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Recycled Concrete Aggregated for the use in Roller Compacted Concrete: A Literature Review
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The using of recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste (CDW) can preserve natural aggregate resources, reduce the demand for landfill, and contribute to a sustainable built environment. Concrete demolition waste has been proven to be an excellent source of aggregates for new concrete production. At a technical, economic, and environmental level, roller compacted concrete (RCC) applications benefit various civil construction projects. Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) is a homogenous mixture that is best described as a zero-slump concrete placed with compacting equipment, uses in storage areas, dams, and most often as a basis for rigid pavements. The mix must be sufficiently dry to support the weight of vibratory machinery while still being sufficiently moist to enough paste binder dispersion throughout the mass for efficient compaction. Limited studies into the use of RCC with fine recycled aggregate not from pavements are figured. This study aims to see how well-recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) perform in RCC mixtures. Also how well waste concrete could be used as a fine and coarse aggregate substitute in roller-compacted concrete pavement mixes, to create a good concrete mix in both wet and firm phases. The test results of mechanical properties showed 10% RCA is similar to those in the reference mix in the compressive strength, a 100% RCA ratio reduces compressive strength by almost 30%. Comparing Reference mix and Recycled concrete by 30% replacement, the compressive strength drops by just 6% when the RCA ratio is 30%.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Open Engineering
Producing low-cost self-consolidation concrete using sustainable material
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Abstract<p>The disposal of the waste material is the main goal of this investigation by transformation to high-fineness powder and producing self-consolidation concrete (SCC) with less cost and more eco-friendly by reducing the cement weight, taking into consideration the fresh and strength properties. The reference mix design was prepared by adopting the European guide. Five waste materials (clay brick, ceramic, granite tiles, marble tiles, and thermostone blocks) were converted to high-fine particle size distribution and then used as 5, 10, and 15% weight replacements of cement. The improvement in strength properties is more significant when using clay bricks compared to other activated waste </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Investigation of Backfill Compaction Effect on Buried Concrete Pipes
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The present study deals with the experimental investigation of buried concrete pipes. Concrete pipes are buried in loose and dense conditions of gravelly sand soil and subjected to different surface loadings to study the effects of the backfill compaction on the pipe. The experimental investigation was accomplished using full-scale precast unreinforced concrete pipes with 300 mm internal diameter tested in a laboratory soil box test facility set up for this study. Two loading platforms are used namely, uniform loading platform and patch loading platform. The wheel load was simulated through patch loading platform which have dimensions of 254 mm *508 mm, which is used by AASHTO to model the wheel load of a HS20 truck. The pipe-soil system

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Efficiency of CFRP torsional strengthening technique for L-shaped spandrel reinforced concrete beams
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Abstract<p>The present study aims to get experimentally a deeper understanding of the efficiency of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets applied to improve the torsional behavior of L-shaped reinforced concrete spandrel beams in which their ledges were loaded in two stages under monotonic loading. An experimental program was conducted on spandrel beams considering different key parameters including the cross-sectional aspect ratio (<italic>i.e.</italic>, web height/web thickness), and the availability of the CFRP strengthening system. The ledge of the spandrel beams was exposed during testing to a very high eccentric load, which was transferred to the web of the spandrel beam </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Bond Stresses between Reinforcing Bar and Reactive Powder Concrete
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A good performance of reinforced concrete structures is ensured by the bond between steel and concrete, which makes the materials work together, forming a part of solidarity. The behavior of the bond between the reinforcing bar and the surrounding concrete is significant to evaluate the cracking control in serviceability limit state and load capacity in the ultimate limit state. In this investigation, the bond stresses between reinforcing bar and reactive powder concrete (RPC) was considered to compare it with that of normal strength concrete (NSC). The push-out test with short embedment length is considered in this study to evaluate the bond strength, bond stress-slip relationship, and bond stress-crack width relationsh

