reveal latent fingerprints from different non-porous surfaces (cardboard, plain glass, aluminum foil sheet, China Dish, Plastic, and Switch). The effect of three variables on activated carbon production was investigated. These variables were the impregnation ratio (the weight ratio of KOH: dried raw material), the activation temperature, and the activation time. The effect factors were investigated using Central Composite Design (CCD) softwa

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation of the Annual Correlations between Different Solar-Ionospheric Indices During Solar Cycles 23 and 24
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     In this work, the annual behavior and cross-correlation between three different solar-ionospheric indices were evaluated: Smoothed Sunspot Number (SSN), Ionospheric T-Index (T-index), and Solar Flux (F10.7 cm) index during solar cycles 23 and 24. The annual behavior for the three tested indices of the maximum and minimum years of the two solar cycles was studied. The correlative conducts between the studied indices were evaluated for the studied periods (1996-2008) and (2008-2019) of the 23rd and 24th solar cycles. The annual correlation between the studied indices was represented by the linear regression equation. The suggested mutual correlation equation gave a good agreement with the observed annual average values of the test

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of audit committees in reducing the risk of external Auditors Engagement Regarding Accepting Assignment: An Applied research in a sample of Iraqi private banks And Audit Bureaus
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The research aims to identify the most important concerns that led to the increase of  interest in the topic of corporate governance and specifically highlighting  the role of the audit committees of the Administration  Board in reducing the risk of the auditor and the rationalization of professional judgments، in particular about accepting  the assignment and setting the fees of the audit process by extrapolating  global experience in this area ، and a field study is conducted for a sample of private Iraqi banks to evaluate the role of audit committees constituted currently per with bank law no. (94) of 2004 and to be acknowledged with actual performance of these committees and their role in recommending the n

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
The Journal Of Contemporary Dental Practice
The Relationship Between Orthodontic Force Applied by Monoblock and Salivary Levels of Alkaline Phosphatase and Lactate Dehydrogenase Enzymes
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Aim: The current study was aimed to determine the relationship between the orthodontic force applied by monobloc and the salivary level of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) enzymes, considering the time factor after insertion of the appliance and whether there is a correlation between these enzymes. Materials and methods: A sample of 28 growing patients requiring orthodontic treatment with myofunctional appliance (Monoblock) was taken for the current study with an age range 9 to 12 years,all patients had Angle's class II division 1 malocclusion with no or mild crowding, the sample was selected using simple random sampling. Only 16 subjects (10 males and 6 females) were included who follow certain inclusion criteria.

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Scopus (2)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Comparative Study between Pathogenicity of Ceftazidime Resistant and Sensitive Escherichia coli in White Mice Kidneys and Bladder
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Twelve albino mice was divided randomly into four groups comprising A through D injected with ceftazidime at sub MIC, Escherichia.. coli 11, Escherichia.. coli 11 with ceftazidime solution, and standard strain, respectively. Histopathological sections did not show any changes in respect to group A. however, group C suffered signs of infection less than those appeared in group B sections. Simultaneously, group D suffered intense histpathological changes more than other groups infected with resistant isolate.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Revealed of A novel Allele in Wasit – Iraqi Population
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The developments in forensic DNA technology have led us to perform this study in Iraqi population as reference database of autosomal Short Tandem Repeat (aSTR) DNA markers . A total of 120 unrelated individuals from Wasit province were analyzed at 15 STR DNA markers. Allele frequencies of DNA typing loci included in the AmpFlSTR1 IdentifilerTM PCR Amplification Kit panel from Applied Biosystems (D3S1358, vWA, FGA, D8S1179, D21S11, D18S51, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, TH01, TPOX, CSF1PO, D19S433, D2S1338, D16S539) and several forensic efficiency statistical parameters were estimated from all the sample. the combined Matching Probability (CMP) using the 15 STR genetic loci in Iraqi population was estimated at 1 in 2.08286E-18 and the Combined

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Communicative Applications in the Websites of the Iraqi Political Parties and their Role in Providing Opportunities for Political Participation
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The present study deals with the websites of Iraqi political parties on the internet to identify the effectiveness in providing communicative applications that help audience to participate, express their opinions, their positions, and other aspects reflecting the extent of employing modern technological tools to allow opportunities for political, and democratic participation since the internet has become an effective tool for political communications of political parties. The research sample includes eight political parties. The research concludes that the Iraqi political parties do not employ interactive communication patterns to reflect their interests in communicating with the public, providing opportunities for their participation an

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