The shear strength of soil is one of the most important soil properties that should be identified before any foundation design. The presence of gypseous soil exacerbates foundation problems. In this research, an approach to forecasting shear strength parameters of gypseous soils based on basic soil properties was created using Artificial Neural Networks. Two models were built to forecast the cohesion and the angle of internal friction. Nine basic soil properties were used as inputs to both models for they were considered to have the most significant impact on soil shear strength, namely: depth, gypsum content, passing sieve no.200, liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, water content, dry unit weight, and initial voids ratio. Multi-layer perceptron training by the backpropagation algorithm was used in creating the network. It was found that both models can predict shear strength parameters for gypseous soils with good reliability. Sensitivity analysis of the first model indicated that dry unit weight and plasticity index have the most significant effect on the predicted cohesion. While in the second model, the results indicated that the gypsum content and plasticity index have the most significant effect on the predicted angle of internal friction.
Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) is considered as a measure of the water suitability for irrigation usage. This study examines the effect of the physicochemical parameters on water quality and SAR, which included Calcium(Ca+2), Magnesium(Mg+2), Sodium (Na+), Potassium (K), Chloride (Cl-), Sulfate(SO4-2), Carbonate (CO3-2), Bicarbonate (HCO3-), Nitrate (NO3-), Total Hardness (TH), Total Dissolved Salts (TDS), Electrical Conductivity (EC), degree of reaction (DR), Boron (B) and the monthly and annually flow discharge (Q). The water samples were collected from three stations across the Tigris River in Iraq, which flows through Samarra city (upstream), Baghdad city (central) and the end of Kut city (downstream) for the periods of 2016-201
... Show MoreThe importance of Baghdad city as the capital of Iraq and the center of the attention of delegations because of its long history is essential to preserve its environment. This is achieved through the integrated management of municipal solid waste since this is only possible by knowing the quantities produced by the population on a daily basis. This study focused to predicate the amount of municipal solid waste generated in Karkh and Rusafa separately, in addition to the quantity produced in Baghdad, using IBM SPSS 23 software. Results that showed the average generation rates of domestic solid waste in Rusafa side was higher than that of Al-Karkh side because Rusafa side has higher population density than Al-Karkh side. T
... Show MoreThe physical sports sector in Iraq suffers from the problem of achieving sports achievements in individual and team games in various Asian and international competitions, for many reasons, including the lack of exploitation of modern, accurate and flexible technologies and means, especially in the field of information technology, especially the technology of artificial neural networks. The main goal of this study is to build an intelligent mathematical model to predict sport achievement in pole vaulting for men, the methodology of the research included the use of five variables as inputs to the neural network, which are Avarage of Speed (m/sec in Before distance 05 meters latest and Distance 05 meters latest, The maximum speed achieved in t
... Show MoreThe purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of corrosive environment (corrosive ferric chloride of 1, 2, 5, 6% wt. at room temperature), immersion period of (48, 72, 96, 120, 144 hours), and surface roughness on pitting corrosion characteristics and use the data to build an artificial neural network and test its ability to predict the depth and intensity of pitting corrosion in a variety of conditions. Pit density and depth were calculated using a pitting corrosion test on carbon steel (C-4130). Pitting corrosion experimental tests were used to develop artificial neural network (ANN) models for predicting pitting corrosion characteristics. It was found that artificial neural network models were shown to be
... Show MoreThe increase globally fossil fuel consumption as it represents the main source of energy around the world, and the sources of heavy oil more than light, different techniques were used to reduce the viscosity and increase mobility of heavy crude oil. this study focusing on the experimental tests and modeling with Back Feed Forward Artificial Neural Network (BFF-ANN) of the dilution technique to reduce a heavy oil viscosity that was collected from the south- Iraq oil fields using organic solvents, organic diluents with different weight percentage (5, 10 and 20 wt.% ) of (n-heptane, toluene, and a mixture of different ratio
... Show MoreThe effects of the permeation cement grout with fly ash on the sandy soil skeleton were studied in the present work in two phase; first phase the shear strength parameters, and the second phase effect of these grouted materials on volume grouted zone by injection (51) cm³ of slurry in sandy soil placed in steel cylinder model with dimension 15 cm in diameter and 30 cm in height. The soil sample was obtained from Karbala city and it is classified as poorly graded sand (SP) according to USCS. The soil samples were improved by cement grout with three percentages weight of water cement ratio (w:c); (0.1w:0.9c, 0.8w:0.2c, and 0.7w:0.3c), while the soil samples were dehydrated for one day
... Show MoreIn this paper we give definitions, properties and examples of the notion of type Ntopological space. Throughout this paper N is a finite positive number, N 2. The task of this paper is to study and investigate some properties of such spaces with the existence of a relation between this space and artificial Neural Networks (ïNN'S), that is we applied the definition of this space in computer field and specially in parallel processing
Gypseous soil is prevalent in arid and semi-arid areas, is from collapsible soil, which contains the mineral gypsum, and has variable properties, including moisture-induced volume changes and solubility. Construction on these soils necessitates meticulous assessment and unique designs due to the possibility of foundation damage from soil collapse. The stability and durability of structures situated on gypseous soils necessitate close collaboration with specialists and careful, methodical preparation. It had not been done to find the pattern of failure in the micromechanical behavior of gypseous sandy soil through particle image velocity (PIV) analysis. This adopted recently in geotech
Gypseous soils are common in several regions in the world including Iraq, where more than 28.6% of its surface is covered with this type of soil. This soil, with high gypsum content, causes different problems for construction and strategic projects. As a result of water flow through the soil mass, the permeability and chemical arrangement of these soils varies with time due to the solubility and leaching of gypsum. In this study, the soil of 36% gypsum content, was taken from one location about 100 km southwest of Baghdad, where the samples were taken from depths (0.5 - 1) m below the natural ground and mixed with (3%, 6%, 9%) of Copolymer and Novolac polymer to improve the engineering properties that include: collapsibility, perm
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