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Robustness Assessment of Regional GNSS Geodetic Networks for Precise Applications
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Over the past few decades, the surveying fieldworks were usually carried out based on classical positioning methods for establishing horizontal and vertical geodetic networks. However, these conventional positioning techniques have many drawbacks such as time-consuming, too costly, and require massive effort. Thus, the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) has been invented to fulfill the quickness, increase the accuracy, and overcome all the difficulties inherent in almost every surveying fieldwork. This research assesses the accuracy of local geodetic networks using different Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) techniques, such as Static, Precise Point Positioning, Post Processing Kinematic, Session method, and finally Real Time Kinematic for different surveying applications. To achieve this assessment, GNSS observations were executed to highlight the characteristics for each GNSS observation technique. Furthermore, the level of accuracy which is gained from each positioning technique is enormously investigated to figure out the amount of allowable error and the suitability for different geodetic applications. In relative positioning, at least two receivers (or more) are required for timing and positioning while the Precise Point Positioning necessitates single receiver. Some of geodetic applications require about positions with centimeter level of accuracy or less. The robust geodetic networks provide accurate positions which in turn serve different earth science applications.


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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Center of Urban and Regional Planning for postgraduate Studies - University of Baghdad
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Project deal with the study of the suitability of the planning standards of the select sites for sports facilities for the holy city of Karbala and the extent of convergence and divergence between these standards and points of strength and weakness in each of these standards.

It was found that there was a lack of the   role given to the sports as a kind of luxury does not deserve to spend money and efforts, and was then incorporated with a lot of entertainment services by planners.

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Publication Date
Tue May 20 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Notes on regional development policies
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the regional and spatial dimension of development planning must be taken as a point of departure to the mutual of the spatial structure of the economy , development strategy and policies applied 'therein such as the location principles and regional development coordination of the territorial problems with the national development planning and timing of regional vis-a-vis national development plan_. Certain balance and integration is of sound necessity' between national _regional and local development objectives through which the national development strategy should have to represent the guidelines of the local development aspirations and goals. The economic development exerts an impact on the spatial evolution, being itself subje

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Publication Date
Sat May 16 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Investment policy and regional development
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The unbalanced distribution of investments in the economic fields of the 1950s had a negative impact on the overall economic life of the country in that period and subsequent periods. Since the 1960s, the planning agencies have tried to reduce the negative impact of imbalance in regional development and the emergence of disparities in development between the regions of the country and to identify disparities in levels of spatial development. At the planning level, there have been many studies and mathematical and statistical models to analyze variance and clarify its dimensions and to measure the degree of developmental disparity between Regions and means of narrowing this problem and the development of policies and strategies for develo

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 29 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Settlements And Spatial Planning
Regional Development Prospects for Sustainable Urbanization. Case Study – Qalaat Salih in Iraq
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The importance of regional development resides in the provision of aid and other assistance to regions that are less economically developed. The purpose of this research is to identify the development possibilities and resources at the regional level, which can be tapped for the development of secondary cities. This research aims to shed light on the importance of urban planning in creating regional balance and relieving population and service pressure on major cities. The research answers the question relative to how urban planners can work towards the idea of creating development corridors including the cities located within them, whilst focusing more on the regional dimension and the topic of sustainable urbanization. This research assum

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Networks And Systems
Evaluating the Efficiency of Regional Transport Network
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 20 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The impact of decentralization on regional development
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As regional development, as a matter of course, poses a number of systemic, scientific and political problems. While the issue of development is primarily at the national level to the limits of World War II in the industrialized world and to the 1960s borders in most Third World countries, the increasing awareness of regional disparities has led to the regional issue Were taken into consideration in the early 1960s and 1970s in most industrialized and developing countries alike. The local issue was only introduced in the early 1980s. The awareness of regional disparities and the fact that the regions do not have the same potential and that some regions have the resources to enable them to develop, grow and develop, unlike other r

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Solutions and Recent Challenges Related to Energy in Wireless Body Area Networks with Integrated Technologies: Applications and Perspectives
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          In this paper, we have investigated some of the most recent energy efficient routing protocols for wireless body area networks. This technology has seen advancements in recent times where wireless sensors are injected in the human body to sense and measure body parameters like temperature, heartbeat and glucose level. These tiny wireless sensors gather body data information and send it over a wireless network to the base station. The data measurements are examined by the doctor or   physician and the suitable cure is suggested. The whole communication is done through routing protocols in a network environment. Routing protocol consumes energy while helping non-stop communic

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Scopus (8)
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Fast Training Algorithms for Feed Forward Neural Networks
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 The aim of this paper, is to discuss several high performance training algorithms fall into two main categories. The first category uses heuristic techniques, which were developed from an analysis of the performance of the standard gradient descent algorithm. The second category of fast algorithms uses standard numerical optimization techniques such as: quasi-Newton . Other aim is to solve the drawbacks related with these training algorithms and propose an efficient training algorithm for FFNN

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Applications of GIS for Bridges Maintenance Service
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Abstract<p>AThe Bridge Maintenance Management System (BMMS) is an application system that uses existing data from a Bridge Management System database for monitoring and analysis of current bridges performance, as well as for estimating the current and future maintenance and rehabilitation needs of the bridges. In a transportation context, the maintenance management is described as a cost-effective process to operate, construct, and maintain physical money. This needs analytical tools to support the allocation of resources, materials, equipment, including personnel, and supplies. Therefore, Geographic Information System (GIS) can be considered as one tool to develop the road and bridge maintenanc</p> ... Show More
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Scopus (5)
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Religious and Regional Honorifics in Iraqi Arabic
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Honorifics are linguistic expressions which maintain social as well as religious respect to other people. They are linguistic techniques which express politeness to other interlocutors. Semantically speaking, honorifics are of two types: al-Laqab (title) and al-Kuniya (teknonyms) following a specific word order. They form part of the Arab recognitions and are mold into their social and communicative competence.

      The study focuses upon religious and regional honorifics which convey deference and respect. It assumes that religious and cultural recognitions play vital roles in formulating and embedding the sense of honorifics. It is hypothesized that Arab people express respect to religious personalitie

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