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230 stool samples were collected from 2 state homes for (males and females) to investigate
the infection of different intestinal parasites (pathogenic and non-pathogenic).
The infection rate was higher among males 15.7% than females 6%, these rates were
increased when concentration method was employed up to 54.8% for males and 8.7% for
females significantly.
Most infected orphans were found to harbor single parasite followed by double, triple
The highest rate of infection was found among young age group (1-5) years old, while
the older age groups got lowest rates.
Of helminthes, the commonest parasite was Hymenolepis nana 5.7% and of protozoa, the
commonest intestinal parasite was Giardia lamblia 7.4%.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Study of Two Types Finite Graphs in KU-Semigroups
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In this ˑwork, we present theˑ notion of the ˑgraph for a KU-semigroup as theˑundirected simple graphˑ with the vertices are the elementsˑ of and weˑˑstudy the ˑgraph ofˑ equivalence classesˑofˑ which is determinedˑ by theˑ definition equivalenceˑ relation ofˑ these verticesˑ, andˑ then some related ˑproperties areˑ given. Several examples are presented and some theorems are proved. Byˑ usingˑ the definitionˑ ofˑ isomorphicˑ graph, ˑwe showˑ thatˑ the graphˑ of equivalence ˑclasses ˑand the ˑgraphˑof ˑa KU-semigroup ˑ areˑ theˑ sameˑ, in special cases.

Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Two Types Finite Graphs in KU-Semigroups
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      In this Ë‘work, we present theË‘ notion of the Ë‘graph for a KU-semigroup  as theË‘undirected simple graphË‘ with the vertices are the elementsË‘ of  and weË‘Ë‘study the Ë‘graph ofË‘ equivalence classesË‘ofË‘  which is determinedË‘ by theË‘ definition equivalenceË‘ relation ofË‘ these verticesË‘, andË‘ then some related Ë‘properties areË‘ given. Several examples are presented and some theorems are proved. ByË‘ usingË‘ the definitionË‘ ofË‘ isomorphicË‘ graph, Ë‘we showË‘ thatË‘ the graphË‘ of equivalence Ë‘classes Ë‘and the Ë‘graphË‘of Ë‘a KU-semigroup Ë‘  areË‘ theË‘ sameË‘,

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Child Science
Clinical and Genetic Varieties of Gaucher Disease in Iraqi Children
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Abstract<p>Gaucher disease (GD), which is due to a deficiency in the lysosomal enzyme β-glucocerebrosidase, is a rare genetic disorder. It is characterized by a wide variety of clinical manifestations and severity of symptoms, making it difficult to manage. A cross-sectional hospital-based genetic study was undertaken with 32 pediatric patients. We recruited 21 males and 11 females diagnosed with GD, with a male-to-female ratio of 1.91:1. The mean age of the study population was 8.79 ± 4.37 years with an age range from 8 months to 17 years. We included patients on clinical evaluation from 2011 to 2019. An enzyme assay test was used to measure β-glucosidase enzyme activity in leukocytes and the GBA gene s</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-nahrain University-science
Cytological Effects of Mutagenic Agents and NaCl on Mitotic Division in Two Iraqi Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes
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This study was carried out to determine the effects of NaCl (0.00, 50, 100, 150, 180 or 200) mM and two different types of mutagens chemical mutagen ethyl methyl sulphonate (EMS) at 0.5% and physical mutagen UV-B irradiation (40 min time exposure), on mitotic division in two Iraqi rice genotypes Amber 33 (A33) and Amber Baghdad (AB). Different concentrations of NaCl were used. Mitotic index (MI %) was decreased significantly by increasing NaCl concentration, however the highest mitotic index was recorded in mutated genotypes with EMS and UV-B. Different abnormal chromosomes were noticed in mutated plants. Results showed high percentage of abnormal chromosomes in EMS mutated genotypes. In addition no significant differences between genotypes