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 03 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Thermal Properties of Lead-Acid Battery Plastic Lightweight Concrete
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This study investigates the possibility of using waste plastic as one of the components of expired lead-acid batteries to produce lightweight concrete. Different percentages of lead-acid battery plastic were used in the production of lightweight concrete. The replacements were (70, 80 and 100%) by volume of the fine and coarse aggregate. Results demonstrated that a reduction of approximately 23.6% to 35% in the wet density was observed when replacement of 70% to 100% of the natural aggregate by lead-acid battery plastic. Also, the compressive strength decreased slightly with the increase in plastic content at different curing ages of 7, 28, 60, 90, 120 days. The lowest value of compressive strength was (20.7 MPa) for (wa

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 04 2020
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A Comparative Study of the Performance of Slender Reinforced Concrete Columns with Different Cross-Sectional Shapes
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Most reinforced concrete (RC) structures are constructed with square/rectangular columns. The cross-section size of these types of columns is much larger than the thickness of their partitions. Therefore, parts of these columns are protruded out of the partitions. The emergence of columns edges out of the walls has some disadvantages. This limitation is difficult to be overcome with square or rectangular columns. To solve this problem, new types of RC columns called specially shaped reinforced concrete (SSRC) columns have been used as hidden columns. Besides, the use of SSRC columns provides many structural and architectural advantages as compared with rectangular columns. Therefore, this study was conducted to explain the structura

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance of Self-Compacting Concrete Slab with Grinded Local Rocks
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The effect of using grinded rocks of (quartzite and porcelanite) as powder of (10 and 20) % replacement by weight of cement for self-compacting concrete slabs was investigated in this study. Five slabs with 15 concrete cubes were tested experimentally at 28 days to study the compressive strength, ultimate load, ultimate deflection, ductility, crack load and steel strain. The test results show that, the compressive strength improvement when replacement of local rock powder reached to (7.3, 4.22) % for (10 and 20) % quartzite powder and (11.3, 16.1) % for (10 and 20) % porcelanite powder, respectively compared to the reference specimen. The ultimate load percentage increase for slabs with (10 and 20) % rep

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Calibration of a New Concrete Damage Plasticity Theoretical Model Based on Experimental Parameters
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The introduction of concrete damage plasticity material models has significantly improved the accuracy with which the concrete structural elements can be predicted in terms of their structural response. Research into this method's accuracy in analyzing complex concrete forms has been limited. A damage model combined with a plasticity model, based on continuum damage mechanics, is recommended for effectively predicting and simulating concrete behaviour. The damage parameters, such as compressive and tensile damages, can be defined to simulate concrete behavior in a damaged-plasticity model accurately. This research aims to propose an analytical model for assessing concrete compressive damage based on stiffness deterioration. The prop

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Scopus (14)
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 15 2022
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
A-mechanical properties of engineered cementitious composite concrete produced from Portland limestone cement
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Conventional concretes are almost unbending, and even a small amount of strain potential leaves them brittle. This lack of bendability is a major source of strain loss, and it has been the main goal behind the development of bendable concrete, often known with engineered ce ment composites, or ECC. This form of concrete has a lot more flexibility than regular concrete. Micromechanical polymer fibers are used to strengthen ECC. In most cases, ECC uses a 2% amount of thin, separated fibers. As a result, bendable concrete deforms but unlike traditional concrete, it does not crack. This study aims to include this kind of concrete, bendable concrete, which can be used to solve concrete problems. Karasta (CK) and Tasluja (CT) Portland Lime

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Some Durability Test of No-Fine Concrete
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In this study, two types of mixes were adopted by using two grading of coarse aggregate. The practical side of this study was to produce no-fine aggregate concrete by using crushed clay brick aggregates. The durability of the produced concrete and internal sulfate attack was studied.      For durability assessment, it is found that the no-fine concrete made with crushed brick aggregate lost about (15-25) % of its compressive strength after being subjected to 60 cycles of wetting and drying with age 120 days. The curing condition showed that the water curing improved the compressive strength with a rate higher than that when sealed or air dry curing were used. The crushed brick no-fine concrete de

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