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Two – Dimensional Mathematical Model to Study Erosion Problem of Tigris River Banks at Nu’maniyah
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The high and low water levels in Tigris River threaten the banks of the river. The study area is located on the main stream of Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City and the length of the considered reach is 5.4 km, especially the region from 400 m upstream Nu’maniyah Bridge and downstream of the bridge up to 1250 mwhich increased the risk ofthe problemthat itheading towardsthe streetand causingdanger tonearbyareas.

The aim of this research is to identify the reason of slope collapse and find proper treatments for erosion problem in the river banks with the least cost. The modeling approach consisted of several steps, the first of which  is by using “mini” JET (Jet Erosion Test) device provides a simple method of measuring scour depth with the time for the riverbank and finding values of critical shear stress and erodibility factor for ten soil samples taken from right bank and bottom of Tigris River; the second of which involved setting up a static BSTEM software for two models (with and without treatment), then calculating the erosion amounts and factor of safety for the ten soil samples; the third approach involved implementing a two dimensional RMA2 to simulate four scenarios to find  the velocity, water depth, and water surface elevation distributions for two models (with and without treatment). Therefore, observed erosion in other discharges in natural case near the right bank [especially at cross section that are located in Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City from 500 m upstream Nu’maniyah Bridge and cross section that are located from 1800 m downstream Nu’maniyah Bridge] is high because of high erodibility coefficient in those cross sections that  causes high erosion. Also, failure occurs in natural case of Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City  because of erosion near the right bank and does not occur because of slope stability failure for right bank where the range of the velocities near the right bank for the study area for most discharges is  between 0.67 and 0.91 m/s. In addition to experimental work using "mini" JET device shows high erodibility coefficient in those cross sections  and (2+900)  which confirms that this device is  very good indicator for the possibility of bank scour. The velocities upstream of the island and near the right bank in the study area are between 0.64 and 1.47 m/s, while downstream of the island is between 0.64 and 1.04 m/s. In addition to soil of Tigris River right bank at Nu’maniyah is silty soil, the scour velocity is higher than 0.5 m/s, therefore the right bank is safe against scour only when the discharges of Tigris River are less than 500 m3/s. Thus, vegetation is unsafe treatment on right bank of Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City. The velocity causes removal of plants since treatment for river bank is 0.61 m/s where velocities near bank at most discharges are higher than this limit. Thus, treatment by riprap is the proper choice on the right bank of Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City because its cost with maintenance is 2 billion IQD less than gabion treatment in addition to velocity reduction ratio along the right bank by riprap ranges from 15% to 85%, while velocity reduction ratio along the right bank by gabion ranges from 8% to 25%, respectively.


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Publication Date
Tue Sep 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
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The corrosion behavior of carbon steel at different Temperatures and in water containing different sodium chloride
concentrations under 3 bar pressure has been investigated using weight loss method . The carbon steel specimens were
immersed in water containing (100,400,700,1000PPM) of NaCl solution and under temperature was increased from
(90-120ºC) under pressures of 3 bar. The results of this investigation indicated that corrosion rate increased with NaCl
concentrations and Temperature.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Sn Addition on Phase Transformation Behavior of Equiatomic Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy
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Sn effect on the phase transformation behavior, microstructure, and micro hardness of equiatomic Ni-Ti shape memory alloy was studied. NiTi and NiTiSn alloys were produced using vacuum induction melting process with alloys composition (50% at. Ni, 50% at.Ti) and (Ni 48% at., Ti 50% at., Sn 2% at.). The characteristics of both alloys were investigated by utilizing Differential Scanning Calorimetry, X- ray Diffraction Analysis, Scanning Electron Microscope, optical microscope and vicker's micro hardness test. The results showed that adding Sn element leads to decrease the phase transformation temperatures evidently. Both alloy samples contain NiTi matrix phase and Ti2Ni secondary phase, but the Ti2Ni phase content dec

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Measurements of Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity of Single Layer Graphene Based DI-water Nanofluid
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Experimental measurements of viscosity and thermal conductivity of single layer of graphene . based DI-water nanofluid are performed as a function of  concentrations (0.1-1wt%) and temperatures between (5 to 35ºC). The result reveals that the thermal conductivity of GNPs nanofluids was increased with increasing the nanoparticle weight fraction concentration and temperature, while the maximum enhancement was about 22% for concentration of 1 wt.% at
35ºC. These experimental results were compared with some theoretical models and a good agreement between Nan’s model and the experimental results was observed. The viscosity of the graphene nanofluid displays Newtonian and Non-Newtonian behaviors with respect to nanoparticles concen

