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Improvement of Unconfined Compressive Strength of Soft Clay using Microbial Calcite Precipitates
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The precipitation of calcite induced via microorganisms (MICP) is a technique that has been developed as an innovative sustainable ground improvement method utilizing ureolytic bacteria to soil strengthening and stabilization. Locally isolated Bacillus Sonorensis from Iraqi soil samples were found to have high abilities in producing urease. This study aims to use the MICP technique in improving the undrained shear strength of soft clay soil using two native urease producing bacteria that help in the precipitation of calcite to increase the cementation between soil particles. Three concentrations of each of the locally prepared Bacillus sonorensis are used in this study for cementation reagent (0.25M, 0.5M, and 1M) during the period of treatment. The results showed that the native isolated bacteria have high activity in bindings the soil particles together. The results of unconfined compressive strength tests showed that using MICP helps increase the undrained shear strength of soil by (3-5 times) for C11 types of native isolates, but the D11 was (1.5-2 times) because two types have different activity. This study's main finding is using the native urease-producing bacteria isolated from Iraqi soil in the MICP technique for the biocementation of soil, which is considered one of the sustainable techniques in the construction industry.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 26 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The effects of essential oilNigella sativa and Menthawas study on the chemical, microbial and sensory properties for soft white cheese that produced from it during storage at 0, 7 and 14 days .The results show significantly percent decrease in moisture for all samplesand maximum decrease was at the latest storage period for all them .The reduced in moisture was accompanied with increase in percentage of protein and fat during of storage period for all samples.
The control sample showed increased in bacterial logarithmic for total count bacterial, coliform, Staphylococcus aureus, proteolytic bacteria, lipolytic bacteria and mold and yeasts during of storage period , the highest results showed at the latest storage period 14days, it w

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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In this research the relation between skin resistances and standard penetration test of over consolidated
clay soils has been studied. The research includes doing boreholes at Babil governorate in Iraq to get
undisturbed samples and standard penetration test. Determination skin friction from direct shear test between
smooth concrete and soil was explored in laboratory for design purposes and correlated with standard
penetration test values. In many foundation design problems, the shear strength between soil and
foundation materials were estimated or correlated without any direct methods for measurement.
Twelve strain controlled direct shear tests were performed simulate the shear strength interaction
between smooth c

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering
Improvement of Earth Canals Constructed on a Gypseous Soil By Cement
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 10 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Improvement of Nonlinear Optical Properties for Mixture Laser Dyes Doped PMMA
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The spectral characteristics and the nonlinear optical properties of the mixed donor (C-480) acceptor (Rh-6G) have been determined. The spectral characteristics are studied by recording their absorption and fluorescence spectra. The nonlinear optical properties were measured by z-scan technique, using Q-switched Nd: YAG laser with 1064 nm wavelength. The results showed that the optimum concentration of acceptor is responsible for increasing the absorption and the emission bandwidth of donor to full range and to 242 nm respectively by the energy transfer process, also the efficiency of the process was increased by increasing the donor and acceptor concentration. The obtained nonlinear properties results of the mixture C-480/ Rh-6G showed

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Publication Date
Wed May 15 2019
Journal Name
Tikrit Journal Of Pure Science
Improvement of Alert System against Tampering and Theft in Surveillance Cameras
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Use of Surveillance cameras in houses and markets became common, that resulted to minimize theft and make it a difficult task because it let recording and viewing what is going around. The wide application of these cameras, pushed thieves to seek new ways for abolition of the surveillance system and digital recording of events, such as cutting the signal wire between the camera and Digital video recorder or changing the direction of the camera away from the focus spot or damaging the camera or steal the device which means the loss of the recorded media. This paper focuses on such abolitions and fixed it by suggesting a way to notify the administrator immediately and automatically by Email about any violation of the system using MATLAB, whic

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Radiation contrast improvement by suitable choice of x-ray radiation spectrum
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Different bremsstrahlung spectra from tungsten anode x-ray tube generated at 30, 40 and 50 kV have been examined theoretically and experimentally for an attempt to find a most suitable spectrum to radiograph a test object of 0.01 cm thickness of Cu and Ag. The high contrast using this suitable spectrum is demonstrated and the possible effects of fluorescent radiation are discussed.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Jordan Journal Of Civil Engineering
Investigation of the impacts of nano-clay on the collapse potential and geotechnical properties of Gypseous soils
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Scopus (28)
Publication Date
Mon Aug 16 2021
Journal Name
Al-qadisiyah Journal Of Pure Science
Pairwise Lower Separation Axioms in C ̌ech Fuzzy Soft Bi-Closure Spaces
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The idea of ech fuzzy soft bi-closure space ( bicsp) is a new one, and its basic features are defined and studied in [1]. In this paper, separation axioms, namely pairwise, , pairwise semi-(respectively, pairwise pseudo and pairwise Uryshon) - fs bicsp's are introduced and studied in both ech fuzzy soft bi-closure space and their induced fuzzy soft bitopological spaces. It is shown that hereditary property is satisfied for , with respect to ech fuzzy soft bi-closure space but for other mentioned types of separations axioms, hereditary property satisfies for closed subspaces of ech fuzzy soft bi-closure space.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study Properties (Compressive And Tensile And Wear) For The Composite Materials Hybried
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  This study included prepared samples of epoxy reinforced by the novolac , aluminum , glass powder and epoxy reinforced by aluminum , glass powder and epoxy alone .They are used as reinforced materials of volum fraction amounting 40% .  The mechanical properties inclouded ( tensile , compressive and wear) where the wear test inclouded different applied loads (5,10,15) . From the results showed the epoxy reinforced by aluminum and glass powder has higher compressive strength (56.91) Mpa and higher tensile strength (132.2) Mpa .But the epoxy alone has higher wear rate and the epoxy reinforced by aluminum and glass powder which have higher elasticity of modulus from the tensile test (315.7) Mpa

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 22 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Medicinal And Chemical Sciences
Organo-Clay Composites of Intercalated 4-Methylaniline and Its Schiff Base Derivative: Preparation and Characterization
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4-methylaniline and its Schiff base derivative were intercalated into the Bentonite clay interlayers in a solid state reaction followed by a condensation reaction to produce two organo-clay composites. X-ray diffraction was used to identify the changes in basal spacing of montmorillonite layers which exhibited noticeable alteration before and after the formation of the composites. FT-IR spectra, on the other hand, were utilized for identifying the structural compositions of the prepared materials as well as the formation of the intercalated Schiff base derivative. The surface morphology of the composites was examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM and Atomic Force Microscope AFM, which reflected some differences in the surface of prepa

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