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Exploring the Factors Affecting the Elemental Cost Estimation with Relationship Analysis Using AHP
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Cost estimation is considered one of the important tasks in the construction projects management. The precise estimation of the construction cost affect on the success and quality of a construction project. Elemental estimation is considered a very important stage to the project team because it represents one of the key project elements. It helps in formulating the basis to strategies and execution plans for construction and engineering.  Elemental estimation, which in the early stage, estimates the construction costs depending on  . minimum details of the project so that it gives an indication for the initial design stage of a project. This paper studies the factors that affect the elemental cost estimation as well as the relation between these factors using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Final conclusions and recommendations were extracted for better elemental estimation accuracy in project management.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 31 2019
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Behavior of Clay Masonry Prism under Vertical Load Using Detailed Micro Modeling Approach
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The aim of this research is to assess the validity of Detailed Micro-Modeling (DMM) as a numerical model for masonry analysis. To achieve this aim, a set of load-displacement curves obtained based on both numerical simulation and experimental results of clay masonry prisms loaded by a vertical load. The finite element method was implemented in DMM for analysis of the experimental clay masonry prism. The finite element software ABAQUS with implicit solver was used to model and analyze the clay masonry prism subjected to a vertical load. The load-displacement relationship of numerical model was found in good agreement with those drawn from experimental results. Evidence shows that load-displacement curvefound from the finite element m

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
Assessment Of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Using Sequencing Batch Reactor Under Real Operation Conditions
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The Sequencing Batch Reactor system (SBR) is a major component of the municipal wastewater biological treatment system and water reclamation that provides high-quality water that could be reused in restricted plants that which require large quantities of water despite the lack of water. The research aims to investigate the performance of a pilot plant SBR unit under real operation conditions that was installed and operated in Al-Rustamiya Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), Baghdad, Iraq. Results showed that the BOD5/COD ratio of the raw wastewater was within the average value at 0.66 emphasizing the organic nature of the influent flow and hence the amenability to biological treatment. The results also ensured that the treatment pro

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology
Anomaly detection in text data that represented as a graph using dbscan algorithm
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Anomaly detection is still a difficult task. To address this problem, we propose to strengthen DBSCAN algorithm for the data by converting all data to the graph concept frame (CFG). As is well known that the work DBSCAN method used to compile the data set belong to the same species in a while it will be considered in the external behavior of the cluster as a noise or anomalies. It can detect anomalies by DBSCAN algorithm can detect abnormal points that are far from certain set threshold (extremism). However, the abnormalities are not those cases, abnormal and unusual or far from a specific group, There is a type of data that is do not happen repeatedly, but are considered abnormal for the group of known. The analysis showed DBSCAN using the

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research
A Proposed Method for Generating a Private Key Using Digital Color Image Features
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In this paper, the goal of proposed method is to protect data against different types of attacks by unauthorized parties. The basic idea of proposed method is generating a private key from a specific features of digital color image such as color (Red, Green and Blue); the generating process of private key from colors of digital color image performed via the computing process of color frequencies for blue color of an image then computing the maximum frequency of blue color, multiplying it by its number and adding process will performed to produce a generated key. After that the private key is generated, must be converting it into the binary representation form. The generated key is extracted from blue color of keyed image then we selects a c

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Theoretical Computation of Electron Density in Laser-Induced Carbon Plasma using Anisimov Model
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In this work, electron number density calculated using Matlab program code with the writing algorithm of the program. Electron density was calculated using Anisimov model in a vacuum environment. The effect of spatial coordinates on the electron density was investigated in this study. It was found that the Z axis distance direction affects the electron number density (ne). There are many processes such as excitation; ionization and recombination within the plasma that possible affect the density of electrons. The results show that as Z axis distance increases electron number density decreases because of the recombination of electrons and ions at large distances from the target and the loss of thermal energy of the electrons in high distance

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 28 2020
Journal Name
2 Nd Al-noor International Conference For Science And Technology
Removal of Sulfur Compounds in Iraqi Kerosene Using 1-Ethyl -3- Methyllimidazolium Acetate
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In the present study, 1-ethyl -3-methyllimidazolium acetate ionic liquid is introduced for extractive desulfurization of Iraqi kerosene (1622ppm) and compared with 1-ethyl -3- methyllimidazolium tetrafloroborate. The effect of ionic liquid/ fuel ratio (1/9, 1/4, 1/2), temperature (25, 30,40oC), stirring speed (300,450rpm) and time (10, 30, 90, 180, 360 min) were studied. Sulfur compound analysis was performed using X-Ray fluorescence. The ionic liquid with acetate anion (OAc) showed better performance than tetrafloborate (BF4). The maximum extraction efficiency was 32% achieved at 1/2 IL/Fuel and 40oC after 90min. The oxidation step using hydrogen peroxide (8ml/200ml), catalyzed by acetic acid (2ml) and followed by ionic liquid extraction h

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
Air entrained vortex occurrence at sump for inclined multiple intake pipes using cfd
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Public Health
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This approach was developed to achieve an accurate, fast, economic and sensitivity to estimation of diphenhydramine Hydrochloride. The dye that produced via reaction between diphenhydramine HCl with thymol blue in acidic medium pH ≈ 4.0. The ion pair method include an optimization study to formed yellowcolored that extraction by liquid – liquid method. The product separated of complexes by using by chloroform solution measured spectrophotometry at 400 nm. The analysis data at optimum conditions showed that linearity concentration in a range of calibration curve 1.0 – 50 μg /mL, limit of detectionand limit of quantification 0.0786 and 0.2358 μg/mL respectively. The molar absorptivity and Sandell’s sensitivity were 1.8 × 10 -4 L/mo

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 05 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Current Engineering And Technology
Water Quality Index Assessment using GIS Case study: Tigris River in Baghdad City
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In this study water quality index (WQI) was calculated to classify the flowing water in the Tigris River in Baghdad city. GIS was used to develop colored water quality maps indicating the classification of the river for drinking water purposes. Water quality parameters including: Turbidity, pH, Alkalinity, Total hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Chloride, Sulfate, Nitrite, Nitrate, Ammonia, Orthophosphate and Total dissolved solids were used for WQI determination. These parameters were recorded at the intakes of the WTPs in Baghdad for the period 2004 to 2011. The results from the annual average WQI analysis classified the Tigris River very poor to polluted at the north of Baghdad (Alkarkh WTP) while it was very poor to very polluted in t

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 10 2021
Journal Name
Design Engineering
Lossy Image Compression Using Hybrid Deep Learning Autoencoder Based On kmean Clusteri
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Image compression plays an important role in reducing the size and storage of data while increasing the speed of its transmission through the Internet significantly. Image compression is an important research topic for several decades and recently, with the great successes achieved by deep learning in many areas of image processing, especially image compression, and its use is increasing Gradually in the field of image compression. The deep learning neural network has also achieved great success in the field of processing and compressing various images of different sizes. In this paper, we present a structure for image compression based on the use of a Convolutional AutoEncoder (CAE) for deep learning, inspired by the diversity of human eye

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