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Influence of water in size of Synthesized Carbon Black Nanoparticles from Kerosene by Flame Method
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Acta Pharmaceutica Sciencia
Phyto-fabrication, characteristics and anticandidal effects of silver nanoparticles from leaves of ziziphus mauritiana lam
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In this work, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were biosynthesized from leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. jujube plant in Iraq and tested against fungal pathogens. Extract of leaves of Z. mauritiana mixed with 10-3 M AgNO3exposed to slight sunlight for 3 days. Characterization of AgNPs was done using UV-visible spectroscopy, SPM (scanning probe microscopy) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The change of solution color from pale brown to dark brown and the exhibited maximum peak at 445 nm accepted as an indicator to biosynthesized AgNPs. Aqueous extract of Ziziphus mauritiana is considered as biological reduced and stabilized agent for Ag+ to Ag0. AFM showed the formation of irregular shapes of AgNPs. The biosynthesized silver nanoparticles ha

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Scopus (29)
Crossref (7)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Radon concentration measurements in sludge of oil fields in North Oil Company (N.O.C.) of Iraq
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In this study the assessment radon concentration in sludge of Oil
Fields in North Oil Company (N.O.C.) of Iraq have been studied
using CR-39 solid–state nuclear track detector technique. A total of
34 samples selected from 12 oil stations in the company have been
placed in the dosimeters. The average radon concentration was found
to be 162.29 Bq/m3 which is fortunately lower than the standard
international limit. The potential alpha energy concentration and
annual effective dose have been calculated. A proportional
relationship between the annual effective dose and radon
concentration within the studied region has been certified.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Immunohistochemical expression of Cyclin D1 in mucoepidermoid and adenoid cystic carcinoma of the salivary glands
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Background: Cyclin D1 proto-oncogene is an important regulator of (G1 to S) phase progression in many different cell types. The Aims of this study were to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of Cyclin D1 in mucoepidermoid and adenoid cystic carcinoma of the salivary glands and to correlate the immunoexpression of this protein with the clinicopathological findings. Materials and methods Retrospectively, twelve of archival formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue samples of salivary Mucoepidermoid and fourteen blocks of adenoid cystic carcinomas obtained from the archives of the department of oral pathology / college of dentistry / Baghdad university, Al-Shaheed Ghazi hospital, were included in this study. Five micrometer sections o

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Detection of Pollution by Antibiotics and the Level of Some Hormones in Some Canned Meats
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  The study aimed to identify the extent of contamination of some imported canned meat to Iraq through the assessment of the level of certain hormones, antibiotics and parasites which included canned food samples and different types of canned beef and luncheon meat beef and canned luncheon and canned chicken.  The results showed for the level of certain hormones progesterone hormone that has a high level of these models in terms of its value ranged from (21.7-34.5) ng/ml and either hormone testosterone was within allowable level where its value ranged from (1.4-4.4) ng/ml  As for antibiotics , there has been effective inhibitory in all canning toward the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E.Coli

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Veterinary World
Bacterial isolation from internal organs of rats (Rattus rattus) captured in Baghdad city of Iraq
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Aim: Rats are accused in disseminating many zoonotic diseases. This study aimed to isolate and identify bacteria from internal organs of rats captured in Baghdad City, Iraq. Materials and Methods: A total of 120 black rats (R. rattus) were trapped from different areas in Baghdad city. Rats were kept in individual plastic cages for 3 h before euthanizing. Deep pharyngeal swab, intestinal content, urine, and pieces of the liver and spleen, lung, kidney, and brain were obtained aseptically. The specimens were inoculated into peptone water and incubated at 37°C for 24 h for enrichment. A loopful of each specimen was then subcultured onto MacConkey Agar, Blood Agar, and Mannitol Salt Agar. CHROMagar O157 H7 and CHROMagar Listeria were u

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 31 2013
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Influence of the Applied Potential and Temperature on the Electrode position of the Lead Dioxide
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The excellent specifications of electrodes coated with lead dioxide material make it of great importance in the industry. So it was suggested this study, which includes electrodeposition of lead dioxide on graphite substrate, knowing that the electrodeposition of lead dioxide on graphite studied earlier in different ways.

In this work the deposition process for lead dioxide conducted using electrolytic solution containing lead nitrate concentration 0.72 M with the addition of some other material to the solution, such as copper nitrate, nickel nitrate, sodium fluoride and cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide, but only in very small concentrations. As for the operating conditions, the effect of change potential and temperature as well

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