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 28 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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This study was aimed to reduce the amount of the sprayed solution lost during trees spraying.  At the same time, the concentration of the sprayed solution on the target (tree or bush) must be ensured and to find the best combination of treatments. Two factors controls the spraying process: (i) spraying speed (1.2 km/h, 2.4 km/h, 3.6 km/h), and (ii) the type of sensor. The test results showed a significant loss reduction percentage. It reached (6.05%, 5.39% and 2.05%) at the speed (1.2 km/h, 2.4 km/h, 3.6 km/h), respectively. It was noticed that when the speed becomes higher the loss becomes less accordingly. The interaction between the 3.6 km/h speed and the type of Ultrasonic sensor led to a decrease in the percentage of the spray

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Spatial Poetics and the "Murder of the Real"in Paul Auster's City of Glass*
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Paul Auster's City of Glass is here singled out as representative of the writer's The New
York Trilogy. All throughout his novelistic career, Auster has been working on a pseudothesis
that adheres to a certain aesthetic of disappearance. The study engages this Austerian
aesthetic apropos of certain theoretical stretches such as the Emersonian "Not Me", the
Thoreauvian "interval" or "nowhere", the Deleuzian "nomadic trajectory", the Derridian
"grammè" or "specter", and the Baudrillardian "disappearance". The city of the novel's titling
is here seen as the trope of all that which has already disappeared, and hence it is seen as the
space (mise en scène) where the perfect crime of the murder of the real is to be thoro

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Determination of some heavy Metals in tattoo Stickers in Children sweets available in local markets: Determination of some heavy Metals in tattoo Stickers in Children sweets available in local markets
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The objective of this study is to determination the content of some heavy metals (lead, cadmium, chromium) in colored tattoo stickers. twelve kinds of colored tattoo stikcers were collected from Baghdad markets, it was estimated heavy metals using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Shimadzu A5000). The results indicated the concentrations of lead in all samples (1.61_1.00 mg / kg) and chromium in the three samples (0.85_0.97 mg / kg) while other samples are free of chromium , and cadmium. These elements are the components of printing inks and dyes in tattoo stickers, and this does not conform to the health and safety conditions for the packaging of food according to the organizations of the health and safety of

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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Evaluation of the Drinking water in some Hospitals in Baghdad
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Due to the significance of hospital drinking water, a study was done to assess the water in three hospitals in Baghdad (Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, Ibn Sina Hospital, and Ibn-Al-Nafis Hospital) for its nature and quality, compare it to other hospitals in terms of its physical, chemical, and bacterial specifications, and compare it to international standards. According to Iraqi standards from 2009 and WHO standards from 2011, Chemical factors were measured, which included pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), and Calcium Ion (Ca+2). Reported readings are all within acceptable ranges for drinking water. In contrast, turbidity, total hardness (T.H.), chlorides (Cl-), magnesium (Mg+2), the number of aerobic plates (APC), total coliform (T

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Psychology And Education
The effect of Daniel's model on the development of critical thinking in the subject of Arabic language among students of the College of Management and Economics
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This research aims to identify the impact of Daniel's model on the development of critical thinking. In order to achieve this objective, the following hypotheses are formulated: 1. There is no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between the average differences in the posttest scores of the experimental group taught according to Daniel's model and the control group taught according to the traditional method in the measure of critical thinking. 2. There is no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between the average differences in the preand post-tests scores of the experimental group taught according to Daniel's model in the measure of critical thinking. The current research i

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Zanco Journal Of Medical Sciences
Epidemiology of viral hepatitis B and C in Iraq: a national survey 2005-2006
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Background and objective: Viral Hepatitis Type B&C is serious public health challenge throughout the world.Hepatitis B and C viruses still remain to be the major causes of chronic hepatitis.It is estimated that around 350-400 million people in the world are chronic carriers of HBV, which represents approximately 7% of the total populationwhereas infection with HCV is found in approximately 3% of the world population, which represents 160 million people. Hepatitis B infection has a wide range of seroprevalence in the Mediterranean countries ranging from intermediate (=>2% ) to high prevalence ( =>7%). World Health Organization estimated a prevalence rate for HCV infection of about 4.6% in Eastern Mediterranean in 1999. During the eightieths

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