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Practical comparation of the accuracy and speed of YOLO, SSD and Faster RCNN for drone detection
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Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have high performance in the fields of object recognition and classification. The strength of CNNs comes from the fact that they are able to extract information from raw-pixel content and learn features automatically. Feature extraction and classification algorithms can be either hand-crafted or Deep Learning (DL) based. DL detection approaches can be either two stages (region proposal approaches) detector or a single stage (non-region proposal approach) detector. Region proposal-based techniques include R-CNN, Fast RCNN, and Faster RCNN. Non-region proposal-based techniques include Single Shot Detector (SSD) and You Only Look Once (YOLO). We are going to compare the speed and accuracy of Faster RCNN, YOLO, and SSD for effective drone detection in various environments. We have found that both Faster RCNN and YOLO have high recognition ability compared to SSD; on the other hand, SSD has good detection ability.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 08 2021
Journal Name
Proceedings Of International Conference On Emerging Technologies And Intelligent Systems
Drone Altitude Control Using Proportional Integral Derivative Technique and Recycled Carbon Fiber Structure
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Publication Date
Sat Mar 20 2021
Journal Name
Agroforestry Systems
Hydraulic lift: processes, methods, and practical implications for society
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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Measuring the Attribute Accuracy and Completeness for the OpenStreetMap Roads Networks for Two Regions in Iraq
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The OpenStreetMap (OSM) project aims to establish a free geospatial database for the entire world which is editable by international volunteers. The OSM database contains a wide range of different types of geographical data and characteristics, including highways, buildings, and land use regions. The varying scientific backgrounds of the volunteers can affect the quality of the spatial data that is produced and shared on the internet as an OSM dataset. This study aims to compare the completeness and attribute accuracy of the OSM road networks with the data supplied by a digitizing process for areas in the Baghdad and Thi-Qar governorates. The analyses are primarily based on calculating the portion of the commission (extr

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Measuring the Attribute Accuracy and Completeness for the OpenStreetMap Roads Networks for Two Regions in Iraq
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The OpenStreetMap (OSM) project aims to establish a free geospatial database for the entire world which is editable by international volunteers. The OSM database contains a wide range of different types of geographical data and characteristics, including highways, buildings, and land use regions. The varying scientific backgrounds of the volunteers can affect the quality of the spatial data that is produced and shared on the internet as an OSM dataset. This study aims to compare the completeness and attribute accuracy of the OSM road networks with the data supplied by a digitizing process for areas in the Baghdad and Thi-Qar governorates. The analyses are primarily based on calculating the portion of the commission (extra road) and

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Physiology, Nutrition And Physical Education
The effect of effort perception training according to race speed rhythm control for developing speed endurance, adapting maximum heart rate, and achieving 3000 m running/hurdles for men
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Water Hammer Arresters; Review Studies and Practical Experiments for Alternatives
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The current research deals with practical studies that explain to the Iraqi consumer multiple instances about the phenomenon of water hammer which occur in the water pipeline operating with pressure. It concern a practical study of the characteristics of this phenomenon and economically harmful to the consumer the same time. Multiple pipe fittings are used aimed to reduce this phenomenon and its work as alternatives to the manufactured arresters that used to avoid water hammer in the sanitary installations, while the consumer did not have any knowledge as to the non-traded for many reasons, including the water pressure decreases in the networks and the use of consumer pumps to draw water directly from the network. Study found a numbe

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Data Acquisition System for Wind Speed, Direction and Temperature Measurements
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This paper describes the use of microcomputer as a laboratory instrument system. The system is focused on three weather variables measurement, are temperature, wind speed, and wind direction. This instrument is a type of data acquisition system; in this paper we deal with the design and implementation of data acquisition system based on personal computer (Pentium) using Industry Standard Architecture (ISA)bus. The design of this system involves mainly a hardware implementation, and the software programs that are used for testing, measuring and control. The system can be used to display the required information that can be transferred and processed from the external field to the system. A visual basic language with Microsoft foundation cl

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Water Hammer Arresters; Review Studies and Practical Experiments for Alternatives
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The current research deals with practical studies that explain to the Iraqi consumer multiple instances about the phenomenon of water hammer which occur in the water pipeline operating with pressure. It concern a practical study of the characteristics of this phenomenon and economically harmful to the consumer the same time. Multiple pipe fittings are used aimed to reduce this phenomenon and its work as alternatives to the manufactured arresters that used to avoid water hammer in the sanitary installations, while the consumer did not have any knowledge as to the non-traded for many reasons, including the water pressure decreases in the networks and the use of consumer pumps to draw water directly from the network. Study found a number of

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Perceptual Speed and Its Relation to the Emotional Patterns of University Students: Perceptual Speed and Its Relation to the Emotional Patterns of University Students
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The current research aims to identify the perceptual speed of the university students as well as to identify the differences in the level of perceptual speed for the university students according to the variables of (male, female) specialization (scientific, human) university (Baghdad, Mustansiriya). Additionally, the research aims to identify the prevalence of emotional pattern and to identify the relationship between perceptual speed and the emotional patterns among university students. The researcher designed a questionnaire to measure the Emotional Patterns based on Jerome Freedman perspective. As for perceptual speed, the researcher adopted French, Extrom and Price scale (1963), which was tran

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 14 2022
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Determination of the Accuracy of Salivary Biomarkers for Periodontal Diagnosis
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Background: We aimed to investigate the accuracy of salivary matrix metalloproteinases (MMP)-8 and -9, and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 in diagnosing periodontitis and in distinguishing periodontitis stages (S)1 to S3. Methods: This study was a case–control study that included patients with periodontitis S1 to S3 and subjects with healthy periodontia (controls). Saliva was collected, and then, clinical parameters were recorded, including plaque index, bleeding on probing, probing pocket depth, and clinical attachment level. Diagnosis was confirmed by assessing the alveolar bone level using radiography. Salivary biomarkers were assayed using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: A total of 45 patients (15

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