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    The current study presents the cellar spiders genus Nita Huber & El-Hennawy, 2007 (Araneae, Pholcidae) as the first record for Iraq spider fauna, this genus represented by the species Nita elsaff Huber & El-Hennawy, 2007 were identified based on morphological characteristics and DNA sequence data. A short morphological description is also presented for cellar spiders listed in Iraq; including this species in addition to Artema Atlanta Walckenaer, 1837.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 25 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Prevalence of Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing in Geriatric Patients with Psychiatric Disorders in Iraq
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Potentially inappropriate prescribing is the prescribing of a medication that may cause more harm than benefit, the elderly population aged 65 years or older is more prone to potentially inappropriate prescribing because of alterations in their physiology, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics as well as polypharmacy and comorbidities, Beers list is a screening tool that help doctors to detect potentially inappropriate prescribing in geriatric patients and is designed to solve this problem, the aim of this study is to measure the prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescribing among psychiatric patients using the Beers criteria as an assessment tool and find the relationship between duration of hospitalization, comorbidities and pol

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the causal relationship between agricultural imports and some economic variables in Iraq
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Foreign trade receives a good deal of economists' attention for its active contribution to economic growth, and imports of goods and services that could not be produced locally constitute an important share of the local economy.  Agricultural imports constitute an important share of the total imports due to their role in fulfilling the needs of local markets; however, the agricultural sector in Iraq contributes no more than a limited share of the country's need, which has encouraged the import of a variety of fruits, vegetables and strategic crops and different types of red and white meat. For the sake of identifying the factors affecting the demand on agricultural imports in Iraq, the following factors has been analyzed: th

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
National Journal Of Physiology, Pharmacy And Pharmacology
The attitudes of final year medical and pharmacy students to interprofessional learning in Iraq
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Manufacturing Perforated and Ordinary Bricks Using Injana Claystone Exposed in The Middle of Iraq
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This study aims to use claystone beds exposed in the Injana Formation (Late Miocene) at Karbala-Najaf plateau, middle of Iraq for the manufacturing of perforated and ordinary bricks. The claystone samples were assessed as an alternative material of the recent sediments, which are preferred to remain as agricultural land. The claystones are sandy mud composing of 29.1 - 39.1% clay, 37.2 - 54.8% silt and 14.1-26.8% sand. They consist of kaolinite, illite, chlorite, palygorskite, and montmorillonite with a lot of quartz, calcite, dolomite, gypsum and feldspar. Claystone samples were characterized by linear shrinkage 0.01 - 0.1%, volume shrinkage 0.1 - 0.9%, bulk density 1.2 - 2.11gm/cm3 (1.68 g / cm3 average), and the efflorescence is

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 07 2021
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات تربوية
Spatial variation of students in secondary school in Iraq for the 2006- 2011 period
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The research, whose goal was to study students' failure in secondary school in Iraq, found that 50% of the Iraqi governorates achieved the lowest student failure rates, and Baghdad governorate had the highest percentage of repeaters. And that half of the provinces in Iraq have males constitute 70% of the repeaters, and failure in the exam represented 79.7% of the reasons for failure, and that half of the students who failed are confined to the first and third intermediate grades at a rate of 51.9% , and the research revealed that the security instability was the most influential factor in Students fai

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Eco- Industrial parks & Eco-Industrial Cities, The Possibility of Its Future Implication in Iraq
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Recently new and multiple concepts emerged in the sustainability issues ,which transformed into number of planning and designing policies and strategies that must be committed by the designers and the relevant trends in building ,regarding Iraq and the reality of industrial areas ,especially in Baghdad, which helped to sustain few of it & emerged another with bad reflect ,which for that made it clear the importance of implicating sustainable ecological planning and designing strategies provided by the concept of Eco-industrial parks and the concept of Ecotowns and the future potentials provided ,and the easiness of carrying it out which made it flexible and away to provide a base supported by it for rebuilding and rehabilitation and

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Dumping Policy & Its Impact In The Development of Agricultural Production In Iraq (2003- 2009)
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Dumping policy considered as one of the policies occurs severe damages to the developing countries apparently this is happens due to the potential weakness in (productive, technical, legislative, legal institutions) comparing with other developed countries who are members in WTO.

Iraq consider as one of the developing countries that has been effected by the dumping policy, the events in Iraq since downfall of the formal regime, and the allied forces domination of Iraq have all together accelerated in the apace of deterioration , particularly , after the temporary coalition authority  has forced Iraq to adopt a free foreign trade policy& exclusion of the state from the market mechanism & to consolidate import and deac

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Depositional and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Mishrif Formation in Eridu Oil Field, Southwestern Iraq
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This study is achieved in the local area in Eridu oil field, where the Mishrif Formation is considered the main productive reservoir. The Mishrif Formation was deposited during the Cretaceous period in the secondary sedimentary cycle (Cenomanian-Early Turonian as a part of the Wasia Group a carbonate succession and widespread throughout the Arabian Plate. There are four association facies are identified in Mishrif Formation according the microfacies analysis: FA1-Deep shelf facies association (Outer Ramp); FA2-Slope (Middle Ramp); FA3-Reef facies (Shoal) association (Inner ramp); FA4-Back Reef facies association. Sequence stratigraphic analysis show there are three stratigraphic surfaces based on the abrupt changing in depositional

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Petrophysical Characterization and Lithology of the Mishrif Formation in Ratawi Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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The Ratawi Oil Field (ROF) is one of Iraq's most important oil fields because of its significant economic oil reserves. The major oil reserves of ROF are in the Mishrif Formation. The main objective of this paper is to assess the petrophysical properties, lithology identification, and hydrocarbon potential of the Mishrif Formation using interpreting data from five open-hole logs of wells RT-2, RT-4, RT-5, RT-6, and RT-42. Understanding reservoir properties allows for a more accurate assessment of recoverable oil reserves. The rock type (limestone) and permeability variations help tailor oil extraction methods, extraction methods and improving recovery techniques. The petrophysical properties were calculated using Interactive Petroph

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of the Accuracy of Digital Elevation Model Produced from Different Open Source Data
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This study aims to estimate the accuracy of digital elevation models (DEM) which are created with exploitation of open source Google Earth data and comparing with the widely available DEM datasets, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), version 3, and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM), version 2. The GPS technique is used in this study to produce digital elevation raster with a high level of accuracy, as reference raster, compared to the DEM datasets. Baghdad University, Al Jadriya campus, is selected as a study area. Besides, 151 reference points were created within the study area to evaluate the results based on the values of RMS.Furthermore, th

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