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A total of 61 bat specimens belonging to three species were collected from four distinct sites in the middle of Iraq. Five species of acarine ectoparasites on bats were found. These were: Steatonyssus periblepharus Kolenati, Spinturnix acuminatus (C. L. K.). Cheletonella sp. Rhizoglyphus sp., and Argas sp. Three of the recorded species were new to Iraqi fauna. The abundance and accurence of each parasite was varied from one species to another. S. periblepharus aria S. acuminatus were the most common species found in this study.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of knowledge management in achieving strategic excellence Field research in some Iraqi private banks
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The purpose of the research is to study the impact of knowledge management (personalization and coding strategy) in achieving strategic excellence in the environment of Iraqi private banks, and the descriptive and analytical research approach has been adopted, so the researcher adopted positive philosophy according to the deductive approach for the purpose of deriving the first research hypothesis from the theoretical side and the research reached a group of The most important results are that the personalization strategy has made great progress in its ability to influence strategic superiority as a responsive variable, as the civil bank departments were successful in employing the changes that occurred in the personalization str

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Immunization effect of Proteus vulgaris fimbrial and lipopolysaccharide antigens in histopathological changes in some internal organ
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The aim of this study to conduct the effects of fimbrial and lipopolysacchride (LPS) immunization is on the pathohistological changes in rabbits, Fifteen rabbits of both sexes (Weight 1500-2000 gm) divided into three groups (5 animals of each group). The first group was immunized by 1ml (200µg /animal) of fimbrial subcutaneously the second group gave 1 ml ( 200 µg /animal) LPS while the third group was left as negative control group that injected 1 ml phosphate buffer control subcutaneously. First and second groups recived the same dose after two weeks give as booster dose. All animals challenged after 5 weeks of immunization by5X107CFU/ml Proteus vulgaris intra peritoneally .After 7 days from challenge all the animals, sacrificed for hi

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
A Vision to development the Islamic banks that operating under the financial system based on interest: (Iraq Case Study)
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This paper aims to build a modern vision for Islamic banks to ensure sustainability and growth, as well it aims to highlight the positive Iraqi steps in the Islamic banking sector. In order to build this vision, several scientific research approaches were adopted (quantitative, descriptive analytical, descriptive). As for the research community, it was for all the Iraqi private commercial banks, including Islamic banks. The research samples varied according to a diversity of the methods and the data availability. A questionnaire was constructed and conducted, measuring internal and external honesty. 50 questionnaires were distributed to Iraqi academic specialized in Islamic banking. All distributed forms were subject to a thorough analys

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 21 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Professional Business Review
The Impact of Dumping Policy on the Food Gap of Chicken Meat in Iraq For the Period (2004-2019) - Turkish Imports Of Chicken Meat a Case Study
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Purpose: As a result of the sudden and ill-considered trade openness of Iraq after 2003 to the countries of the world in general and the neighboring countries in particular, and in the absence of the necessary support for the national productive forces and the lack of effective standardization and quality control devices, this led to the exposure of most local products, especially agricultural ones, to decline and inability On the competition and thus dumping the Iraqi market, especially the agricultural products, with imported products, this study came to find out the effect that dumping has on the local production of chicken meat and the impact of that impact on the size of the food gap, and whether the results of the practica

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciências
Molecular characterization of viruses associated to leaf curl disease complex on zucchini squash in Iraq reveals Deng primer set could distinguish between New and Old World Begomoviruses
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 15 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Kerbala University
Viscosity and Volumetric studies of some amino acids in solutions at different temperatures
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Densities ρ and viscosities η for several concentrations of amino acids (Serine, Cysteine and Threonine) at different temperatures (298.15, 303.15 and 308.15K) have been measured. On the basis of these data, the apparent molal volumes v , partial molal volumes at infinite dilution v , slope Sv , Gibbs free energy of activation for viscous flow of solution ∆G1,2 and Jones – Dole Bcoefficients were calculated the nature of solute-solvent and solute-solute interactions have been discussed in terms of the values of v , v , Sv and B-coefficents

Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Visual pollution and statistical determination in some of Karrada district main streets /Baghdad
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This study objective is to identify the visual pollution in Karrada district main streets as an example of main streets in Baghdad, the public opinion about each pollutants, solutions to reduce and eliminate the pollution were suggested as well. In order to accomplish this objective different methods were used, 16 pollutants were selected, pictures of each pollutants were taken and a questioner were distributed randomly for 270 people to evaluate the public opinion with statistical methods. Garbage, their disposal and storage areas took the first two places as the highest offensive pollutants. The people showed that they find long lines of vehicles, debris and generators appearance ranked third, fourth and fifth respectively .This resear

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 18 2023
Journal Name
مجلة الدراسات المستدامة
A Review article:Diversity of fish in Iraqi waters and some factors affecting them
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Rivers Tigris and Euphrates, as well as the wetlands in southern Iraq and the Diyala River, were all included in the evaluation of earlier studies on the variety and factors impacting fish in Iraqi waters. Different studies documented different types, and the number of species recorded varied between the studies, which could be explained by the registration of some species, synonyms, differs from the registration of some species with synonymous names By mistake, as well as recording new species in times that followed some previous studies, Also, the difference in some factors, including the pollution of some waterways, leads to a difference in the existing species, so we find the presence of species that are tolerant of pollution. There are

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Isolation of Some Microorganisms from Bar Soaps and Liquid Soaps in Hospital Environments
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This study was designed to determine the colonization of the in-use hand washing soaps in hospital settings. It is a comparative cross-sectional research in a surgical specialties and Baghdad teaching hospital in Baghdad, Iraq. Swabs from surfaces of bar soaps and from liquid soaps via their applicator tips; at the sinks of toilets of hospital staff and working rooms of the wards were taken in January 2008. Conventional microbiologic methods were used for culture of the swabs and identification of the isolates. Colonization was detected 60% and 15.9% in bars and liquid forms respectively. And this lead to the conclusion that bar soaps could be colonized with microorganisms excessively. Liquid hand washing soaps are more appropriate in ho

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation to the level of some inflammatory markers in hypothyroid insulin resistant patients
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Hypothyroidism is a condition in which thyroid hormones levels decreased in the blood. These hormones are necessary for energy production and body viability. In many occasions this condition is accompanied or followed by different metabolic disorders. The current study is conducted in the "Specialized center for endocrinology and diabetes" and carried on 70 hypothyroid patients and 60 randomly chosen individuals with normal thyroid function .Both groups were submitted to laboratory tests to evaluate thyroid function (T3,T4.TSH). The study involved evaluation of the relationship between hypothyroidism and insulin resistance (IR) . Health problem related to many diseases , became common lately. Insulin resistance diagnosed through

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