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The paper presents an annotated checklist of the Salticidae of Armenia. This study was carried out in 2019-2020 in order to provide an inventory of the Salticidae fauna. Thirteen species are reported for the Armenian fauna for the first time: Afraflacilla epiblemoides (Chyzer, 1891); Aelurillus v-insignitus (Clerck, 1757); Asianellus festivus (C. L. Koch, 1834); Heliophanus dubius C. L. Koch, 1835; Heliophanus kochii Simon, 1868; Heliophanus tribulosus Simon, 1868; Heliophanus curvidens (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872); Macaroeris nidicolens (Walckenaer, 1802); Pellenes diagonalis (Simon, 1868); Pellenes geniculatus (Simon, 1868); Pellenes seriatus (Thorell, 1875); Pellenes tripunctatus (Walckenaer, 1802) and Phlegra fasciata (Hahn, 1826).

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Energy Procedia
Studying the effect of adding buffer gases to CO2 gas on the electron transport parameter
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Babylon University Journal\applied Pure Sciences
Detection of the perfect condition to produce the tannase from Aspergillus niger at different medium
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the composite variance of dissected splitting experiments carried out according to the Latin box design
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In this research we present An idea of setting up same split plots experiments in many locations and many periods by Latin Square Design. This cases represents a modest contribution in area of design and analysis of experiments. we had written (theoretically)  the general plans, the mathematical models for these experiments, and finding the derivations of EMS for each component (source) of sources of variation of the analysis of variance tables which uses for the statistical analysis for these expirements

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study The effect of central ion to the dithene complexes on spectral shifting of saturable absorber band
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In this work dithine complexes prepared from dithiol benzil ligand and central ion to the Ni,Pd,Pt, element the ligand and complexes have been investigated using FTIR spectrophotometer and uv-vis-NIR spectral reigns show higher intensity represents the ?-?* transition in the chromopher cycle .These absorption which appear in visible and near IR spectral regions ,According to the complexes of one group ,the spectral shifting due to the change of central ion has been found to be related to atomic number of central ion .This shifting is increased while decreasing the central ion atom number These complexes have been implemented in Nd+2:YAG cavity because each posses resonant absorption band near Nd+2:YAG, Nd+2:Glass emitting at (106

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Changes of the susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria to the local therapeutic agent by using Nitrogen laser
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This study involves the investigation of the effect of nitrogen laser with 337.1 nm wavelength on the sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria by using local therapeutic due to burns. Thirty six isolate of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria were isolated from 25 patients suffering from sever burns, each isolate of bacteria was irradiated with nitrogen laser at (5, 10, 15 and 30) pulses/second repetition rates for 1, 5, 10, 20 and 30 minutes for each repetition rate. The effects of nitrogen laser on the local therapeutics sensitivity of bacteria were obtained using Kirby Baur method. Changes in the sensitivity of bacteria to local therapeutics (Tetracyclin, Chloramphenicol, Flumizin and Fucidin) occur at high repetition rate(30 pulses/seco

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Al-taqni Journal
The Frequency of Urinary Tract Infection According to the Age and Sex in Some of Iraqi Children.
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2024
Journal Name
Heritage And Sustainable Development
Job burnout and its relationship to achieving competitive superiority among the employees of the University of Baghdad
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This research focuses on the epidemic of Job burnout and seeks to achieve sustainable preeminence among the employees of the University of Baghdad. It also identifies the meaning of the differences between the two genders of males and females according to the variables, and it also does the correlation between the two variables. First, the two researchers developed a test of job burnout that incorporates 18 items, which has been proven to be statistically fit. Moreover, they developed a competitive superiority measure consisting of 22 items in it, and its psychometric properties confirm their fit. The two tools were applied to a sample of 120 employees who were randomly selected from six colleges at the University of Baghdad, alongside univ

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Public Rights and Freedoms in the Constitution of the Sultanate of Oman and Ways to Protect Them
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What distinguishes human rights issues is their importance to the international community and their importance to democratic political regimes, because they are the axis of any political regime that seeks to achieve a successful democratic path and a stable state. So, countries that are interested in human rights try to enshrine those rights and freedoms in their constitutions and reinforce their concepts in their laws and legislations. Not to mention its involvement in international conventions and treaties concerned with human rights and freedoms, and this is what the Sultanate of Oman has worked on and confirm in the provisions of its 1996 constitution and its amendments

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Morphometric Assessment of the Cerebellum of the Pre-implanted albino Rats Embryos after Maternal Exposure to AgNPs
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Cerebellum (cb) is the most important and sensitive part of the central nervous system (CNS) after cerebrum. The exposure to any infection during embryogenesis produces abnormalities in the cerebellum function and morphology that effect on behavioral of offspring later. In the present study we used 30 mature female pregnant albino rats divided in to three groups, each group contain 10 females: G1 was considered the control group received D.W only, while G2 group treated orally with (2mg/kg /day) suspension of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and G3 group treated orally with (20mg/kg/day) AgNPs. The embryos retrieved in different embryonic days from ED12 to ED21. In this study morphometric analysis was measured in the developing albino rats cere

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use Pareto Chart to diagnose the level of quality of municipal services
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The aim of the study is to study the quality of services in a sample of the municipalities of Baghdad governorate and identify the deviations in their operations and provide solutions to address the causes of deviations. The research field aims at the same activity related to municipal services and their quality and analysis using some tools for continuous improvement to identify the authorities responsible for the delay and quality of services. In the future, the importance of research is shown by the use of these tools and their use and their application to the data of the directorates (sample of the study) to diagnose and treat problems, especially that they include statistical methods that are clear and easy to understand the

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