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Development of an On-Line Self-Tuning FPGA-PID-PWM Control Algorithm Design for DC-DC Buck Converter in Mobile Applications

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
1-DOF Model for Fluid-Structure-Interaction Vibration Analysis

In this paper an attempt to provide a single degree of freedom lumped model for fluid structure interaction (FSI) dynamical analysis will be presented. The model can be used to clarify some important concept in the FSI dynamics such as the added mass, added stiffness, added damping, wave coupling ,influence mass coefficient and critical fluid depth . The numerical results of the model show that the natural frequency decrease with the increasing of many parameters related to the structure and the fluid .It is found that the interaction phenomena can become weak or strong depending on the depth of the containing fluid .The damped and un damped free response are plotted in time domain and phase plane for different model parameters It is fou

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Linear Feedback Shift Registers-Based Randomization for Image Steganography

     Steganography involves concealing information by embedding data within cover media and it can be categorized into two main domains: spatial and frequency. This paper presents two distinct methods. The first is operating in the spatial domain which utilizes the least significant bits (LSBs) to conceal a secret message. The second method is the functioning in the frequency domain which hides the secret message within the LSBs of the middle-frequency band of the discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients. These methods enhance obfuscation by utilizing two layers of randomness: random pixel embedding and random bit embedding within each pixel. Unlike other available methods that embed data in sequential order with a fixed amount.

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 26 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
New Improved Heuristic Method for Solving Travelling Salesman Problem

In this paper we will investigate some Heuristic methods to solve travelling salesman problem. The discussed methods are Minimizing Distance Method (MDM), Branch and Bound Method (BABM), Tree Type Heuristic Method (TTHM) and Greedy Method (GRM).

The weak points of MDM are manipulated in this paper. The Improved MDM (IMDM) gives better results than classical MDM, and other discussed methods, while the GRM gives best time for 5≤ n ≤500, where n is the number of visited cities.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Potential Energy Expectation Value for Lithium Excited State (1s2s3s)

The purpose of the present work is to calculate the expectation value of potential energy for different spin states (??? ? ???,??? ? ???) and compared it with spin states (??? , ??? ) for lithium excited state (1s2s3s) and Li- like ions (Be+,B+2) using Hartree-Fock wave function by partitioning techanique .The result of inter particle expectation value shows linear behaviour with atomic number and for each atom and ion the shows the trend ??? < ??? < ??? < ???

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Aluminum Rubbish as a Coagulant for Oily Wastewater Treatment

In this study an experimental work was done to study the possibility of using aluminum rubbish material as a coagulant to remove the colloidal particles from oily wastewater by dissolving this rubbish in sodium hydroxide solution. The experiments were carried out on simulated oily wastewater that was prepared at different oil concentrations and hardness levels (50, 250, 500, and 1000) ppm oil for (2000, 2500, 3000, and 3500) ppm CaCo3 respectively. The initial turbidity values were (203, 290, 770, and 1306) NTU, while the minimum values of turbidity that have been gained from the experiments in NTU units were (1.67, 1.95, 2.10, and 4.01) at best sodium aluminate dosages in milliliters (12, 20, 24, and 28) for

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Article Japan's social structure and useful Implications for Iraq

The development of Japanese society passed through long historical stages and as a result of the bitter experience of Japan in the Second World War and its exhaustion, it was able to build a modern modern state after 1945. Japan is a country of culture, civilization, science and technology, a country that appreciates the value of solidarity work. And the role of active civil society. This is what makes us in Iraq stand and draw their experience in the advancement and development, especially that they also passed bitter political stages, Iraq today passes through the most historical periods of forestry through its historical heritage in terms of the existence of complex social problems, the US occupation of Iraq in 2003 highlighte

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Novel Heuristic Approach for Solving Multi-objective Scheduling Problems

    In this paper, we studied the scheduling of  jobs on a single machine.  Each of n jobs is to be processed without interruption and becomes available for processing at time zero. The objective is to find a processing order of the jobs, minimizing the sum of maximum earliness and maximum tardiness. This problem is to minimize the earliness and tardiness values, so this model is equivalent to the just-in-time production system. Our lower bound depended on the decomposition of the problem into two subprograms. We presented a novel heuristic approach to find a near-optimal solution for the problem. This approach depends on finding efficient solutions for two problems. The first problem is minimizing total completi

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Structural and optical properties for nano GaxSb1-x films

Alloys of GaxSb1-x system with different Ga concentration (x=0.4, 0.5, 0.6) have been prepared in evacuated quartz tubes. The structure of the alloys were examined by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and found to be polycrystalline of zincblend structure with strong crystalline orientation (220). Thin films of GaxSb1-x system of about 1.0 μm thickness have been deposited by flash evaporation method on glass substrate at 473K substrate temperature (Ts) and under pressure 10-6 mbar. This study concentrated on the effect of Ga concentration (x) on some physical properties of GaxSb1-x thin films such as structural and optical properties. The structure of prepared films for various values of x was polycrystalline. The X-ray diffraction analy

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 06 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study the Mechanism’s Glitches with Age for Neutron Stars

Glitches are sudden increases in the rotational frequency (ν) of a neutron star.
Glitches usually occur as fractional increase in the frequency of the order of ⁄
= - .In this work we study the glitch in normal and magnetar pulsar stars,
glitches are small or absent in the millisecond pulsar star because it is old star
whereas the weak glitch activity of young pulsars by the fact that their internal
temperatures are still too high for the crust to store a large stress .The results showed
that NART (pulsed emission only at infrared) normal pulsar has more glitches than
AXP (Anomalous X-ray Pulsar) and HE (Spin-powered pulsar with pulsed emission
from radio to infrared or higher frequencies) stars, as the same tim

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fracture Toughness and Hardness studying for Polymer-Ceramic Composite

A particulate composite material was prepared by adding the Titanium dioxide (TiO2) with a particle size of (75-150) µm to Epoxy resin at weight percentage of (10%,20%,30%,40%,50%).The following some mechanical properties were studied,fracture toughness, hardness.casting preparation methods were used in this study includes preparing plate of matrix and composites. specimens were prepared according to ASTM for the Mechanical properties tests. After that Another samples were heat treated for three and six hour at 65C?. Fracture toughness (Kic) represent for stress intensity factor results were showed that the curve of three hours aging increases in fracture toughness (Kic) for composites but for six hours aging increases fracture tough

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