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Arabic Sentiment Analysis (ASA) Using Deep Learning Approach

Sentiment analysis is one of the major fields in natural language processing whose main task is to extract sentiments, opinions, attitudes, and emotions from a subjective text. And for its importance in decision making and in people's trust with reviews on web sites, there are many academic researches to address sentiment analysis problems. Deep Learning (DL) is a powerful Machine Learning (ML) technique that has emerged with its ability of feature representation and differentiating data, leading to state-of-the-art prediction results. In recent years, DL has been widely used in sentiment analysis, however, there is scarce in its implementation in the Arabic language field. Most of the previous researches address other languages like English. The proposed model tackles Arabic Sentiment Analysis (ASA) by using a DL approach. ASA is a challenging field where Arabic language has a rich morphological structure more than other languages. In this work, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) as a deep neural network has been used for training the model combined with word embedding as a first hidden layer for features extracting. The results show an accuracy of about 82% is achievable using DL method.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 18 2020
Journal Name
Rimak International Journal Of Humanities And Social Sciences

DBN Rashid, Rimak International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Boltzmann Machine Neural Network for Arabic Speech Recognition

Boltzmann mach ine neural network bas been used to recognize the Arabic speech.  Fast Fourier transl(>lmation algorithm has been used t() extract speciral 'features from an a caustic signal .

The  spectral  feature size is reduced by series of operations in

order to make it salable as input for a neural network which is used as a recogni zer by Boltzmann Machine Neural  network which has been used as a recognizer for phonemes . A training set consist of a number of Arabic phoneme repesentations, is used to train lhe neuntl network.

The neural network recognized Arabic. After Boltzmann Machine Neura l    network   training  the  system   with 

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Some Thoughts on Greetings in English and Arabic

The present study examines the main points of differences in the subject of greetings between the English language and the Arabic language. From the review of the related literature on greetings in both languages, it is found that Arabic greeting formulas are more elaborate than the English greetings, because of the differences in the social customs and the Arabic traditions and the Arabic culture. It is also found that Arabic greetings carry a religious meaning basing on the Islamic principle of “the same or more so”, which might lead to untranslatable loopholes when rendered in English.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Awej For Translation And Literary Studies
Phonological Problems of Translating English Advertisements into Arabic

An advertisement is a form of communication intended to promote the sale of a product or service, influence public opinion, gain political support, or to elicit some other response. It consists of various type, including style, target audience, geographic scope, medium, or purpose. An advertisement should catch a person's attention and quickly create a memorable impression. The main aim of the present paper is to investigate the phonological problems of translating English international TV advertisements into Arabic. It deals with the most common and popular TV advertisements. The importance of such advertisements lies not in its information content rather than in the achievement of the desired impact on the receivers. When translating such

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Humanizing the War in Pre-Islam Arabic Poetry

Personification in Arab poetry is not confined to the abstract items in nature: it trespasses them to include more than that. We found after reviewing the anthologies of the poets tens of the personified items are full of human attributes - via personification- such as speaking, moving, feeling human feelings.. Personification formed a remarkable feature in the relationship between poets and war, which was clear in the Pre-Islamic poetry, because it occupied the minds of the ancient Arab mindset. The poets have envisioned war as ugly as a force that brings destruction and devastation. The paper aims at stating the position in which poets personified war with female tributes. Thus, it is impregnated, conceived, and produced birth like a w

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
A Review on Arabic Sign Language Translator Systems
Abstract<p>Deaf and dumb peoples are suffering difficulties most of the time in communicating with society. They use sign language to communicate with each other and with normal people. But Normal people find it more difficult to understand the sign language and gestures made by deaf and dumb people. Therefore, many techniques have been employed to tackle this problem by converting the sign language to a text or a voice and vice versa. In recent years, research has progressed steadily in regard to the use of computers to recognize and translate the sign language. This paper reviews significant projects in the field beginning with important steps of sign language translation. These projects can b</p> ... Show More
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Scopus (7)
Crossref (4)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
Journal Name
Recruitment of Arabic calligraphy in gold jewelry styles

Search came (the employment of Arabic calligraphy in gold jewelry styles) four chapters, the first chapter of which dealt:A/research problem B/importance of research C/targets search D/ Define termsAs the aim of the research (to identify the employment of different forms of Arabic calligraphy on gold jewelry styles).It came in the second quarter (the theoretical framework and previous studies), some of the topics reviewed in which diversities researcher aesthetic and functional, and various uses that filled Arabic calligraphy.The third chapter outlining the researcher methodology and the research community, has a special form for the analysis of the samples are designed as form is offered on a number of experts in the field of jurisdicti

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 22 2011
Journal Name
Phonological Adaptation of English Loanwords into Iraqi Arabic

MR Younus, Alustath, 2011

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 23 2017
Journal Name
International Conference Of Reliable Information And Communication Technology
Classification of Arabic Writer Based on Clustering Techniques

Arabic text categorization for pattern recognitions is challenging. We propose for the first time a novel holistic method based on clustering for classifying Arabic writer. The categorization is accomplished stage-wise. Firstly, these document images are sectioned into lines, words, and characters. Secondly, their structural and statistical features are obtained from sectioned portions. Thirdly, F-Measure is used to evaluate the performance of the extracted features and their combination in different linkage methods for each distance measures and different numbers of groups. Finally, experiments are conducted on the standard KHATT dataset of Arabic handwritten text comprised of varying samples from 1000 writers. The results in the generatio

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Scopus (5)
Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Demonstratives in English and Arabic : A Contrastive Study

This paper studies the demonstratives as deictic expressions in Standard Arabic and English by outlining their phonological, syntactic and semantic properties in the two languages. On the basis of the outcome of this outline, a contrastive study of the linguistic properties of this group of deictic expressions in the two languages is conducted next. The aim is to find out what generalizations could be made from the results of this contrastive study.

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