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Development of Regression Models for Predicting Pavement Condition Index from the International Roughness Index

Flexible pavements are considered an essential element of transportation infrastructure. So, evaluations of flexible pavement performance are necessary for the proper management of transportation infrastructure. Pavement condition index (PCI) and international roughness index (IRI) are common indices applied to evaluate pavement surface conditions. However, the pavement condition surveys to calculate PCI are costly and time-consuming as compared to IRI. This article focuses on developing regression models that predict PCI from IRI. Eighty-three flexible pavement sections, with section length equal to 250 m, were selected in Al-Diwaniyah, Iraq, to develop PCI-IRI relationships. In terms of the quantity and severity of each observed distress, the pavement condition surveys were conducted by actually walking through all the sections. Using these data, PCI was calculated utilizing Micro PAVER software. Dynatest Road Surface Profiler (RSP) was used to collect IRI data of all the sections. Using the SPSS software, linear and nonlinear regressions have been used for developing two models between PCI and IRI based on the collected data. These models have the coefficients of determination (R2) equal to 0.715 and 0.722 for linear and quadratic models. Finally, the results indicate the linear and quadratic models are acceptable to predict PCI from IRI directly.

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 20 2020
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Predicting Phosphorus and Potato Yield Using Active and Passive Sensors

Applications of remote sensing are important in improving potato production through the broader adoption of precision agriculture. This technology could be useful in decreasing the potential contamination of soil and water due to the over-fertilization of agriculture crops. The objective of this study was to assess the utility of active sensors (Crop Circle™, Holland Scientific, Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA and GreenSeeker™, Trimble Navigation Limited, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) and passive sensors (multispectral imaging with Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAVs)) to predict total potato yield and phosphorus (P) uptake. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications and six P treatments, ranging from 0 to 280 kg P ha−1, as

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 18 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Strategic dimensions of the Turkish role in the map of international and regional forces balances

It is necessary to examine the nature of the Turkish position and what Turkey seeks to achieve at the international, regional and Iraqi levels. Or is this external role an expression of foreign policy and has not yet reached the level of maturity that reaches the stage of strategy? The answer to this question is the essence of research in the Turkish role. The answer to this question requires the realization of the elements and pillars that guarantee Turkey's continuity and survival. Continuity is a cornerstone of the strategy. The continuity of the role and its interaction with the event and the ability to employ multiple alternatives are what qualify the state to describe its politics. The external strategy has evolved into. In order t

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Foresight of the development of the housing sector

The housing sector in Iraq has suffered from multiple problems, the most prominent of which is the failure of the housing market to achieve housing production that faces population increases and a high number of households.

The research aims to foresight the future of the housing sector,  and to identify the expectations of experts in the development of the housing sector and housing production, in order to overcome the obstacles and problems.

Foresight does not mean forecasting about future events, but rather it is a process and skill aimed at familiarity with providing sufficient knowledge to achieve the desired future goals, Accordingly, adopting a method of future foresight will reduce error,  surprise and s

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Mechanical Engineering And Robotics Research
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research

This paper proposes feedback linearization control (FBLC) based on function approximation technique (FAT) to regulate the vibrational motion of a smart thin plate considering the effect of axial stretching. The FBLC includes designing a nonlinear control law for the stabilization of the target dynamic system while the closed-loop dynamics are linear with ensured stability. The objective of the FAT is to estimate the cubic nonlinear restoring force vector using the linear parameterization of weighting and orthogonal basis function matrices. Orthogonal Chebyshev polynomials are used as strong approximators for adaptive schemes. The proposed control architecture is applied to a thin plate with a large deflection that stimulates the axial loadi

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Crossref (33)
Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Roughness Effect on Velocity Distribution in Selected Reach of Shatt al-Arab River

Shatt al-Arab is the only navigational artery in Iraq, extending from the city of Qurna to its mouth in the Arabian Gulf at the city of Al-Fao within the governorate of Basrah for a length of approximately 204 km. Its width ranges from 400 m to 2000 m, and its depth ranges from 8 m to 20 m. The southern part of it, 93 km long from Umm al-Rassas Island to Ras al-Bisha, represents the international border between Iraq and Iran, where the Thalweg line represents the border between the two countries, which is the deepest point in the riverbed (according to the 1975 Algiers Agreement). The western bank (the Iraqi side) within the common border of Shatt al-Arab is subject to continuous erosion, which leads to the shifting of t

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The important political development in democracy Congo: The important political development in democracy Congo

The study which carried( The important political development in
democracy Congo).initially deals with The important political events in African
country democracy Congo which know tow political period , and this study
divided tow chapter to expend these periods , the first chapter subject was the
period of mobotow 1965- 1997 . while the second chapter subject was abo

democracy Congo under the rule of loran cabeela who's comes to the rules of
the African country after he lead military movement agents' mobotow .
but the study have aconcluded that the political development in
democracy Congo happened because of the foreigner role , this role keep the
authority of mobotow and in the end let him down

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Sciences Journal Of Physical Education
The impact of a proposal for the curriculum dictated by some of the barriers to the development of motor skills

The impact of a proposal for the curriculum dictated by some of the barriers to the development of motor skillsA. M. D. Huda Ibrahim RezoukiM. M. Susan Salim DawoodIs the childhood of the most important and most fertile stage of basic education because of their significant impact in building a base on which the stated origin of sound in the early stages older age because the baby at this stage be very vulnerability to environmental factors different surroundings in which to leave their mark on his life in the stages of life other.The Gymnastics of sports long-term training, which begins between the ages very early relative to the rest of other games to reach the stage of the tournament from the age of 13-17 years almost to the women, this a

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2018
Journal Name
Arab Journal Of Basic And Applied Sciences
Development of the Banach contraction method for the solution of nonlinear thin film flows of non-Newtonian fluids

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Students Dropout on Human Development in Iraq For Period ( 2001 ــ 2011 )


Students dropout from the Education has a negative phenomena on individual and society and even on different aspects of life especially on the economic aspect , Thus our research tries studying and analyzing the relation between the size of dropout and human development level in Iraq and as (research sample) the first decade of this century as a studying period, the study includes the dropout in Secondary schools and depending the formal records as a main source to evaluate the size of this problem in Iraq , which shows an increase in the size of dropout in this period in comparison with the last decades of the twentieth century, this produces a negative effect on human developme

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
The environmental planning vision for development of human settlements in marshes by using GIS techniques
Abstract<p>Marshlands environment in southern Iraq is unique and is considered a habitat of thousands of migratory birds as shelter and a source of livelihood for thousands of people living there. Its environment is characterized by a fragile ecosystem that requires great care and effort to achieve the greatest possible balance and parallelism of development, which necessarily require careful environmental planning that accurately regulates the resources of the environment and therefore, planned the best way to use them. The idea of research for creating the spatial organization of the development of the human settlements and taking into account the environmental aspect by thinking for the plann</p> ... Show More
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