230 stool samples were collected from 2 state homes for (males and females) to investigate
the infection of different intestinal parasites (pathogenic and non-pathogenic).
The infection rate was higher among males 15.7% than females 6%, these rates were
increased when concentration method was employed up to 54.8% for males and 8.7% for
females significantly.
Most infected orphans were found to harbor single parasite followed by double, triple
The highest rate of infection was found among young age group (1-5) years old, while
the older age groups got lowest rates.
Of helminthes, the commonest parasite was Hymenolepis nana 5.7% and of protozoa, the
commonest intestinal parasite was Giardia lamblia 7.4%.
An attempt was made to determine the insect parasites of cockroaches in Iraq. As a result of this survey three species of Hymenoptera representing two separate families, which have been reared from ootheca of cockroaches were recovered. These were: Evania dimidiata Fabricius, Evania appendigaster (Linnaeus) (Evaniidae) and Anastatus longicornis sp. n. (Eupelmidae) which described here as a new species from Iraq.
The Tigris River is a major source of Iraq’s drinking and agricultural water supply. An increase in pollution by heavy metals can be a great threat to human and aquatic life. In this study, the pollution index (PI) and metal index (MI) were used to evaluate the status of the Tigris River in Baghdad City. Five stations were chosen to conduct the study. Five heavy metals were analyzed: iron (Fe), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), and chromium (Cr). The result of PI was ranked between “No effect to moderately affected for Fe; Slightly Affected to Seriously Affected for Pb; no effect to moderately affected for Ni, and no effect to strongly affected for Cr; only Zn was in the No effec
Stool speeimens were collected from pati nts who presented for various medical c:omplaints in out patien.t Laboratories (The Central Health Laboratories / Baghdad,). Every ,$pecim-en wa:s examined by Conventional m jcroscopic exatninatitnl (CME) ·and te.§t d, by IgG ELISA kit.
Antibody against d1e Entamoeba histolylica, det cted by ELISA, has ·the potential to become a vah,mble adjunct to blood diagn9stics and make it more affective, .although there is no repJacement fo'e the
... Show MoreThe aim of this research is to study the effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on the temperature and precipitation patterns in Baghdad city. Data of the monthly means of the NAO index,the monthlymeans of temperature, and the monthly total of precipitation were analyzed for the period 1900-2008. Non-parametric tests were used to investigate the correlations between these variables. The time series of temperature and precipitation showed no trends. The results indicated that is a slight correlation between the NAO and temperature and precipitation suggesting that NAO has no major effects on the temperature and precipitation patterns in Baghdad city.
Groundwater is an important source of fresh water especially in countries having a decrease in or no surface water; therefore itis essential to assess the quality of groundwater and find the possibility of its use in different purposes (domestic; agricultural; animal; and other purposes). In this paper samples from 66 wells lying in different places in Baghdad city were used to determine 13 water parameters, to find the quality of groundwater and evaluate the possibility of using it for human, animal and irrigation by calculating WQI, SAR, RSC and Na% and TDS indicators. WQI results showed that the groundwater in all wells are not qualified for human use, while SAR and RSC indicated that most samples are suitable for irrigation use, and
... Show MoreBackground: Dental caries is the most common oral problem, although dental caries is not life threating, it has aharmful effect on quality of life. Socioeconomic factors were found to be strong predictors of the prevalence of oral diseases in children, likes family income, occupational prestige, and education. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of socioeconomic factors on occurrence dental caries in their children. Materials and methods: The sample consists of 550 kindergartens children aged between (4-5) years were selected randomly, girls and boys. The kindergartens selection was randomly from different geographical areas in Al-Najaf governorate. Information was taken from children's parents using questionnaire with the help o
... Show MoreIn this study 737 stool specimens were collected from people attending some primary health care centres and hospitals in North of Baghdad, during the period from beginning of April 2009 till the end of March 2010. Different factors were examined to be related with the prevalence of Cryptosporidiosis which were (number of family member, travelling history, source of drinking water and domestic animal present). Significant relations (p≤0.05) were observed between infection rate and the following factor: -Number of family member: The high percentage of Cryptosporidium spp positive cases were seen in families composed of (15-19) and (more than 20) individual which were 28.32% and 16.37% respectively when compared with other family clusters -T
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