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Two – Dimensional Mathematical Model to Study Erosion Problem of Tigris River Banks at Nu’maniyah
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The high and low water levels in Tigris River threaten the banks of the river. The study area is located on the main stream of Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City and the length of the considered reach is 5.4 km, especially the region from 400 m upstream Nu’maniyah Bridge and downstream of the bridge up to 1250 mwhich increased the risk ofthe problemthat itheading towardsthe streetand causingdanger tonearbyareas.

The aim of this research is to identify the reason of slope collapse and find proper treatments for erosion problem in the river banks with the least cost. The modeling approach consisted of several steps, the first of which  is by using “mini” JET (Jet Erosion Test) device provides a simple method of measuring scour depth with the time for the riverbank and finding values of critical shear stress and erodibility factor for ten soil samples taken from right bank and bottom of Tigris River; the second of which involved setting up a static BSTEM software for two models (with and without treatment), then calculating the erosion amounts and factor of safety for the ten soil samples; the third approach involved implementing a two dimensional RMA2 to simulate four scenarios to find  the velocity, water depth, and water surface elevation distributions for two models (with and without treatment). Therefore, observed erosion in other discharges in natural case near the right bank [especially at cross section that are located in Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City from 500 m upstream Nu’maniyah Bridge and cross section that are located from 1800 m downstream Nu’maniyah Bridge] is high because of high erodibility coefficient in those cross sections that  causes high erosion. Also, failure occurs in natural case of Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City  because of erosion near the right bank and does not occur because of slope stability failure for right bank where the range of the velocities near the right bank for the study area for most discharges is  between 0.67 and 0.91 m/s. In addition to experimental work using "mini" JET device shows high erodibility coefficient in those cross sections  and (2+900)  which confirms that this device is  very good indicator for the possibility of bank scour. The velocities upstream of the island and near the right bank in the study area are between 0.64 and 1.47 m/s, while downstream of the island is between 0.64 and 1.04 m/s. In addition to soil of Tigris River right bank at Nu’maniyah is silty soil, the scour velocity is higher than 0.5 m/s, therefore the right bank is safe against scour only when the discharges of Tigris River are less than 500 m3/s. Thus, vegetation is unsafe treatment on right bank of Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City. The velocity causes removal of plants since treatment for river bank is 0.61 m/s where velocities near bank at most discharges are higher than this limit. Thus, treatment by riprap is the proper choice on the right bank of Tigris River at Nu’maniyah City because its cost with maintenance is 2 billion IQD less than gabion treatment in addition to velocity reduction ratio along the right bank by riprap ranges from 15% to 85%, while velocity reduction ratio along the right bank by gabion ranges from 8% to 25%, respectively.


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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Natural Sciences
Effect of Betaine andor Acrylamide onSerum Lipids Profile and Antioxidant Status of Female Rats
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
The directorial vision of the theatrical text In the concept of a picture theater
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أثر تنوع الرؤى الاخراجية للاتجاهات والحركات المسرحية المعاصرة في أتساعالاشتراطات الجمالية لبنية الخطاب المسرحي + الامر الذي ادى الى انزياح مكوناتالعرض وعناصره ؛ ومنها المنظومة السردية للنص التي شكلت في بدايات المسرحجغرافية العرض المسرحي والمرتكز النظري والفكري الذي يمد العرض المسرحي أغلبتدفقه الجمالي وعنصر أستعلائي لعناصر العرض الاخرى ؛ وضمن التطورات اللاحقةأنسحب المخرج المسرحي من سطوة البنية النص

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Effect of melatonin administration with different light colors on the production of local chickens
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This study aims to observe the effect of melatonin implantation and exposure to different light colors and their interaction on productive in local Iraqi chicken. This study was conducted at the poultry farm of the Department of Animal Production/College of Agriculture/University of Baghdad/Abu Ghraib, on 252 birds (180 females and 72 males). The birds were divided into three sections (white, red and green) each section contains two lines, one of which has been planted melatonin under the skin of the neck of birds and the other has not been planted hormone. The results of the study showed significant improvement in productive traits such as egg proportion rate, egg weight, cumulative eggs number, egg mass and feed conversion rate. That the

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Effects of Sandy Soil-structure Interaction on the Natural Period of RC Building Frames
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Abstract<p>Building natural period, T, is a key character in building response for wind and seismic induced forces. In design practice, the period, T, is either estimated from empirical relations proposed by the design codes or determined from analytical or numerical models. The effect of the soil-structure interaction is usually neglected in the design practice and analysis models. This paper uses a sophisticated finite element simulation to investigate the effect of soil-structure modeling on the fundamental period of RC buildings subjected to wind and seismic induced forces. A typical interior building frame has been imitated using the frame element for beams and columns with constrains to mo</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Employment of the genetic algorithm in some methods of estimating survival function with application
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Intended for getting good estimates with more accurate results, we must choose the appropriate method of estimation. Most of the equations in classical methods are linear equations and finding analytical solutions to such equations is very difficult. Some estimators are inefficient because of problems in solving these equations. In this paper, we will estimate the survival function of censored data by using one of the most important artificial intelligence algorithms that is called the genetic algorithm to get optimal estimates for parameters Weibull distribution with two parameters. This leads to optimal estimates of the survival function. The genetic algorithm is employed in the method of moment, the least squares method and the weighted

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Impact beyond the knowledge when students of the Faculty of education in teaching methods
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Research aims to know the impact beyond the defined in the collection. The research community is the second school students at Baghdad University and a research sample (63) students, the number of experimental group (27) students and a control group (30) students.  The researcher was rewarded in variable lifetime for students and educational attainment and educational level of the parents and the educational level of mothers. The researcher has developed a test took the number of paragraphs (20).  A test was true after it has been submitted to the Group of arbitrators. The test was consistent with test method used and the reliability coefficient (0, 88). Either the statistical methods used by the researcher are: Pearson correla

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Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Synthesis and Characterization Of CaMgO2 Nanoparticles Photocatalyst For the Decolorization Of Orange G Dye
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A series of heterogeneous basic catalysts of CaO, MgO and CaMgO2 at different calcination temperature were synthesized via solution combustion method. Different characterization techniques have been carried out to investigate the structure of the produced catalysts i.e. X-ray diffraction (XRD), particle size analyzer, morphology by atomic force microscope (AFM) and reflection using UV-VIS diffuse reflectance spectra. The particles size analyzer revealed that the mixed oxide catalysts calcined at different calcination temperature possess smaller nano size particles compared to pure CaO. Moreover, the energy band gap was calculated based on the results of diffuse reflectance spectra. The energy band gap was redu

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Sat Oct 13 2018
Journal Name
International Research Journal Of Pharmacy
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Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Public relations of Iraqi companies and their role in the marketing of national products
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based on the importance of public relations in companies, I will discussed the issue of public relations and its role in marketing national products, given what these companies represent of great importance in terms of providing products and services to large segments of Iraqi society, which necessitated the need to search and investigate the role and importance of activities that Provides public relations in Iraqi companies in all categories( public, private and mixed).
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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Public Health Research &amp; Development
Comparison of the Cyclic Fatigue of Protaper Next, 2Shape and Hyflex EDM Using Glyde
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