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Design, Construction, and Control Tracking of Solar Thermal Concentrator by Using PLC in Erbil
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This paper demonstrates the construction designing analysis and control strategies for fully tracking concentrated solar thermal by using programmable logic control in the city of Erbil-Iraq. This work used the parabolic dish as a concentrated solar thermal. At the focal point, the collected form of energy is used for heating a (water) in the receiver, analyzing this prototype in real-time with two different shapes of the receiver and comparing the results. For tracking the parabolic dish, four light-dependent resistors are used to detect the sun's position in the sky so that the tracking system follows it to make the beam radiation perpendicular to the collector surface all of the time during the day for maximum solar power energy. This work discusses the essential stages of a two-axis prototype; implementation, solar-location strategy, the analysis in terms of theory, structural design, and material. For two-axis-prototype is implemented with the help of programmable logic control -Siemens (S7-1200) as a control unit. This study results show that a parabolic dish tracker with a cylindrical conical receiver obtains 15.25% Improved efficiency in comparison to the cylindrical receiver. According to the testing results of the prototype design, both shapes of the receiver are convenient for steam production.


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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
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Modern sound systems and their work in contemporary feature film
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Perhaps going to watch movies in cinemas today has become different from what it was before. The cinematic film, the clarity of the image and the luster of its colors pulled the rug out from under the most important change that occurred in the structure of the contemporary cinematography, which is the sound. The surround sound environment that immerses viewers in the realism of sound that reaches them from all directions, and for this the researcher found it necessary to shed light on this topic because of its importance, so the research problem was represented in the following question: (How are modern sound systems used in the structure of contemporary feature films?) The theoretical framework included two topics: the first: the dialec

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Refused Derived Fuel RDF and its role in reducing production
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Refuse derived fuel (RDF) is considered one of the most important types of low cost thermal energy which can be tapped in the industry, especially the cement industry in particular being the need of high thermal energy during the production processes, and in this paper we have implemented the use of a derivative of the fuel RDF  as a substitute for gasoline , to reduce production costs and thereby achieve production efficiency, and the methodology used in this research statistical analysis as well as the use of the cost of kaizen target for the purpose of reducing costs and achieve production efficiency, and this has reduced the cost total cement production by which led to reduce total costs of cement production by 8.4% and an incre

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Sustainable Tourism development and its contribution in facing unemployment phenomenon
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Tourism is a human phenomenon and economic and social activity. It represents an effective forces in the life of the individuals and state alike. As any other economic and human activity has appositive and negative results.

So there is a necessary to planning and activate this sector to get the most possible advantage.

Tourism  has special importance out of its effect on the structure  and performance of national economy. It can be regarded a dynamic activity with mutual effect include all the economic activities within and out the state. Tourism is affected and affect the  production con summing , joineries , communication , ports ,hotel , restaurants ,internal and

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessing Asphalt and Concrete Pavement Surface Texture in the Field
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The incorporation of safety characteristics into the traditional pavement structural design or in the functional evaluation of pavement condition has not been established yet. The design has focused on the structural capacity of the roadway so that the pavement can withstand specific level of repetitive loading over the design life. On the other hand, the surface texture condition was neither included in the AASHTO design procedure nor in the present serviceability index measurements.

The pavement surface course should provide adequate levels of friction and ride quality and maintain low levels of noise and roughness. Many transportation departments perform routine skid resistant testing, the type of equipment us

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
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Women and Ideology in the Feature Film: بان جبار خلف
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The topic of research (women and ideology in the feature film) is a series of researches addressed by the researcher on the subject of women in the feature film through studying the ideology as a thought and political system not only limited to the world of men, but women had a significant contribution in this area.  The research identified the problem and its need as well as the objectives of the research and clarified its limits and importance. The research also identified the theoretical framework, which included the following axes: personality and ideology, film and ideology, then women and ideology in the film.

After the completion of the theoretical framework, the research concluded a set of indicators of the theoretic

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental and Numerical Study on Cavitation Effects in Centrifugal Pumps
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Experimental and numerical investigations of the centrifugal pump performance at non-cavitating and cavitating flow conditions were carried out in the present study. Experiments were performed by applying a vacuum to a closed-loop system to investigate the effects of the net positive suction head available (NPSHa), flow rate, water temperature and pump speed on the centrifugal pump performance. Accordingly, many of the important parameters concerning cavitation phenomenon were calculated. Also, the noise which is accompanied by cavitation was measured. Numerical analysis was implemented for two phase flow (the water and its vapor) using a 2-D simulation by ANSYS FLUENT software to investigate the internal flow of centrifugal pump under c

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The ownership in economic thought and religious postural Contemporary Vision
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Since the property in Islam is based on the principle of succession , "which made ​​you Khalaúv land and raise yourselves above some degree of Iblukm with Atakm The Lord of the fast punishment and it is Forgiving, Merciful " [cattle : 165 ] and human only Mstkhalaf where " God promised you who believe and do good deeds for Istkhalvenhm Normans in the ground as those before them " [Nur : 55 ] , considering that King God alone any talk about having ownership in Islam in the contemporary sense of ownership , containing three rights are:

1- right to dispose of the right of usufruct tenure

2-The concept is ambiguous as long as that man Mstkhalaf does not have the right to dispose

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 16 2012
Journal Name
International Journal Of Business And Manegement
Causality Relation between FDI Inflows and Economic Growth in Qatar
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These years Qatar has emerged as an important regional destination of foreign direct investment (FDI), which demonstrates the recent success of several smaller economies in attracting FDI. This paper aims to investigate the causal relationships between inward FDI and economic growth in the particular case of Qatar featured as oil production country. Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Impulse Responses and Granger Causality Tests were adopted as major research methods. Annual data set was used covering from 1990 to 2010. The main results demonstrated the bi-directional causality and long-run relationships between FDI inflows and economic growth in Qatar. And to attract FDI inflows into Qatar, the government shall continue its efforts in const

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 04 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Professional Business Review
Leadership and Internal Communication Strategies in Public Organizations: Analytical Research
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Purpose: As managers can lead a set of ways to improve internal communication in public organizations, and leadership can cultivate a common understanding of goals within the organization and share the vision in preparation for its way to better performance, the purpose of the research is to assess the type and strength of the relationship between internal communication and different forms of leadership.   Theoretical framework: The study demonstrates how leaders in public organizations improve internal communication, related to employees' perceptions of public organizations' routines and performance.   Design/methodology/approach: The  study  uses the  ordinary  least  squares  (OLS) and  applied multiple  regression A sa

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
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First Eage Workshop On Iraq - Hydrocarbon Exploration And Field Development
Microfacies and Petrographic study for Yamama formation in Ratawi field
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