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Robustness Assessment of Regional GNSS Geodetic Networks for Precise Applications
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Over the past few decades, the surveying fieldworks were usually carried out based on classical positioning methods for establishing horizontal and vertical geodetic networks. However, these conventional positioning techniques have many drawbacks such as time-consuming, too costly, and require massive effort. Thus, the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) has been invented to fulfill the quickness, increase the accuracy, and overcome all the difficulties inherent in almost every surveying fieldwork. This research assesses the accuracy of local geodetic networks using different Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) techniques, such as Static, Precise Point Positioning, Post Processing Kinematic, Session method, and finally Real Time Kinematic for different surveying applications. To achieve this assessment, GNSS observations were executed to highlight the characteristics for each GNSS observation technique. Furthermore, the level of accuracy which is gained from each positioning technique is enormously investigated to figure out the amount of allowable error and the suitability for different geodetic applications. In relative positioning, at least two receivers (or more) are required for timing and positioning while the Precise Point Positioning necessitates single receiver. Some of geodetic applications require about positions with centimeter level of accuracy or less. The robust geodetic networks provide accurate positions which in turn serve different earth science applications.


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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Minar International Journal Of Applied Sciences And Technology
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In this work ,pure and doped(CdO)thin films with different concentration of V2O5x (0.0, 0.05, 0.1 ) wt.% have been prepared on glass substrate at room temperature using Pulse Laser Deposition technique(PLD).The focused Nd:YAG laser beam at 800 mJ with a frequency second radiation at 1064 nm (pulse width 9 ns) repetition frequency (6 Hz), for 500 laser pulses incident on the target surface At first ,The pellets of (CdO)1-x(V2O5)x at different V2O5 contents were sintered to a temperature of 773K for one hours.Then films of (CdO)1-x(V2O5)x have been prepared.The structure of the thin films was examined by using (XRD) analysis..Hall effect has been measured in orded to know the type of conductivity, Finally the solar cell and the effici

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 26 2013
Journal Name
Environmental Geochemistry And Health
Assessment of sulfurous springs in the west of Iraq for balneotherapy, drinking, irrigation and aquaculture purposes
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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of Shear Strength Parameters of Gypseous Soil using Artificial Neural Networks
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The shear strength of soil is one of the most important soil properties that should be identified before any foundation design. The presence of gypseous soil exacerbates foundation problems. In this research, an approach to forecasting shear strength parameters of gypseous soils based on basic soil properties was created using Artificial Neural Networks. Two models were built to forecast the cohesion and the angle of internal friction. Nine basic soil properties were used as inputs to both models for they were considered to have the most significant impact on soil shear strength, namely: depth, gypsum content, passing sieve no.200, liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, water content, dry unit weight, and initial

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On New Weibull Inverse Lomax Distribution with Applications
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In this paper, simulation studies and applications of the New Weibull-Inverse Lomax (NWIL) distribution were presented. In the simulation studies, different sample sizes ranging from 30, 50, 100, 200, 300, to 500 were considered. Also, 1,000 replications were considered for the experiment. NWIL is a fat tail distribution. Higher moments are not easily derived except with some approximations. However, the estimates have higher precisions with low variances. Finally, the usefulness of the NWIL distribution was illustrated by fitting two data  sets

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Jurisprudential applications to restrict permissible in Islamic jurisprudence
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Research summary


Muslim scholars have established fundamental rules for deriving rulings to be a methodology for every mujtahid who wants to extract rulings from his reliable sources, and one of the most prominent fundamental rules on which many rulings are built is the permissible and the many rulings related to it.

Leaving what is permissible on its own terms sometimes causes embarrassment and distress in some cases, so we need something that restricts it. In our Islamic law, many legal rulings are embodied in which the restriction of what is permissible is in the public interest, or to relieve embarrassment in public.

Because of the importance of this fundamentalist rule, and the difference in some

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Pedagogy and its applications in art education curricula
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               The research aims to (identify the applications of pedagogy in art education), the research community included, art education for the primary stage, so the community consisted of (8) main areas in art education, either the research sample was chosen, two main areas (objectives, and content), and included the research methodology (descriptive and analytical), the researcher built the research tool represented (the validity form of the tool) and presented to a group of experts to indicate its validity as well as to measure its stability,  To show the results, the researcher used the percentage, and the researcher recommended - modifying the curriculum every period of time, such as every four years, others

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
Journal Name
Simulation and its applications in contemporary graphic design
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   The simulation is the oldest theory in art, since it appeared in the Greek aesthetic thought of the philosopher Plato, as we find in many of the thinkers and philosophers over a wide period of time to reach our world today. Our fascination with art in general and design art in particular is due to the creativity and innovations of the artist through the simulation, as well as the peculiarities in this simulation, which give objects signs and signals that may have an echo that sometimes does not exist in their physical reality.

   The real representation of life and design construction, descriptions of the expression of each of them in the form of intellectual construction and the ideas of producti

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Ieee Xplore
The Internet of Everything Based Smart Systems: Applications and Challenges
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Smart systems are the trend for modern organizations and should meet the quality of services that expect to produce. Internet of Everything (IoE) helped smart systems to adopt microcontrollers for improving the performance. Analyzing and controlling data in such a system are critical issues. In this study, a survey of IoE systems conducted to show how to apply a suitable model that meets such system requirements. The analysis of some microcontroller boards is explored based on known features. Factors for applying IoE devices have been defined such as connectivity, power consumption, compatibility, and cost. Different methods have been explained as an overview of applying IoE systems. Further, different approaches for applying IoE technology

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Population Therapeutics & Clinical Pharmacology
A systematic review of Antimicrobial peptides and their current applications
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In present days, drug resistance is a major emerging problem in the healthcare sector. Novel antibiotics are in considerable need because present effective treatments have repeatedly failed. Antimicrobial peptides are the biologically active secondary metabolites produced by a variety of microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and algae, which possess surface activity reduction activity along with this they are having antimicrobial, antifungal, and antioxidant antibiofilm activity. Antimicrobial peptides include a wide variety of bioactive compounds such as Bacteriocins, glycolipids, lipopeptides, polysaccharide-protein complexes, phospholipids, fatty acids, and neutral lipids. Bioactive peptides derived from various natural sources like bacte

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Population Therapeutics And Clinical Pharmacology
A systematic review of Antimicrobial peptides and their current applications
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