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Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis Membranes for Treating Wastewater Effluent from Gas Turbine Power Plants using the Statistical Method of Taguchi
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A study on the treatment and reuse of oily wastewater generated from the process of fuel oil treatment of gas turbine power plant was performed. The feasibility of using hollow fiber ultrafiltration (UF) membrane and reverse osmosis (RO) membrane type polyamide thin-film composite in a pilot plant was investigated. Three different variables: pressure (0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 bars), oil content (10, 20, 30 and 40 ppm), and temperature (15, 20, 30 and 40 ᵒC) were employed in the UF process while TDS was kept constant at 150 ppm. Four different variables: pressure (5, 6, 7 and 8 bar), oil content (2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 ppm), total dissolved solids (TDS) (100, 200,300 and 400 ppm), and temperature (15, 20, 30 and 40 ᵒC) were manipulated with the help of statistical method of Taguchi in the RO process. Analysis of variable (ANOVA) and optimum condition was investigated. The study shows that pressure has the greatest impact on the flux of UF process, while it was temperature for RO process. It was noticed that more than 99% oil removal can be achieved and flux of 580 L/ by UF process and that the fouling mechanism of UF process follows the cake/gel layer filtration model. It was concluded that 100% removal of oil content can be achieved along with 99% for the TDS rejection and flux of 76 L/ by RO process. The result shows fouling in RO process follows the standard pore blocking model. Process optimization was conducted with confirmation test. It was concluded that the observed values are within ±5% of that the predicted which reflects a strong representative model. The treated wastewater has the characteristics of that used as fresh water and it can be reused to the process to reduce the operation cost.


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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2009
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Effect of Continuous Darkness and Continuous Light on the Reactivity of Smooth Muscles to Drugs in the Rat Vas Deferens
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Background: The vasoconstricting agents: nor-adrenaline and 5- hydroxytryptamine
(5-HT) have a stimulant action on smooth muscle contractility of the rat vas deferens.
Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effect of exposure to continuous
darkness and continuous light on the contractility of the vasa deferntia smooth
muscles from rats to applied nor-adrenaline and 5-HT.
Method: Male albino wistar rats were divided into 3 experimental groups. Group 1:
Control animals, were exposed to the ordinary photoperiod each day. Group 2: Rats
were kept in a dark room. Group 3: In a room under a bright artificial light.
All animals were killed after 4 weeks.
Results: Vasa deferentia preparations from continuous dar

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Materials Science And Engineering
Gravel Sampling for Testing
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Abstract<p>Sampling is the selection of a representative portion of a material, and it’s as important as testing. The minimum weight of gravel field or lab sample depends on the nominal maximum particle size. The weight of the sample will always be greater than that portion required for testing. The approximate precision desired for the testing will control the weight of the gravel sample. In this study, gravel sample has been simulated by using multilinear approximated function for Fuller’s curve on the logarithmic scale. Gravel particles are divided into classes according to their medium diameter and each class was simulated separately. A stochastic analysis, by using 100 realizations in s</p> ... Show More
Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Mechanics And Engineering
Sand Sampling for Testing
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Abstract<p>Fine aggregate (Sand) is a necessary material used in concrete construction purposes, it’s naturally available and it’s widely used around the world for different parts of construction in any building mainly for filling the voids between gravel. Sand gradation is important for different composite materials, and it gives good cohesion when compared with coarse sand that provides strength for the building. Therefore, sand is necessary to be tested before it is used and mixed with other building materials in construction and the specimen must be selected carefully to represent the real material in the field. The specimen weight must be larger than the required weight for test. When t</p> ... Show More
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
In Press
Man’s Search for Meaning
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Subject matter  for speakers
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and companions as a whole.
    The topic of attention was drawn to the attention of the speakers, as it made me ponder it carefully, and my goal in that is to know the reason for the interest of the speakers and their care for it, and to clarify from their books the purpose of making this topic one of the advanced investigations with them.

     The idea of ​​writing a paper on the subject of consideration was not absent from my thinking, because I saw the attention of speakers on this issue, as they made it one of the first issues that they deal with studying in their work

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
Western Hermeneutics and Heritage: A Contemporary Study in the Debate of Understanding and Horizon.
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 05 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Antibacterial activity and mechanism of the silver nanoparticle in gram positive and negative bacteria
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Biomedical alloy 316L stainless steel enhancing to replace biological tissue or to help stabilize a biological structure, such as bone tissue, enhancing were coated with deposition a thin layer of silver nanoparticles as anti-bacterial materials by using DC- magnetron sputtering device. The morphology surface of The growth nanostructure under the influence of different working pressure were studied by atomic force microscope. The average grain size decrease but roughness of the silver thin layer was increased with‖ ―increasing the working pressure. The thickness of silver thin layer was increased from 107 nm at 0.08 mbar to 126 nm at 1.1 mbar. Antimicrobial activity of silver thin layers at different working pressure were studied. Th

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Preparation and study the structure of pure and impure barium titanate with Mg2+ ion
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Pure and doped barium titanate with Mg2+ ion at two molar ratios x= (5%, 10%) mol. has been synthesized by solid state reaction technique. The powders sintered at two temperatures (1000 °C and 1400 °C). An XRD technique was used in order to study the crystal structure of pure and doped barium titanate, which confirmed the formation of the tetragonal phase of BaTiO3, and then calculate the lattice parameters of pure and doped barium titanate, the addition of magnesium ion Mg2+ can lead to decreases lattice parameters.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
AL-Takfir in the thought of Islamic movements and organizations and its social repercussions
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This is an open access by CC Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0

Takfir is an ancient phenomenon that accompanied the emergence of Islam, and this phenomenon took its political dimension during the time of the fourth Rashidi Caliph with the emergence ofthe Kharijites sect that disbelieved many Muslims.

The study started from the hypothesis that "contemporary Islamicmovements and organizations have relied in their takfir on the ideas and fatwas presented by the predecessors which applied ontocontemporary rea

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2019
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم النفسية
Employment of the Roundhouse Strategy and its Impact on Academic Achievement and Core Thinking
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The aim of this research is to employ the roundhouse strategy to study its impact on the students achievement of the 10th grade in physics and their core thinking. After the application of the research experience and gaining data, which was processed statistically using the statistical packages program (SPSS). The results of the researcher revealed the superiority of the students of the experimental group who studied using the roundhouse strategy on the students of the control group who studied the usual method in the achievement test. As results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the average scores of the experimental group and the average scores of the control group students in the core thinking test and

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