The Old World Screwworm Fly Chrysomya bezziana is a new insect pest on cattles and other domestic recor¬ded for the first from Iraq. It was first observed in cow's vagina in September of 1996 in Shaikh Hammed (Tarmiya), near Baghdad city. Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve is well known as one of the most important insect pests of livestock. Its larvae infest living tissues by causing myiasis. In a wide range of worm-blooded host species (Spradbery and Vanningham, 1980; Spradbery and Kirk. 1992). It is widely dist¬ributed species over an extensive area of tropical and subtropical Africa, the Arabian Gulf countries, Iran. Indian subcontinent. South-East Asia. Indonesia, and as far east as Papua New Guinea (Zurapt, 1965; Djalayer et al. 1978; loft et al. 1981; Spradbery et al. 1992 and 1995).
Five species of Trogoderma Berthold are reported from Iraq. These are: I inclus,n LeCont. T.
granarium Everts, T. variable Ballion. I. bactrianum Zantiev and T. irroraturn Reitter. A key
to the species is presented, with redeseriptions and illustrations of all species.
The insect is diagnosed and named by the National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI), USA as the Mint leaf Beetle Chrysolina herbacea alnadawi (Duftschmid, 1825), (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). The diagnosis was performed depending on the DNA analysis by 73% similarity with Chrysolina herbacea (Duftschmid, 1825) sequence, In the present study. It is recorded as a new insect pest on mint plant Mentha puleguim (L,1753) (Lamiaceae). DNA analysis confirmend that it is recorded for the first time in Iraq and the Arab world as well as the Middle East. Those insects were observed initially during August 2017 in residential gardens of Al-Bonooq district in Baghdad / Iraq.
A total of 680 fish specimens belonging to 31 species from the Yemeni coastal waters of the Red Sea were inspected for the isopod infestations. Four isopod species belonging to three families of the suborder Cymothoida were detected. These are: Aega psora (Linnaeus, 1758) from Lethrinus lentjan, Natatolana insignis Hobbins and Jones, 1993 from Abalistes stellatus, Excorallana tricornis (Hansen, 1890) from Epinephelus fuscoguttatus, E. guttatus and E. tauvina and Alcirona krebsi Hansen, 1890 from Epinephelus microdon. All these isopod species are reported here for the first time from the Yemeni coastal waters of the Red Se
... Show MoreParasitological examination of gills of three species of sparid fishes in the territorial waters of Iraq was performed, two diplectanid monogenoids were isolated and described; Lamellodiscus indicus Tripathi, 1959 from both Haffara seabream Rhabdosargus haffara (Forsskål, 1775) and Goldline seabream R. sarba (Forsskål, 1775) and Protolamellodiscus senilobatus Kritsky, Jiménez-Ruiz and Sey, 2000 from King soldierbream Argyrops spinifer (Forsskål, 1775). The record of the parasites is considered new to the parasite fauna of Iraq. The redescription of L. indicus for the first time which is collected from a new distribution area (Arabian Gulf). R. haffara is considered a new host record .
Aphelenchus avenae was isolated from the wheat crown in Summel distract- Duhok, Kurdistan region-Iraq infected by a crown rot disease which is caused by Fusarium spp; wheat's crown culturing on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) and incubating at 25°C A. avenae was found associated with fungal culture which meant that fungal nematode was parasitic on crown rot fungi on wheat crown, this species was described for the first time in Iraq.
Fungal Nematode incubated with Fusarium graminearum, F. oxysporum and Verticillium dahliae reproduce in both solid and liquid media, best results of nematode reproduction were recorded on F. graminearum followed by F. oxy
... Show MoreThe monogenean Gyrodactylus lavareti Malmberg, 1957 is recorded here in the present study for the first time in Iraq from gills of the common carp Cyprinus carpio. This is the twentieth gyrodactylid species to be recorded from fishes of Iraq. The description and measurements of this parasite as well as its illustration were given.
This research includes a detailed morphological description of
the Sarcophaga dialensis sp . nov . in Iraq . Many morphological characters are used in identification especially chaetotaxy and male genitalia .Locality records , data of collection and host plant were mentioned.
This study presented the first recorded of the banded garden spider Argiope trifasciata and described for the first time in Baghdad city, Iraq. The specimens were collected from Al-Rashidiya sub-district north of Baghdad city on 26/ November/ 2021 (7:00 am- 6:00 pm) from fruit gardens (orange and apricot trees) and agriculture lands (palm trees, crops of wheat and vegetables). The spider "Argiope trifasciata" species is a member of the orb-weaving spider genus. It belongs to the Araniedae family, widespread worldwide, and has four pairs of long legs covered with spines and eight eyes arranged in two rows. The females of Argiope trifasciata spiders are yellow and covered with silvery and shiny hairs on the
... Show MoreTrials were carried out in the middle of Iraq ( 3 different sites ) during 2009 to detecation and determined the seasonal occurrence of Agriotes lineatus L. Three YATOR funnel traps were used in each of these sites which baited with the specific pheromone of A. lineatus from the first of March to the end of October in the College of Agriculture - Abu- Ghraib / Provenance of Baghdad and AL-Nile / Provenance of Babylon , while in AL-Radhwania was used through May- June. Pheromone dispenser were changed every 6 weeks in each of these traps . Males of A. lineatus were found in all of the three sites , and the total number capture were 208 , 897 and 57 male / 3 traps / season in College of Agriculture , AL-Nile and AL-Radhwania respectiv
... Show MoreABSTRACT Two females of the red-back spider, Latrodectus scelio Thorell, 1870 were first recorded in Iraq, short description with figure was provided