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Robustness Assessment of Regional GNSS Geodetic Networks for Precise Applications
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Over the past few decades, the surveying fieldworks were usually carried out based on classical positioning methods for establishing horizontal and vertical geodetic networks. However, these conventional positioning techniques have many drawbacks such as time-consuming, too costly, and require massive effort. Thus, the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) has been invented to fulfill the quickness, increase the accuracy, and overcome all the difficulties inherent in almost every surveying fieldwork. This research assesses the accuracy of local geodetic networks using different Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) techniques, such as Static, Precise Point Positioning, Post Processing Kinematic, Session method, and finally Real Time Kinematic for different surveying applications. To achieve this assessment, GNSS observations were executed to highlight the characteristics for each GNSS observation technique. Furthermore, the level of accuracy which is gained from each positioning technique is enormously investigated to figure out the amount of allowable error and the suitability for different geodetic applications. In relative positioning, at least two receivers (or more) are required for timing and positioning while the Precise Point Positioning necessitates single receiver. Some of geodetic applications require about positions with centimeter level of accuracy or less. The robust geodetic networks provide accurate positions which in turn serve different earth science applications.


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Publication Date
Sat Jul 20 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Analytical solutions via coupled Elzaki adomian decomposition method for some applications
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An efficient combination of Adomian Decomposition iterative technique coupled Elzaki transformation (ETADM) for solving Telegraph equation and Riccati non-linear differential equation (RNDE) is introduced in a novel way to get an accurate analytical solution. An elegant combination of the Elzaki transform, the series expansion method, and the Adomian polynomial. The suggested method will convert differential equations into iterative algebraic equations, thus reducing processing and analytical work. The technique solves the problem of calculating the Adomian polynomials. The method’s efficiency was investigated using some numerical instances, and the findings demonstrate that it is easier to use than many other numerical procedures. It has

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Optimal UAV Deployment for Data Collection in Deadline-based IoT Applications
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The deployment of UAVs is one of the key challenges in UAV-based communications while using UAVs for IoT applications. In this article, a new scheme for energy efficient data collection with a deadline time for the Internet of things (IoT) using the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is presented. We provided a new data collection method, which was set to collect IoT node data by providing an efficient deployment and mobility of multiple UAV, used to collect data from ground internet of things devices in a given deadline time. In the proposed method, data collection was done with minimum energy consumption of IoTs as well as UAVs. In order to find an optimal solution to this problem, we will first provide a mixed integer linear programming m

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Scopus (4)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jan 02 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Research And General Science
IT Auditing to Assure a Secure Cloud Computing for Enterprise Applications
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Recently, all over the world mechanism of cloud computing is widely acceptable and used by most of the enterprise businesses in order increase their productivity. However there are still some concerns about the security provided by the cloud environment are raises. Thus in this our research project, we are discussing over the cloud computing paradigm evolvement for the large business applications like CRM as well as introducing the new framework for the secure cloud computing using the method of IT auditing. In this case our approach is basically directed towards the establishment of the cloud computing framework for the CRM applications with the use of checklists by following the data flow of the CRM application and its lifecycle. Those ch

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Indoor/Outdoor Deep Learning Based Image Classification for Object Recognition Applications
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With the rapid development of smart devices, people's lives have become easier, especially for visually disabled or special-needs people. The new achievements in the fields of machine learning and deep learning let people identify and recognise the surrounding environment. In this study, the efficiency and high performance of deep learning architecture are used to build an image classification system in both indoor and outdoor environments. The proposed methodology starts with collecting two datasets (indoor and outdoor) from different separate datasets. In the second step, the collected dataset is split into training, validation, and test sets. The pre-trained GoogleNet and MobileNet-V2 models are trained using the indoor and outdoor se

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Bionics-Based Approach for Object Tracking to Implement in Robot Applications
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In this paper, an approach for object tracking that is inspired from human oculomotor system is proposed and verified experimentally. The developed approach divided into two phases, fast tracking or saccadic phase and smooth pursuit phase. In the first phase, the field of the view is segmented into four regions that are analogue to retinal periphery in the oculomotor system. When the object of interest is entering these regions, the developed vision system responds by changing the values of the pan and tilt angles to allow the object lies in the fovea area and then the second phase will activate. A fuzzy logic method is implemented in the saccadic phase as an intelligent decision maker to select the values of the pan and tilt angle based

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 23 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
Review Recent Developments In High-Power Diode Lasers For Biomedical Applications
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Diode laser technology is well established for biomedicine applications which demand high-power pulse-wave. They are extensively utilized from medical imaging and testing to surgical therapies and the latest aesthetic processes. For medical therapeutic practices, diode lasers have become the ideal laser source for this particular purpose. In the last previous years, semiconductor laser technology has evolved to produce high-repetitions rate near-infrared pulsed lasers diodes that are dependable, low-cost, portable, and small-weight, about few grams. In this paper, we review the recent development and demonstration of diode laser devices for biomedical applications recorded in the latest years taking into account the power, wavelength, and p

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Networks And Wireless Communications
Performance Analysis of VoIP in Wireless Networks
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Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is important technology that’s rapidly growing in the wireless networks. The Quality of Service (QoS) and Capacity are two of the most important issues that still need to be researched on wireless VoIP. The main aim of this paper is to analysis the performance of the VoIP application in wireless networks, with respect to different transport layer protocols and audio codec. Two scenarios used in the simulation stage. In the first scenario VoIP with codec G.711 transmitted over User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), and Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP). While, in the second scenario VoIP with codec G.726 transmitted over UDP, SCTP, and RTP protocols. Network simulator

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 16 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Evaluation of the efficiency of the regional transport network of the district center of Mahmudiya
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The Study aims at evaluating the efficiency of the regional transportation net in Al-mahmoodiya Qadaa center. The bus station of the Qadaa center is suffering from heavy traffic jam, which is due to the ongoing movement of the adjacent provinces, particularly the small cities. They vary in the degree of their link by the regional transportation net that links the province with the centers of big cities. That affects the traffic flow of the civilians of these cities and their daily activities in hierarchical way To achieve the purpose of the study, a questionnaire has been constructed to collect data through selecting a random sample including the passengers who are coming to the bus station in Al-Mahmoodiya center to know the flo

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Visual Interface Design for Evaluating the Quality of Google Map Data for some Engineering Applications
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Today, there are large amounts of geospatial data available on the web such as Google Map (GM), OpenStreetMap (OSM), Flickr service, Wikimapia and others. All of these services called open source geospatial data. Geospatial data from different sources often has variable accuracy due to different data collection methods; therefore data accuracy may not meet the user requirement in varying organization. This paper aims to develop a tool to assess the quality of GM data by comparing it with formal data such as spatial data from Mayoralty of Baghdad (MB). This tool developed by Visual Basic language, and validated on two different study areas in Baghdad / Iraq (Al-Karada and Al- Kadhumiyah). The positional accuracy was asses

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Sustainable Studies
The Scope of Resorting to the Amicus Curiae at the Regional and International Levels
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The amicus curiae is one of the judicial procedures adopted in many judicial and legal systems around the world, under which a person who is not a party to the case, and without having a personal and direct interest in it, intervenes to draw the court’s attention to many factual and legal aspects