The examination of gills of the common carp Cyprinus carpio revealed the presence of two species of the family Trichodinidae belonging to the genus Dipartiella (Raabe, 1959) Stein, 1961 namely D. indiana Saha and Bandyopadhyay, 2017 and D. kazubski Mitra and Bandyopadhyay, 2009 for the first time in Iraq from Al-Graiat location on the Tigris River at Baghdad city. This also represents the first record of the genus Dipartiella from fishes of Iraq. The descriptions and measurements of these two parasite species as well as their illustrations were given.
Three scolopacids out of 150 are found infected with Haemoproteus scolopaci Galli-
Valerio 1929 and H. tringae n. sp. A detailed description of the new taxon is presented along
with a comparison of the diagnostic measurements between the two species.
Silver nanoparticles synthesized by different species
Education specialists have differed about determining the best ways to detect the
talented. Since the appearance of the mental and psychological measurement movement, some
scholars adopted intelligence ratios as a criterion to identify the talented and others went to
rely on the degree of academic achievement. Each of these two methods has its own flaws and
mistakes and a large number of talented children were victims of these two methods.
Therefore the need to use other scales for the purpose of detection of talented children
appeared because they provide valuable information which may not be obtained easily
through objective tests and these scales are derived from consecutive studies of gifted andtalented children
The present paper deal with the issue of the beginning of the culturally
renaissance in emirates of Arab Gulf from 1914-1945 between tow world war
has been attracting the attention of academic about the developments in many
fields in the Arab Gulf at this time.
The paper is divided into five sections. First section, deals with the
geographic importance for the Arab Gulf region. Second section, the economic
situations in the region before and after oil. The third section, talk for social
situations, like population, tribe and tribes in society, and immigration. The
fourth section, deals with the factors of rise the culture and political in the Arab
Gulf before discovery of oil period. The five section, the cultu
Keys for 22 species representing 10 genera of Thripidae were provided collection of
samples carried out during 1999-2001 in different localities in the middle of Iraq. Of them
four species are described as new to science, Frankliniella megacephala sp. nov; Retithrips
bagdadensis sp. nov; Chirothrips imperatus sp. nov; Taeniothrips tigridis sp. nov; Another
fourteen species are recorded for the first time in Iraq; Thrips meridionalis (Pri.);
Microcephalothrips abdominils (Crawford Scolothrips sexmaculatus (Pergande),);Scolothrips
pallidus (Beach); Scritothrips mangiferae Pri.; Frankliniella tritici Bagnall; Frankliniella
schultzie Trybom; Frankliniella unicolor Morgan; Retithrips aegypticus Marchal; Retithrips
Haemoproteus burhinus is described from the stone curlew, Burhinus oedicnemus saharae (Reichenow) from Al-Attariya, 45 km SE Baghdad city middle of Iraq. It is related to but differs from H. peireci in that it hypertrophied the erythrocyte and the erythrocyte nucleus is always laterally displaced in microgametocytes.
هدف البحث التعرف الى اسباب سلوك التنمر لدى طلاب الصف الاول المتوسط من وجهة نظر المدرسين والمدرسات واساليب تعديله، واستعمل الباحثان المنهج الوصفي واختيار عينة عشوائية من المدرسين والمدرسات في متوسطة أرض الرافدين ومتوسطة الرحمن للبنين وكان عددهم (46) مدرساً ومدرسة بواقع (32) مدرساً و(14) مدرسة، واعتمد الباحثان الاستبانة أداة للتعرف الى اسباب سلوك التنمر واساليب تعديله، واشارت نتائج البحث الى تنوع اسباب التن
... Show MoreAniera desert/cola was found new to science and to the Iraqi fauna. The description was
mainly based on external features and male genit
Among a collection of ground beetles from Iraq the new species Acinopus euphraticus was designated and described here. The erection of this new species was mainly built on external features and the description of male genitalia.