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Physical Simulation for the Flow in Straight and Rectangular Loop Manifolds
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The flow in a manifolds considered as an advanced problem in hydraulic engineering applications. The objectives of this study are to determine; the uniformity qn/q1 (ratio of the discharge at last outlet, qn to the discharge at first outlet, q1) and total head losses of the flow along straight and rectangular loop manifolds with different flow conditions. The straight pipes were with 18 m and 19 m long and with of 25.4 mm (1.0 in) in diameter each. While, the rectangular close loop configuration was with length of 19 m and with diameter of 25.4 mm (1.0 in) also. Constant head in the supply tank was used and the head is 2.10 m. It is found that outlets spacing and manifold configuration are the main factors affecting the uniformity of flow distribution and friction head losses along manifolds. For large value of outlets spacing, the uniformity coefficient (qn/q1) was found with greatest value of 0.96. Thus, the flow distribution improves with bigger spacing between outlets along manifold. For same manifold length, diameter, inlet head and spacing between outlets (S/L=0.079), the uniformity coefficient was found 0.881 or 88.1% for straight manifold and 0.926 for rectangular loop manifold. From the experimental data, a better uniformity is obtained from the rectangular loop manifold, this is because the friction head loss in rectangular loop manifold was lower than that in straight manifold. The lowest of total head losses was found with greatest outlet spacing along manifold, while the highest of total head losses was found with smallest outlets spacing along manifold. And, the lowest of total head loss was found with the rectangular manifold, while the highest of total head loss was found with the straight manifold.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Diffusion of Italian language through literary texts: Diffusione dell’italiano attraverso i testi letterari
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  This work intends to illustrate the methods of using the authentic literary text in the process of spreading Italian, especially in Baghdad where there is a strong propensity to learn the Italian language. The concept of the language that arises from literature is an idea closely linked to the mentality of the Arab learner towards Italian culture: an idea also created by the first Arabisations of literary texts in the early years of the previous century. The research was carried out in Baghdad by two researchers, an Italianist from Baghdad and an Italian mother language linguist, with the aim of bringing together the two sectors in favor of the diffusion of the Italian language. The study also aims to clarify the models from Italian l

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
أثـر الأدوات الداخلية لحوكمة الشركة على رأس المال الـعـامـل وانعكاسهما علـى القيـمـة الاقتصـادية المضـافـة: دراســة تطبيقيـة علـى عينــة مـــن الشـركــات الصنــاعــيــة المـدرجــة في بورصــة عـمّــان لــلأوراق المـالـيـة
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Objective of this research focused on testing the impact of internal corporate governance instruments in the management of working capital and the reflection of each of them on the Firm performance. For this purpose, four main hypotheses was formulated, the first, pointed out its results to a significant effect for each of corporate major shareholders ownership and Board of Directors size on the net working capital and their association with a positive relation.  The second, explained a significant effect of net working capital on the economic value added, and their link inverse relationship, while the third, explored a significant effect for each of the corporate major shareholders ownershi

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