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Dynamic Behavior of Machine Foundations on layered sandy soil under Seismic Loadings
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In this paper, a dynamic investigation is done for strip, rectangular and square machine foundation at the top surface of two-layer dry sand with various states (i.e., loose on medium sand and dense on medium sand). The dynamic investigation is performed numerically using finite element programming, PLAXIS 3D. The soil is expected as a versatile totally plastic material that complies with the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion. A harmonic load is applied at the base with an amplitude of 6 kPa at a frequency of (2 and 6) Hz, and seismic is applied with acceleration – time input of earthquake hit Halabjah city north of Iraq. A parametric study is done to evaluate the influence of changing L/B ratio (Length=12,6,3 m and width=3 m), type of sand, and frequency of the machine for soil with two layers (dense and medium sand) and (loose and medium sand). It was noticed that the displacement decreases when the foundation is strip, and has the highest values when the foundation is square. At the same time, the maximum vertical stress of the foundation (L/B = 4 and L/B = 1) appears to be (1262) kPa and (1255) kPa, respectively, due to increasing the foundation mass as a result of increasing its dimensions. Then again, the displacement increases by 20% for vertical displacement when decreasing the relative density. In addition, it has been noticed that there is a decrease in displacement when the frequency value changes from (2 to 6) Hz.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Effects of Sandy Soil-structure Interaction on the Natural Period of RC Building Frames
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Abstract<p>Building natural period, T, is a key character in building response for wind and seismic induced forces. In design practice, the period, T, is either estimated from empirical relations proposed by the design codes or determined from analytical or numerical models. The effect of the soil-structure interaction is usually neglected in the design practice and analysis models. This paper uses a sophisticated finite element simulation to investigate the effect of soil-structure modeling on the fundamental period of RC buildings subjected to wind and seismic induced forces. A typical interior building frame has been imitated using the frame element for beams and columns with constrains to mo</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 23 2022
Journal Name
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
Experimental modeling of a single pile in liquefiable soil under the effect of coupled static-dynamic loads
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In this work, a single pile is physically modeled and embedded in an upper liquefiable loose sand layer overlying a non-liquefiable dense layer. A laminar soil container is adopted to simulate the coupled static-dynamic loading pile response during earthquake motions: Ali Algharbi, Halabjah, El-Centro, and Kobe earthquakes. During seismic events with combined loading, the rotation along the pile, the lateral and vertical displacements at the pile head as well as the pore pressure ratio in loose sandy soil were assessed. According to the experimental findings, combined loading that ranged from 50 to 100% of axial load would alter the pile reaction by reducing the pile head peak ground acceleration, rotation of the pile, and lateral displacem

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Science And Engineering
The effect of model scale, acceleration history, and soil condition on closed-ended pipe pile response under coupled static-dynamic loads
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This paper analyzes the effect of scaling-up model and acceleration history on seismic response of closed-ended pipe pile using a finite element modeling approach and the findings of 1 g shaking table tests of a pile embedded in dry and saturated soils. A number of scaling laws were used to create the numerical modeling according to the data obtained from 1 g shake table tests performed in the laboratory. The current study found that the behaviors of the scaled models, in general have similar trends. From numerical modeling on both the dry and saturated sands, the normalized lateral displacement, bending moment, and vertical displacement of piles with scale factors of 2 and 35 are less than those of the pile with a scale factor of 1 and the

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Scopus (12)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
The slenderness ratio effect on the response of closed-end pipe piles in liquefied and non-liquefied soil layers under coupled static-seismic loading
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Abstract<p>This study presents the findings of a 3D finite element modeling on the performance of a single pile under various slenderness ratios (25, 50, 75, 100). These percentages were assigned to cover the most commonly configuration used in such kind of piles. The effect of the soil condition (dry and saturated) on the pile response was also investigated. The pile was modeled as a linear elastic, the surrounded dry soil layers were simulated by adopting a modified Mohr-Coulomb model, and the saturated soil layers were simulated by the modified UBCSAND model. The soil-pile interaction was represented by interface elements with a reduction factor (R) of 0.6 in the loose sand layer and 0.7 in t</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Experimental and numerical study of the bulb's location effect on the behavior of under-reamed pile in expansive soil
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Abstract<p>In this experimental and numerical analysis, three varieties of under-reamed piles comprising one bulb were used. The location of the bulb changes from pile to pile, as it is found at the bottom, center, and top of the pile, respectively. <italic>PLAXES 3D</italic> was used to conduct the research. In expansive soil, the under-reamed piles were 350 mm long, with the pile tip in dense sandy soil. The experiment was carried out in both saturated and unsaturated circumstances. The influence of the bulb location on the pile's bearing capacity for vertical and lateral loads, as well as the amount of swelling pressure and upward movement owing to swelling, was investigated. The re</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 02 2014
Journal Name
Arab J Sci Eng
Modeling of Trichloroethylene Migration in Three-Dimensional Saturated Sandy Soil
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Hyper Composite Plate Structure Under Thermal and Mechanical Loadings
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Adding High-Density Polyethylene Polymer on the Engineering Characteristics for Sandy Soil
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The loose sand is subject to large settlement when it is exposed to high stresses. This settlement is due to the nature of the high drainage of sand, which displays foundations and constructions to a large danger. The densification of loose sandy soils is required to provide sufficient bearing capacity for the structures. Thus soil stabilization is used to avoid failure in the facilities. Traditional methods of stabilized sandy soil such as fly ash, bituminous, and cement often require an extended curing period. The use of polymers to stabilize sandy soils is more extensive nowadays because it does not require a long curing time in addition to being chemically stable. In this study, the effect of adding different percent

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Embedment on Generated Bending Moment in Raft Foundation under Seismic Load
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This research shows the experimental results of the bending moment in a flexible and rigid raft foundation rested on dense sandy soil with different embedded depth throughout 24 tests. A physical model of dimensions (200mm*200mm) and (320) mm in height was constructed with raft foundation of (10) mm thickness for flexible raft and (23) mm for rigid raft made of reinforced concrete. To imitate the seismic excitation shaking table skill was applied, the shaker was adjusted to three frequencies equal to (1Hz,2Hz, and 3Hz) and displacement magnitude of (13) mm, the foundation was located at four different embedment depths (0,0.25B = 50mm,0.5B = 100mm, and B = 200mm), where B is the raft width. Generally, the maximum bending

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2022
Journal Name
Geotechnical Engineering And Sustainable Construction
Numerical Modeling of Circular Tunnel Alignment Under Seismic Loading
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The continuous increase in population has led to the development of underground structures like tunnels to be of great importance due to several reasons. One of these reasons is that tunnels do not affect the living activities on the surface, nor they interfere with the existing traffic network. More importantly, they have a less environmental impact than conventional highways and railways. This paper focuses on using numerical analysis of circular tunnels in terms of their behavior during construction and the deformations that may occur due to overburden and seismic loads imposed on them. In this study, the input data are taken from an existing Cairo metro case study; results were found for the lateral and vertical displacements, the Peak

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