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A Comparative Study of a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor and Bio-shaft Technology for a Wastewater Treatment Process: A review
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In addition to the primary treatment, biological treatment is used to reduce inorganic and organic components in the wastewater. The separation of biomass from treated wastewater is usually important to meet the effluent disposal requirements, so the MBBR system has been one of the most important modern technologies that use plastic tankers to transport biomass with wastewater, which works in pure biofilm, at low concentrations of suspended solids. However, biological treatment has been developed using the active sludge mixing process with MBBR. Turbo4bio was established as a sustainable and cost-effective solution for wastewater treatment plants in the early 1990s and ran on minimal sludge, and is easy to maintain. This has now evolved into a technology that has proven successful worldwide with trouble-free operation and improved Turbo4bio technology, an advanced high-intensity ventilation system fully enclosed and non-mechanical, ensuring odor-free operation, simple and environmentally friendly operation and long life of domestic and commercial wastewater treatment And the municipality. In this paper, a comparison between MBBR and T4B treatment system was made. As a general review of previous research and experiments, it is possible to reduce the total cost based on building all plant structures to obtain concentrations within the permissible limits of pollutants at the final outlets. It is clear that the use of MBBR has contributed to the realization of simultaneous biological phosphorous and nitrogen removal experiments, which aim to change the more significant methods developed from conventional methods, from the advantages of the Turbo 4 Bioreactor with low cost and high production performance, with less energy consumption and lower operating costs because it does not require Chemicals for processing, cleaning, and disinfection. It only takes small amounts of chlorine, the use of a compressor system for air, and rapid recovery providing high rates of generation of biomass to restore the plant quickly.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The effect of Tabata exercises on the development of stamina and achievement for female athletes running 100m hurdles under the age of 18 years
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يعد علم التدريب الرياضي الحديث عملية تربوية علمية مبنية على اسس صحيحة هدفها وصول اللاعبين الى التكامل في الاداء الفني وهذا يتم عن طريق التأثير المنظم والدقيق بواسطة استعمال التمارين البدنية التي تحدث تغيرات خاصة في عمل اعضاء واجهزة جسم الرياضي والتي بدورها تؤدي الى رفع كفاءة الاعضاء والاجهزة لتحقيق الانجازات الرياضية العالية ولقد استعملت الباحثتان اسلوب حديث من اساليب التدريب الرياضي من اجل تطوير تحم

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Determination of the standard cost of raw materials for the activity of extracting crude oil and gas by application in the North Oil Company
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There are many problems facing the economic entities  as a result of its mass production &variation of its products  , the matter which had  increased the need & importance of cost accounting which is regarded a main tool for the managerial control.

The actual costing system is unable to meet the contemporary management needs ,so the Standard costing system appear to provide the management  with required information to perform its functions by the best use& way.

This research aims to determine  the standard cost for the  direct material for oil extraction activity by applying it in the north oil company.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of estimations methods of the entropy function to the random coefficients for two models: the general regression and swamy of the panel data
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In this study, we focused on the random coefficient estimation of the general regression and Swamy models of panel data. By using this type of data, the data give a better chance of obtaining a better method and better indicators. Entropy's methods have been used to estimate random coefficients for the general regression and Swamy of the panel data which were presented in two ways: the first represents the maximum dual Entropy and the second is general maximum Entropy in which a comparison between them have been done by using simulation to choose the optimal methods.

The results have been compared by using mean squares error and mean absolute percentage error to different cases in term of correlation valu

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of public expenditure and public revenue on some of the intangible components of social development in Iraq for the period 1985-2008
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تحتل أدوات السياسة المالية (الإنفاقية والإيرادية) مكانة مهمة بين أدوات السياسات الاقتصادية الأخرى لما تتمتع به من تأثيرات اقتصادية واجتماعية على مجمل النشاط الاقتصادي .

     وفي بحثنا هذا سنركز على الآثار الاجتماعية لأدوات السياسة المالية (الإنفاق العام والإيراد العام) لما للتنمية الاجتماعية من أهمية متزايدة في عالمنا اليوم خاصة فيما يتعلق بمقوماتها غير المادية المتمثلة في خدما

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 18 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
E-learning applications and their significance among students of the Department of Chemistry in the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences – Ibn Al-Haytham
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--The objective of the current research is to identify: 1) Preparing a scale level for e-learning applications, 2) What is the relationship between the applications of e-learning and the students of the Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences/ Ibn Al-Haytham – University of Baghdad. To achieve the research objectives, the researcher used the descriptive approach because of its suitability to the nature of the study objectives. The researcher built a scale for e-learning applications that consists of (40) items on the five-point Likrat scale (I agree, strongly agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree). He also adopted the scale of scientific values, and it consists of (40) items on a five-point scale as wel

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Biotechnology
Association among family history and some microbial infectious ( Helicobacter pylori IgG and Hepatitis B and C Virus) as Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis in Iraqi Patients
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Certain bacterial and viral infectious agents may play a role in the activation of inflammation in atherosclerosis lesions. Epidemiological studies indicate that infectious agents may predispose patients to atherosclerosis as Infections have been associated with an increased risk of this disease. Moreover, a positive antibody status has been detected against some infectious organisms associated with atherosclerotic rupture. Infectious agents found in human atheroma, which may directly cause or accelerate atherosclerosis , include many pathogens but the present study focused on Helicobacter pylori, hepatitis B virus surface antigen and C. In order to evaluate the possible association between H. pylori, HBV, and HCV infections and the risk of

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Reality of Alternative Assessment for Teachers of the First Cycle of the Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman: Use, Self-Efficacy, and Attitude
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This study aims at identifying the reality of alternative assessment for teachers of the first cycle of the basic education in the Sultanate of Oman with respect to the degree of teachers' use of alternative assessment strategies, level of self-efficacy for alternative assessment strategies, and attitude towards alternative assessment, and their relationship with other variables. To achieve the aims of the study, a descriptive research approach was utilized. A 5-point self-rated questionnaire was developed. It consists of three sections: Actual use of alternative assessment strategies (21 items), self-efficacy for alternative assessment strategies (21 items), and attitude towards alternative assessment (27 items). The psychometric proper

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of practices by the Managing of human resources on effectiveness of organizational crisis Management Described and analysis research for ministry of Iraqi interior
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The practice by the  administration of human resources  on effectiveness of organization  crisis as two knowledge fields , it were be until now as center for many studies, but the collect it, study of relation between them ,and The role of practices  by the  administration of human resources  on effectiveness of organization  crisis administration  were considered a new study and first according to the available and showing  studies at this field .

The problem of this research was specified by answer for the question that deal for size of consciousness at the ministry of interior for import of&nbs

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
J. Of University Of Anbar For Pure Science
Estimation of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Variation for Selected Regions in Iraq for two Years 1990 & 2001
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The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is commonly used as a measure of land surface greenness based on the assumption that NDVI value is positively proportional to the amount of green vegetation in an image pixel area. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index data set of Landsat based on the remote sensing information is used to estimate the area of plant cover in region west of Baghdad during 1990-2001. The results show that in the period of 1990 and 2001 the plant area in region of Baghdad increased from (44760.25) hectare to (75410.67) hectare. The vegetation area increased during the period 1990-2001, and decreases the exposed area.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Compared of estimating two methods for nonparametric function to cluster data for the white blood cells to leukemia patients
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   We can notice cluster data in social, health and behavioral sciences, so this type of data have a link between its observations and we can express these clusters through the relationship between measurements on units within the same group.

    In this research, I estimate the reliability function of cluster function by using the seemingly unrelate

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