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    This study provides a Key to the species of Cerceris Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Philanthinae) that were collected from different areas in Iraq. This is followed by a distribution list, including total species which had been registered for Iraq. Also this study includes some observations about the species that were recorded in previous checklists.

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
3D Seismic Structural Study of Zubair Formation in Najaf-Karbala Area-Central Iraq

     The current study included interpretations of the three-dimensional seismic survey data of the Najaf-Karbala region, which was recently implemented by the Fifth Amphibious Seismic crew of the Oil Exploration Company for the period from 30/1/2016 to 13/10/2017. The total area planned to be covered by the three-dimensional survey program was about (3340 km ²). The Zubair reflector was picked, interpreted, and tracked within the region. The faults affecting this reflector were captured. The reflector's temporal, velocity, and depth maps showed the presence of structural closure features in the southeast of the region and extensions to the structural noses to the northwest of the study area. The structural maps showed a general ten

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study of Epiphytic and Epipelic Algae in Al-Dora Site/Tigris River in Bagdad Province- Iraq

There is a scarcity of data regarding algal flora of Tigris River in the territory of Baghdad. The present study deals with Tigris River in Al-Dora site in Baghdad province from November 2014 to June 2015 in order to shed light on its epiphytic Algae on (Phragmites australis) and epipelic algae. An amount of 183 and 154 species of epiphytic and epipelic algae are identified respectfully. The Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) are the dominant algal group followed by Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae. Moreover, 90 species are shared between two groups of algae (epiphytic and epipelic) and identified at the study site. Additionally, the seasonal variations and diversity of algal species are noticed. The highest number of epiphytic algae is 772.05 x 104

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Investigation of Seismic Velocity Variation through a Tectonic Boundaries-Case Study in Central Iraq

      A 3D velocity model was created by using stacking velocity of 9 seismic lines and average velocity of 6 wells drilled in Iraq. The model was achieved by creating a time model to 25 surfaces with an interval time between each two successive surfaces of about 100 msec.  The summation time of all surfaces reached about 2400 msec, that was adopted according to West Kifl-1 well, which penetrated to a depth of 6000 m, representing the deepest well in the study area. The seismic lines and well data were converted to build a 3D cube time model and the velocity was spread on the model. The seismic inversion modeling of the elastic properties of the horizon and well data was applied to achieve a corrected veloci

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Social Risks and Development Gaps in Iraq: A Social Study in the City of Baghdad

Social risks posed a great challenge to the development path in Iraq, which resulted in widening the development gaps, whether these gaps were between rural and embargoed areas, or between Iraqi governorates, and the gender gap. Besides, the nature of the reciprocal relationship between the social risks and the development process requires the adoption of development trends that are sensitive to the risks that take upon themselves the prompt and correct response to these risks, away from randomness and confusion that Iraq suffered from for decades. However, currently, the situation has differed a great deal. This is because the size and types of such gaps have widened and become more complicated than before; a matter which has led to hav

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
Sustainable development in islam: A study regarding the possibility of achieving development goals in Iraq

Sustainable human development means meeting the basic needs of society and striving for continuous improvement in quality, as it seeks to increase economic well-being while providing adequate housing and nutrition, as well as providing electricity, water, health and education services . Ten centuries ago, Islam highlighted the importance of the development effort and the necessity of its sustainability before the West took it in the 1970s. There are a number of challenges that greatly affect the reality of achieving and ensuring Millennium Development Goals. The research recommends the importance of fighting administrative and financial corruption, as this is one of the biggest challenges facing the possibility of advancing the economy and

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 25 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
3D Seismic Structural and Stratigraphy Study of Shuaiba Formation in Kumait Oil Field-Southern Iraq

The Kumait Oil field was interpreted using 3-D seismic data from Oil Exploration company. The Shuaiba Formation (Cretaceous Age) reflector is detected.Structural map of formation is prepared to obtain the location and direction of  the sedimentary basin and shoreline. Depth maps was drawn depending on the structural interpretation of  the picked reflector and show several structural feature as closures.The seismic interpretation of the area approves the presence of some stratigraphic features in the studied formation. Some distributary mound and flatspot were observed within the study area, but they are not continuous due to the tectonic effects. These activity elements give reasonable explanation for the hydrocarbon distributi

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Used Approaches In Formulating Accounting Standards in Iraq & Their Develop Importance: filed Study

This research aims to show the most important approaches applicable in forming the accounting standards , the  importance approaches used to formulate local accounting standards & the  need to cancel or develop the unified accounting system in Iraq besides activate the local auditing & accounting standards council to issue accounting standards able to save the relevance & Reliable accounting information that serve the decisions of stockholders and others of stakeholders in the incorporate companies , especially the companies listed in the Iraq securities exchange , So this study based partially on analyzing the questionnaire form which has been designed to inquiry the specialists and experts opinion about the accoun

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 28 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Membrane Science And Technology
Morphological and Anatomical Study of Some Species of Ziziphus L. (Rhamnaceae) Growing in Iraq

The genus Ziziphus is one of the Family Rhamnaceae and consists of more than 170 species distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. All the species in the genus are of economical and medical importance. This study was conducted to identify the morphologically and anatomically features of the genus in Iraq.  The field survey was conducted across the study area where 4 species (Ziziphus jujube, Z. mauritiana, Z. nummularia and Z. spina-christi) were collected and used in the study.  The result showed that there is variation in morphological and anatomical features among the species in the stem cross-section and longitudinal section of leaves also the differences appeared in the epidermis of leaves.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Gsc Biological And Pharmaceutical Sciences
Comparative anatomical study for fruits of some species of Bunium L. (Umbelliferae) in Iraq

Bunium is one of the interested genus that grow in different region of Iraq, it is within the family Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), and the species within this family have a considerable fruit characteristics. The species that were chosen in this study are: B. brachyactis (Post) H. Wolff, B. caroides (Boiss.) Hausskn. Ex Bornm., B. chaerophylloides (Regel& Schmalh.) Drude, B. rectangulum Boiss. & Hausskn., B. verruculosum C.C.Towns. and B. avromanum (Boiss.& Hausskn) Drude., the study found that the fruits of these species have 5 protrusions different in size but all have the same number of vittae, but some are semiler in size and some are not, the number of vascular element are varied between these species, anatomical charact

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Genetic And Environmental Resources Conservation
Anatomical study of the vegetative parts of the species Arum colocasia L. in Iraq

The current investigation conducted to examine the anatomical aspects of the Arum colocasia L. cultured in Iraq. The study included the anatomical characteristics of the different plant parts, including the root, stem and leaf, the results of the study on the vegetative parts were shown the important anatomical characteristics in terms of the form of the sections reviewed and vertical in them, and the study of their tissues, as well as the stomata complexities and the thickness of the epidermis, vascular bundles, pith, additionally the dimensions of mesophyll and in blade of the leaf. The research was conducted as it is one of the monocotyledon plants and because of the lack of anatomical studies on it, therefore it was studied to know the

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