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Drag Reduction Using Passive Methods on KIA PRIDE Car Model

An experimental study on a KIA pride (SAIPA 131) car model with scale of 1:14 in the wind tunnel was made beside the real car tests. Some of the modifications to passive flow control which are (vortex generator, spoiler and slice diffuser) were added to the car to reduce the drag force which its undesirable characteristic that increase fuel consumption and exhaust toxic gases. Two types of calculations were used to determine the drag force acting on the car body. Firstly, is by the integrating the values of pressure recorded along the pressure taps (for the wind tunnel and the real car testing), secondly, is by using one component balance device (wind tunnel testing) to measure the force. The results show that, the average drag estimated on the baseline car for different Reynolds numbers was (0.381) and the drag force was reduced by adding a spoiler and a slice diffuser to (4.45%, 1.5%) respectively, whereas the amount of drag reduction was (5.46%) when all drag reduction modifications were added together on the base car. No effect was noticed as vortex generators when added separately. The deviation in the drag coefficient from the real car testing was about (6.2%) and shows a very good agreements between the real car test and that of the wind tunnel test.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of the Land Cover of Razzaza Lake during the Past 25 Years Using Remote Sensing Methods

In this study, the Earth's surface was studied in  Razzaza Lake for 25 years, using remote sensing methods. Images of the satellites Landsat 5 (TM) and 8 (OLI) were used to study and determine the components of the land cover. The study covered the years 1995-2021 with an interval of 5 years, as this region is uninhabited, so the change in the land cover is slow. The land cover was divided into three main classes and seven subclasses and classified using the maximum likelihood classifier with the help of training sets collected to represent the classes that made up the land cover. The changes detected in the land cover were studied by considering 1995 as a reference year. It was found that there was a significant reduction in the water

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Measurement of the distance to the central stars of Nebulae by using Expansion methods with Alladin Sky Atlas
Abstract<p>The usual methods of distance determination in Astronomy parallax and Spectroscopic with Expansion Methods are seldom applicable to Nebulae. In this work determination of the distances to individual Nebulae are calculated and discussed. The distances of Nebulae to the Earth are calculated. The accuracy of the distance is tested by using Aladin sky Atlas, and comparing Nebulae properties were derived from these distance made with statistical distance determination. The results showed that angular Expansions may occur in a part of the nebulae that is moving at a velocity different than the observed velocity. Also the results of the comparison of our spectroscopic distances with the trig</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Theoretical Simulation Of Stress-Strain Relations For Some Iraqiclays Using The Endochronic Model

Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Probabilistic Model building using the Transformation Entropy for the Burr type –xii Distribution

Entropy define as uncertainty measure has been transfared by using the cumulative distribution function and reliability function for the Burr type – xii. In the case of data which suffer from volatility to build a model the probability distribution on every failure of a sample after achieving limitations function, probabilistic distribution. Has been derived formula probability distribution of the new transfer application entropy on the probability distribution of continuous Burr Type-XII and tested a new function and found that it achieved the conditions function probability, been derived mean and function probabilistic aggregate in order to be approved in the generation of data for the purpose of implementation of simulation

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 04 2018
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Beam under Flexural Stresses Using Meso-Scale Model

Two dimensional meso-scale concrete modeling was used in finite element analysis of plain concrete beam subjected to bending. The plane stress 4-noded quadrilateral elements were utilized to model coarse aggregate, cement mortar. The effect of aggregate fraction distribution, and pores percent of the total area – resulting from air voids entrapped in concrete during placement on the behavior of plain concrete beam in flexural was detected. Aggregate size fractions were randomly distributed across the profile area of the beam. Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) was employed to treat the discontinuities problems result from double phases of concrete and cracking that faced during the finite element analysis of concrete beam. Crac

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Multi-Sites Multi-Variables Forecasting Model for Hydrological Data using Genetic Algorithm Modeling

A two time step stochastic multi-variables multi-sites hydrological data forecasting model was developed and verified using a case study. The philosophy of this model is to use the cross-variables correlations, cross-sites correlations and the two steps time lag correlations simultaneously, for estimating the parameters of the model which then are modified using the mutation process of the genetic algorithm optimization model. The objective function that to be minimized is the Akiake test value. The case study is of four variables and three sites. The variables are the monthly air temperature, humidity, precipitation, and evaporation; the sites are Sulaimania, Chwarta, and Penjwin, which are located north Iraq. The model performance was

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Accuracy Evaluation of Digital Elevation Model Created Using Handheld Global Positioning System Receivers

This study aims to assess the accuracy of digital elevation model (DEM) created with utilization of handheld Global Positioning System (GPS) and comparing with Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM), version 2. It is known that the quality of the DEM is affected by both of accuracy of elevation at each pixel (absolute accuracy) and accuracy of presented morphology (relative accuracy). The University of Baghdad, Al Jadriya campus was selected as a study area to create and analysis the resulting DEM. Additionally, Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to visualize, analyses and interpolate GPS track points (elevation data) of the study area. In this

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Power System Stabilizer PSS4B Model for Iraqi National Grid using PSS/E Software

To damp the low-frequency oscillations which occurred due to the disturbances in the electrical power system, the generators are equipped with Power System Stabilizer (PSS) that provide supplementary feedback stabilizing signals. The low-frequency oscillations in power system are classified as local mode oscillations, intra-area mode oscillation, and interarea mode oscillations. Double input multiband Power system stabilizers (PSSs) were used to damp out low-frequency oscillations in power system. Among dual-input PSSs, PSS4B offers superior transient performance. Power system simulator for engineering (PSS/E) software was adopted to test and evaluate the dynamic performance of PSS4B model on Iraqi national grid. The results showed

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Theoretical Computation of Electron Density in Laser-Induced Carbon Plasma using Anisimov Model

In this work, electron number density calculated using Matlab program code with the writing algorithm of the program. Electron density was calculated using Anisimov model in a vacuum environment. The effect of spatial coordinates on the electron density was investigated in this study. It was found that the Z axis distance direction affects the electron number density (ne). There are many processes such as excitation; ionization and recombination within the plasma that possible affect the density of electrons. The results show that as Z axis distance increases electron number density decreases because of the recombination of electrons and ions at large distances from the target and the loss of thermal energy of the electrons in high distance

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Chaotic features of energy spectrum in 68Ge Nucleus Using the Nuclear Shell Model

   Chaotic features of nuclear energy spectrum in 68Ge nucleus are investigated by nuclear shell model. The energies are calculated through doing shell model calculations employing the OXBASH computer code with effective interaction of F5PVH. The 68Ge nucleus is supposed to have an inert core of 56Ni with 12 nucleons (4 protons and 8 neutrons) move in the f5p-model space ( and ). The nuclear level density of considered classes of states is seen to have a Gaussian form, which is in accord with the prediction of other theoretical studies. The statistical fluctuations of the energy spectrum (the level spacing P(s) and the Dyson-Mehta (or statistics) are well described by the Gaussian orthogonal ens

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